Teachers are the biggest problem!What should I think of "Gongxiang"?

Author:Scientific network Time:2022.09.16

Text | Wang Yizhen (former executive vice president of Peking University)

As a "retirement teacher" who has been separated from the first line of teaching and research, it is not a beak for specific issues such as engineering education science, but since it is "everyone talks", the author will not talk about the liberals.

The essence of Marxism is to analyze specific issues. Undergraduate education (the author believes that graduate education is not simply "education", and graduate students are already preliminary science and technology workers, so this article only discusses undergraduate education) is a more complicated issue in the science of science and education of undergraduate education) Not to be denied or affirmed in general.

"Gongbing" or the source of economic progress

It must be acknowledged that most people currently see the mission of high undergraduate education too much. What the philosopher Kant said is the truth, but the "education" here should not only refer to school education.

In my opinion, family education is the most basic education, and social education and environmental education are equally important. At present, many parents are worried that their children are "losing on the starting line" and always put too much pressure on their children. In fact, they have applied harmful family education to their children.

Most of the time in life is working, and achievements are generally in society rather than schools. School education only lays some foundations in establishing students' values, teaching knowledge, and training ability. Only most of the people can achieve impressive achievements in the stage of undergraduate education.

However, public opinion requires students to be named "innovative talents" after graduating from undergraduate, which is impossible.

There was a saying before -the engineering college is the "cradle" of engineers, which is generally in line with reality, but more people say that the undergraduate output of the engineering college is the "blank" of the engineer. Now it seems that this is not exactly enough. Many people can't even "blank". Because the "blank" is at least formed, but the current undergraduate, assuming that the "electrical engineering and its automation" majors, the job post after graduation may be running the generator set or the deployment of the power supply network. Essence

About 30 years ago, someone graduated from a domestic motor major. I hope to go to the United States to study high -voltage electricity graduate students. I ask the author (in the United States) to help ask which university's motor department has research advantages. However, several universities I asked do not study these contents. After seeing the curriculum table of these school motor systems, the author also found that it was similar to the courses of the Department of Physics. In this regard, the author was quite surprised and asked where the engineers of the power plant running machines were cultivated.

In this regard, they answered a little bit: "Of course it is the company itself. The school lays the foundation, and the graduates have old engineers in the actual environment of the factory. After one and a half years of practice, they will be practiced." Therefore The graduates who come out are still unable to be an engineer, and they are not "talents", but they are "assistant engineers". It depends on its future development.

Compared with high -level job training capabilities in foreign companies, if graduates in my country do not have the ability to do it directly, they will be considered a failure of university education. Therefore, in the 1950s and 1960s, there were "radar majors" divided into "specialization" according to the radar model. Graduates can "close their eyes and disassemble radar" as soon as they get their jobs. But this is just the work of technicians. Is it really the high quality of university teaching?

You know, the motor graduates of American universities can engage in the research and development of green new energy in the future and become a pioneer leading the energy industry. This is where they are clever.

From this perspective, the so -called "work -oriented" and "science of engineering education and education" are the source of economic progress.

Science and engineering education should respect the essence of essence

If you trace forward, only universities with basic disciplines of liberal arts and sciences can be called "university". After the adjustment of the academy in 1952, the concept of "university" began to expand, especially at the moment, the discipline categories of domestic colleges and universities were divided into finer. Most professional universities were named "university". Cultivated elite talents who have a leading role in various fields. In any science and technology industry, disruptive original innovation often comes from science, and pursuing the paradigm innovation of engineering technology. Therefore, they emphasize that it is natural for the science foundation of students.

However, for the undergraduate graduates of most universities, they should also serve the current needs of the country and society, and facing existing enterprises and their technological progress. According to the current status of Chinese enterprise position training capabilities, they must have the ability to quickly invest in actual work.

To this end, they must receive sufficient engineering technical training in school. For these universities, "science of science and education in engineering" is a problem. Unfortunately, the engineering technology of the engineering graduates of a considerable number of universities is even lagging behind existing enterprises, which can not be mentioned that the technological progress and innovation of enterprises have been transformed.

The reason for this is not only the stubbornness of the "five only" so that teachers cannot concentrate on teaching, but also have a lot of problems and mechanisms. In this regard, the author will also make a special explanation.

It is clear that science and engineering education is essentially different, and the nature and goals of science and technology are also different. Although the current science and technology progress is thousands of miles a day, the two are more and more dependent on each other, and sometimes even difficulty in dividing the boundary, they do have different cultures (or "subcultures").

Therefore, no matter which level or type of universities, it should be different in the guidance of the department and the engineering department. The goal of science is mainly based on the existence of the world, the existence of material research, and its interconnection and movement laws. As the famous scientist Zhu Kezhen said, it is "only ask right and wrong, regardless of interest". In contrast, the engineering science is mainly based on research and creating "useful artificial goods" that meets people's needs. It reflects human use and transformation of nature. It is completely "people -oriented". Human interests and good and evil relationships. The two have different values ​​and thinking methods.

Since the new century, it has promoted engineering education around the concept of CDIO internationally, including four elements and links: Conceive, Design, Implement (Implement), and Operate. They have a complex relationship with each other, and they must be able to comprehensively use the laws of natural or social sciences, or even artistic wisdom. Students should have the ability to deal with interpersonal relationships and integrate different aspects of different disciplines.

These all reflect the concepts, characteristics and spirit of engineering education. No matter how engineering education relies on science or science, if these things are lost during the school, it will not be called "engineering". Not only do you have curriculum teaching, but more importantly, there are many different and lively practical activities that are different and lively.

School -enterprise joint undertaking projects are practical practices

At present, the reason why some engineering sciences cannot reflect their schooling philosophy and spirit, teachers' "incompetence" is the biggest problem. The science and engineering department should be "created", and "creative" is mainly a business. However, most teachers are "entering the school when they go out", and then study and write papers. They have not made things. How can he teach students who can "make botuses"?

In the author's opinion, the essence of the teacher's problem is the institutional mechanism. Among them, the "talent unit ownership" is the important one -before liberation, and some engineers of the University of Engineering Sciences have many engineers of the University of Engineering to teach part -time lectures. However, in addition to higher vocational colleges, such things are extremely rare for ordinary universities.

In recent years, with the rapid development of the economy, all enterprises must compete hard. Enterprises have been too busy, and wherever they have time to go to colleges and universities. Many universities are also unwilling to try on the grounds that they are not good for the "double teacher" system.

Because universities lack interpersonal exchanges with enterprises, and they have different pursuits of different interests, it is not easy to achieve the integration of production and education and collaborative education. But in this way, not only does the course teaching lack the true technical concept and spirit, but also the lack of various practical activities.

From the current situation, it is unrealistic to make significant adjustments in the system and mechanism. The more practical approach is to use the opportunity of economic transformation and enterprise upgrades in the new era, and schools and enterprises will cooperate with a large number of scientific and technological development projects. At this point, both parties have urgent demand and common interests -the independent research and development capabilities of most enterprises in my country, and colleges and universities need to promote the grade and reputation of their school running through scientific and technological development. In this way, the interests of the two parties are easy to cooperate.

At present, it is relatively easy to apply for and obtain various types of scientific and technological development projects in schools. Both parties should take the major or urgent needs of the state and regions and departments in the national economy. Science and technology development projects, absorb the participation of enterprise personnel, contribute to the update and transformation of enterprises.

At the same time, the connection between enterprise personnel and schools should also be strengthened so that they can participate in curriculum construction, update teaching content, reform teaching methods, and carry out relevant extracurricular practice activities. In this way, the mechanism of integration and cooperative education between schools and enterprises will gradually be established. The engineering of engineering is dependent on science and science, and the issue of science and education of engineering and education will also slowly resolve.

In addition, some foreign schools can be used to implement a "sandwich" teaching system. One year before the graduation of the student, when you work in the future, you will work for a period of time to work in the future, and then enter the school to read some courses according to the needs of the work or the weakness shown in the student. It has been nearly 30 years of implementation of such a system (called the "stop school"), and the effect is good. This can also be used as a way to integrate and educate people.

"China Science News" (2022-09-13 Observation of the 3rd edition of the 3rd edition)

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