Academician Yang Shanlin: When I graduated from college, the curator of the library asked me to come back to take over

Author:Journal of China Science Time:2022.09.17

Text | Yang Shanlin (Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Professor of Hefei University of Technology)

In 1966, at the time, I was still in high school and concentrated on preparing the upcoming college entrance examination. However, the college entrance examination of that year did not come as appointment.

In the years of interrupting the college entrance examination, I have returned to farmers and worked as a worker for 8 years. At that time, I only had a high school degree, but I had an ideal that seemed "unrealistic" at that time -as a scientific researcher! Whenever there are technical engineers who come to the factory, I take a book and learn from them seriously.

It was not until 1978 that I officially opened my college career and had the opportunity to realize my ideals.

Academician Yang Shanlin conducted experiments in the laboratory. Photo by Xu Guokang

"Work in the library in the future"

When I was admitted to college, I was 30 years old and I was already the father of two children. My college entrance examination scores are very good -chemistry test is full of scores, mathematics is also close to full scores, and the total scores are among the best in the province.

Originally, I could choose a better school, but in order to take care of young children and elderly parents, I applied for computer application major in Hefei University of Technology not far from home. This has also become the beginning of my more than 40 years of scientific research. Essence

Looking back now, this choice is correct.

At that time, the atmosphere of college learning was very strong, and people were competing for time to make up for the time they lost. My age is very big among the same students. In addition to years of work experience, I have more realized the importance of knowledge. Therefore, my learning is even more powerful.

During that time, the school's courses were not as many as they are now, and each student has a lot of time for their own control.

After I went to the classroom to listen to the teacher, after I came back, I read the information in the library for a long time, and used the laboratory to do various experiments to expand my knowledge. Set learning method.

My undergraduate graduation design is also born in the process of "Boiling Library" every day.

At that time, the management system of college libraries was far from being developed. The procedures for borrowing books and repayment every day were cumbersome, and it was easy to make mistakes. In response to this issue, I thought that if a computer is used as a library management, it should greatly improve efficiency.

Speaking of it, I led two classmates. After repeated experiments, a library management system was born in our hands. This system can not only manage the various books of the library, facilitate the search of teachers and students, but also well coordinate the teachers and students to borrow books and repay the book time. Reminder.

In the end, this system was really applied to the school's library, and at the time, there were very few such systems in the academy across the country.

I still remember that when I was near graduation, the curator of the school library said to me with a smile: "Don't go wherever you go in the future, come to the library to work, and be our curator in the future!" Although it has passed for decades, at the time, at that time The scene is still vivid. I also experienced the discovery of problems from practice, and solved the sense of satisfaction and accomplishment through scientific research.

Half -century teacher -student love

During the study, my alma mater left me a lot of good memories. Among these memories, there are the satisfaction of learning, the joy of getting along, and the friendship between teachers and students with teachers.

The teacher who left the deepest impression was the teacher Yu Shizhong who taught us the automatic control of the principles. He was extremely responsible for students, which left me a deep impact on me, and even affected my future teaching career.

For example, I need to spend a lot of time experiments during my junior year and senior year. Sometimes the experiments have done a long time, and I unknowingly miss the time for dinner.

At that time, there was no place to eat around, and I could only be hungry. After Teacher Yu knows, he will call me to eat at home. Although his meals are simple, sometimes there are only boiling water for rice, plus a small piece of pickles, but the warm feeling has made me miss to this day. By his sincere love for a student.

Interestingly, Teacher Yu was the first to find me "Bole" among all university teachers. And thanks to the reminder of his wife, Teacher Ye, Teacher Ye also taught me the course.

Once, she told the teacher that you should pay more attention to Yang Shanlin in your class. Since then, Teacher Yu has given me more help. With his help and care, I have gained more growth.

To this day, I have maintained contact with the teacher Yu and his wife. Although they have moved to Tianjin, Shenzhen and other places, I will still visit them.

In my opinion, when I was studying in college, I could meet a teacher who appreciated himself and really cared about himself. It is precious for every young student. But to do this, we also need to respect and trust each other between teachers and students.

Learn to create the environment

After finishing the study of the undergraduate stage, I continued to study for a master's degree at my alma mater, and then stayed in school to teach and walked step by step.

It is no longer at the time when I was in school, and young people in each era have their own responsibilities and mission.

But in any case, college students in the ivory tower must have a sense of responsibility and mission. I hope that today's college students can understand this.

As a student's "job", the study of college is obviously different from middle school. That is, college students pay more attention to the cultivation of self -learning ability and lay the foundation for future creative work. Of course, in addition to learning, college students need to exercise their ideological realm and develop the basic attitude of treating people.

In particular, we must be able to unite the students and respect the teacher. Only in this way can we deal with the relationship with the colleagues and collaborators around the society in the future.

This seems to be normal, but it is actually very important, because whether it is currently studying or future work, there must be a good surrounding environment. This environment is created by itself.

A good researcher should have the ability to create a positive peripheral atmosphere even in different environments.

Especially after becoming a team leader and organizer, this ability is even more important.

The training of this aspect began in the initial stage of scientific research, and college students are at this stage.

In short, in addition to learning, there are too many things to do for young people, and it is worth doing. As for whether you can achieve your goals, the key depends on the students themselves.

(Chen Bin, a reporter from the China Science News, interviewed and sorted out)

"China Science News" (2022-08-30 The 3rd edition of the 3rd University observed the original title "Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Professor Yang Shanlin of Hefei University of Technology: the first" Bole "of my university")

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