Under the knowledge of knowledge, the translation studies have since glory, and the sky is high and the sky is wide and the sky is wide

Author:Catti center Time:2022.09.17

Translation is a road, and Hong Confucianism is like crossing the river, that is, no one shouted the name of "knowledge". Translation has been walking halfway, calling all the minds and souls who are thinking and producing knowledge: Translation is a cultural behavior and social practice of knowledge processing, reconstruction and re -dissemination of knowledge processing, reconstruction and re -communication. Although language and culture are always displayed in and caring, they are just the use of translation and translation. Because of the loss of body and seeing the device, it is destined to translate the little girl or children of others or other people's homes, and give up the pursuit of glory, great and magnificent knowledge. The universality and local nature of knowledge are the two unwavering priorities of translation. They are two basic attributes of all translation practice. All other external relationships and contacts are nothing more than their specific performance or derivative characteristics, so they are translation studies Two basic issues.

"Knowledge lies in the relationship between language and language, to restore the huge uniform plane of words and things, to let everything speak" (Foucault 2020: 43). Knowledge is the meaning of words, words, words, things, words and people. Language carrying cultural interweaving knowledge, knowledge is the translation practice after different languages, interpretation, and influence of each other. As Bach Gold (2009: 533) said, "Both languages ​​are frank, nervous, and face -to -face: each language knows themselves in other languages, and knows their strengths and deficiencies. These two. The boundaries of the language can be felt in the attitude of each item, every concept, and each point of view. Because the two languages ​​reflect the two world views. " The scientific, social, and humanity of knowledge has solved the long -term translation of discipline myths and classification anxiety. Translation will bring the three major knowledge of natural science, social science and humanities to become super or metada disciplines. No discipline does not accumulate knowledge in translation methods, and no discipline does not present ideological development in the form of translation; no discipline does not have the history of knowledge translation, and all disciplines should pay tribute to translation. At present, the national translation is full of translation, and the international communication is far away. Who said that the translation practice itself does not have a history of human thought and academics?

Lao Tzu said: "Dao Sheng is one, two life two, two lives, three lives." Tao is not far away, Dao's famous instrument. Knowledge translation is based on knowledge theory, with three internal elements of knowledge, language and translator; three scientific methods: truth, kindness, and the United States; From hidden to Xian, the translation world is translated. Knowledge is a social rules, and culture is a belief above life. Knowledge is real, culture is transcendence. Knowledge itself is a cultural existence of material and spirit. Culture is essentially knowledgeable because of the accumulation and purpose of knowledge.

In the past translation world, knowledge has been thinking for a long time, and the culture has always occupied the nest, so the translation has become an exile. At present, the knowledge returns to the original source. The translation not only glows with spiritual temperament, but also has a logical rule: to be honest, to establish righteousness, and to text with the United States. The translation has finally moved from technology to academics, from art to science. In the past translation research, most of the language analysis of chickens and dogs from ready -made texts, knowledge translation through the transparency of language conversion in the traditional sense, and put translation in the historical horizons and pattern of different knowledge community changes. Scientific analysis of the cultural background, social conditions, and political environment of different languages ​​in the face of different knowledge to choose, processing, transformation, and its language conversion, conceptual generation of knowledge production and conceptual generation. Knowledge translation is to explore the behavior, relationships, exercise, and laws of cross -language knowledge processing, reconstruction and re -dissemination.

Knowledge translation is the transformation and integration of translation theory and experience in academic history. settle down. Under the knowledge of knowledge, the translation studies have since glory, and the sky is high.

Source: Contemporary Foreign Language Research

Author: Yang Feng

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