"Pushing Week" is here, let's answer the questions together!

Author:Central National University Time:2022.09.17


What time is the National Promotion Week of Promoting Putonghua?

With the approval of the State Council, since 1998, the third week of September each year has promoted the Putonghua Propaganda Week in the country. The 25th Push Week will be held from September 12th to 18th, 2022.


In which year, the National General Language Law of the People's Republic of China has been promulgated?

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It was promulgated on October 31, 2000 and implemented from January 1, 2001.


What is the country's common language?

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The national language is Mandarin and standardized Chinese characters. State organs, schools and other educational institutions, Chinese -language publications, radio stations and television stations shall use Chinese characters as business terms, educational teaching words, and broadcasting words. Broadcasting, film and television, public places facilities, signature advertising, enterprise and business organizations, and the packaging of products sold in the country use the national language.


What is Mandarin?

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Mandarin is based on Beijing Voice as the standard voice, north of the dialect, and the modern Han nation with a model of modern vernacular. Chinese Mandarin is also one of the main languages ​​in the world and is one of the six formal working languages ​​of the United Nations. On December 8, 1973, the 28th session of the United Nations General Assembly passed unanimously and listed Chinese as one of the six working languages ​​of the conference and the Security Council.


What year was the promotion of Mandarin to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China?

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1982. On December 4, 1982, the fifth meeting of the Fifth National People's Congress adopted the fourth "Constitution of the People's Republic of China". The fourth part of the "Constitution of the People's Republic of China", Article 19 stipulates: "the country's promotion of common Mandarin nationwide."


Which position personnel should use Mandarin as a working language?

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The National General Language Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that the broadcasters, show hosts, film and television actors, teachers, and national organs should use Mandarin as working language. The "Implementation Measures for the Regulations on Teachers' Qualifications" promulgated by the Ministry of Education stipulates that the Putonghua level of the applied to identify the teacher qualifications shall reach the "Putonghua level test level standards" issued by the National Language and Classics Working Committee.


What is the legal basis for promoting Mandarin?

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Article 19 of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China stipulates that the country promotes the general mandarin nationwide. The "Ethnic Regional Autonomous Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Education Law of the People's Republic of China" and other laws have proposed to promote and use Mandarin. More importantly, the National General Language Law of the People's Republic of China was implemented on January 1, 2001. This is the first special law on language and words in my country. It stipulates the legal status of Mandarin and standardized Chinese characters as a national general language. Regulation.


What are the normative Chinese characters?

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Standardized Chinese characters refers to Chinese characters, simplified characters, and retaining the original glyphs that are simplified and officially published by the state in the form of the state.


What is the tool for spelling and phonetic in the country's general language?

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The "Chinese Pinyin Scheme" is a tool for spelling and phonetic. The "Chinese Pinyin Plan" is a set of spelling letters and spelling rules for spelling Chinese Chinese Mandarin by the National Congress of the State Council and approved by the National People's Congress. It is a unified norm of Chinese names, place names and Chinese literature Roman letters, and is used in areas where Chinese characters are inconvenient or unavailable.


When the National General Language Law of the People's Republic of China, when will the teaching of Chinese pinyin be? In what ways do schools and other educational institutions teach Mandarin and regulate Chinese characters?

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Primary education should conduct Chinese pinyin teaching. Schools and other educational institutions teach Mandarin and regulate Chinese characters through Chinese language courses. The Chinese textbooks used should meet the standards and standards of national language.


What situations can be retained or used in traditional Chinese characters and leisure characters?

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① Cultural relics and historic sites; ② vast characters in surnames; ③ art works such as calligraphy, seal engraving; ④ inscriptions and signboard hand books; ⑤ Publishing, teaching, and research need to be used; ⑥ special circumstances approved by the relevant departments of the State Council.


What is the language work department of the State Council?

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It is the National Language Working Committee and is now in the Ministry of Education.


What are the laws and regulations on promoting Mandarin?

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Article 19 of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China stipulates that the state promotes the general commonly used Mandarin in the country; Article 3 of the "National General Law of the People's Republic of China" stipulates that the state promotes Mandarin and promotes standardized Chinese characters. The Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the "Compulsory Education Law of the People's Republic of China", the "Regulations on the Work of Liberation", the "Regulations on the Management of Kindergarten", the "Outline of Patriotic Education", "Facing the 21st Century Education Revitalization Action Plan" To promote the use of Mandarin.


Is the alien characters and traditional characters in the surname allow it to be retained or used? Does the "name" in the name allow the use of foreign characters?

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The alien characters in the surname are allowed to be retained and used, and the traditional characters in the surname are not allowed to be retained and used. Do not use it.


In Chinese history, does the government make a precedent for clear requirements for Chinese characters and Chinese?

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Have. In Chinese history, the "book and same text" policy implemented by Qin Shihuang is the earliest example of the government's finishing and standardization of Chinese characters. The Emperor Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty was released in 1728, asking officials at all levels to speak official words in official duties (that is, the universal language at the time).


What is commonly used characters in modern Chinese? What is a modern Chinese word? What is irregular Chinese characters?

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Common Chinese words in modern Chinese refer to words that are often used, and reading general newspapers and periodical books must be mastered. In 1988, the "Modern Chinese Common Words" issued by the State Languary Commission and the State Education Commission received 3,500 words. The range of modern Chinese characters is larger than commonly used characters. It refers to the Chinese characters that are used in publishing and printing, dictionary compilation, and Chinese character information processing. In 1988, the National Press and Publication Agency and the National Language Commission issued a total of 7,000 words in "Modern Chinese". The general word table also specifies the glyphs, strokes and strokes of Chinese characters. The so -called irregular Chinese characters refer to the species that have been eliminated, the traditional Chinese characters that have been simplified, and the "two brief characters" and the wrong characters, and other characters that have been abolished.


The standard writing of Chinese characters is:

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Synchronous (from left to right, up and down first); vertical writing (from top to bottom, first right and left).


Some Asian countries used Chinese characters. Except for China, which countries are still using or partially using Chinese characters?

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Japan, South Korea, Singapore.


Use Pinyin input method to enter Chinese characters on the computer. What do users do?

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Master the standard Mandarin, correctly read standardized Chinese characters and use Chinese pinyin.


Which writing fonts have been used to this day, becoming the longest Chinese character standard font?

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Kaishu.The regular script is also called Zhengkai, Zhenshu, and Zhengshu. Since the appearance of the regular script of the 3rd century AD, it has continued to use for more than 1,600 years. It is the longest Chinese character standard font.

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