The 14th Skills Festival and Campus Science Popularization "Quality Month" activity of the Zhuhai Technical College held the champion of the champion of the champion

Author:Zhuhai Published Time:2022.09.17

On September 16th, the 14th Skills Festival and Campus Science Education "Quality Month" activity of the 14th Skills Festival and Campus Popularization Education of Zhuhai City was launched at the same time. The self -confidence and pride of learning skills allows "traveling to the champion" to penetrate the hearts of the campus.

The theme of this skill festival is "Youth without regrets, and the skill is reported to the country." In the Jinwan Campus, students of the Intelligent Control Department, Smart Manufacturing Department, and Intelligent Electronics Department revolved around Zhuhai's "4+3" pillar industrial clusters, and exhibited independently designed 3D sculptures and industrial robot handling platforms. Canned intelligent production line ...

Chen Jiexin, teacher of the Intelligent Control Department, introduced that the drug canned intelligent production line was designed and produced by the students of integrated electromechanical. The production line includes six workstations: material handling, canned pharmaceutical, packaging, packaging, printing, printing, and outlets. "This production line is the" narrow version "of the enterprise production line. The assembly principle is connected to the actual production of the enterprise and examines the comprehensive skills quality of the students." Chen Jiexin said that the comprehensive mechanical and electrical integration of the hospital around the four leading industries of Zhuhai is closely related to the four leading industries of Zhuhai. New energy, biomedicine, and equipment manufacturing in the three major industries. Through the teaching methods of engineering integration, students "do middle schools, do schools", and bring enterprise projects to classrooms for teaching.

In the Jida Campus, the students of the Department of Art Design have brought the national tide illustration design such as the "twenty -four solar terms". The modern service department not only shows the tea skills skills, but also made a lot of colorful fragrance Cantonese cuisine, the Department of Finance and Trade The students stood in front of the online live broadcast ...

What "new" meaning is injected with this year's skill festival? Huang Guojun, Secretary of the Party Committee of the College, said that as the traditional characteristics of the college, the skill festival has become the annual skill and cultural event of the teachers and students of the college. This year's skill festival will be held early to the start of the school. Let the freshmen know the majors they are going to learn, love skills, like school skills, create a campus atmosphere of everyone to fight for the champion, and let the "champion out of the champion" deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Huang Guojun said that this year's skill festival also has a major feature with Zhuhai's "4+3" pillar industrial cluster and the city's "Quality Month" activity. 3 'Pillars Industrial Cluster, I also hope that through the majority of teachers and students to actively participate in the "Quality Month" activity of Zhuhai City, to further improve the teaching quality of faculty and staff and the quality of students' training works. "

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