Ministry of Education: Cancel five categories of national bonus points!In 2024, no longer recruit art specialty!What about the entrance examination?

Author:Xiamen Daily Time:2022.09.16


The Ministry of Education held the "Ten Years of Education" and "1+1" series

Twelfth press conference

Focus on the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

The effectiveness of the reform of the examination enrollment system


Let's introduce bonus points and art students' reforms



Five categories of national college entrance examination extra points project cancellation

Wang Hui, director of the University of Education, said that in recent years, the Ministry of Education has continued to clean up and standardize the additional points of the college entrance examination, achieving the goal of "greatly reduced and strict control".

According to Wang Hui, in 2015 and 2019, the Ministry of Education and relevant departments, in accordance with the principles of "promoting fairness, standardized management, scientific accuracy", have carried out two rounds of cleanup and standardized college entrance examinations, which clearly cancel the five categories of national college entrance examination plus The project is:

Sports Special Student Middle School Student Olympic Competition Science and Technology Competition's provincial outstanding student ideological and moral morality has outstanding deeds. At the same time, the Ministry of Education guides localities to reduce local bonus programs, further reduce bonus points, and gradually cancel 95 local bonus projects. In conjunction with relevant departments, it is more accurate to promote the extra points of ethnic minorities.

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What about Fujian Province?

In Fujian, these five types of college entrance examinations have been canceled long ago. In fact, the whole country is also. Yesterday, the Ministry of Education was introducing the reform of the enrollment examination system over the past 10 years, not to announce a new policy.

In 2020, the five departments of the Fujian Provincial Department of Education's notice on the implementation plan for further deepening the reform of the college entrance examination, mainly two major adjustments.

(1) Keep some national college entrance examination extra points projects

1. Candidates for martyrs, with a bonus score of 20 points.

2. During the service period, a retired soldier candidate who has been granted a second -class skill or a theater (formerly the Army) or above by the theater (formerly the Army) has a bonus score of 10 points.

3. Candidates for retired soldiers who are employed are 5 points.

The above three national college entrance examination bonus projects can be used for all colleges and universities.

(2) Adjust some national college entrance examination extra points project

1. Returned overseas Chinese, overseas Chinese children, returned overseas Chinese candidates, and Taiwanese provincial candidates (including Taiwanese household registration candidates), the extra score is adjusted from 2021 to 5 points, which can be used for all colleges and universities.

2. Candidates of ethnic minorities have been adjusted from 2021 to 5 points. Candidates such as connected islands. in:

From 2021 to 2023, ethnic minority candidates can be used for all colleges and universities; from 2024 to 2025, the extra points for ethnic minorities are used for provincial universities. Since 2026, candidates for ethnic minorities have been canceled.

In other words, from now to 2025, the minority candidates in Xiamen are only qualified for the college entrance examination in the "bridgeless and the islands connected to the mainland" in Gulangyu.

Except for ethnic minorities of the above -mentioned settlements, other ethnic minorities can only enjoy "priority admission under the same conditions".

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Xiamenzhong Zhaodu also adjusts points

In 2021, the Municipal Education Bureau issued a policy adjustment plan for school enrollment and admission policy for school enrollment and admission policy. The main contents are:

First, since 2021, the care policy of "household registration in the city's ethnic minority candidates" was originally plus three points. National Candidates "plus three points. In addition, the "household registration in the city's ethnic minority candidates" plus three points to be modified to prioritize under the same conditions.

The second is to increase the terms of the British model or fire rescue personnel of the public security model or fire rescue personnel plus 12 points.

After 2022 and after,

How to adjust the Xiamen Zhongzhao Points Policy?

The first is that "the household registration is in our city's no-bridge, the seafase is connected to the mainland, the island ethnic minority candidates" can be added 3 points from 2021 to 2025, and canceled in 2026.

Second, "the first high-level talents who have not enjoyed the child who have not enjoyed the child of the talent to learn to take care of the policy" can be added by 3 points from 2021 to 2025, and it is canceled in 2026.

Third, under the same conditions of "disabled candidates with independent living and learning ability", priority admission is preferential. It is retained from 2021 to 2025 and canceled in 2026.

In addition, the Municipal Education Bureau pointed out that if the provincial and above documents have new regulations and new requirements, the admission policy in our city will also be adjusted accordingly.

In other words, from now to 2025, the ethnic minorities in Xiamen are only qualified for the bonus of the middle school entrance examination in the "bridgeless and the seafase connected to the mainland" in Gulangyu.



Promoting the reform of art majors and high -level sports team examination enrollment reforms

Back to the Ministry of Education yesterday's press conference.

Wang Hui emphasized that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in accordance with the requirements of the Party Central Committee to strictly govern the party's deployment requirements, comprehensively and strict examinations, and comprehensively and strictly govern the enrollment. Strengthen the construction of the system, formulate and introduce the "Interim Measures for the Treatment of Universities Admissions Violations", and propose and implement a series of enrollment ban on "30 unable to" and "eight basic requirements". Continue to strengthen information disclosure, strictly implement the "ten disclosure" of enrollment information, and establish a four -level information disclosure system for ministries, provincial, universities, and middle schools. Cooperate with the Ministry of Public Security and other departments to severely crack down on illegal activities involving the exam. Actively promote the enrollment reform of art majors and high -level sports teams in colleges and universities, further strengthen standardized management, and improve the quality of talent selection.

So, how is the artistic enrollment system reform?

From 2024, the recruitment of university art special students

Last year, the Ministry of Education issued the "Guiding Opinions on Further Strengthening and Improve the Admissions of the Arts Professional Examinations for General College", and made arrangements for further deepening the reform of the enrollment of art majors in universities.

It is clear that starting from 2024, the high -level art group of colleges and universities will no longer be selected from college admissions, and relevant colleges and universities will be selected and cultivated from school students; gradually improving cultural performance requirements, reversing some college art professionals and talent selection of "heavy professional and light culture" tendencies tendency Wait.

"High -level Art Troupe" is commonly known as "art specialty students". Of course, in recent years, there have been fewer and fewer enrollment schools in college art specialty students.

Of course, art special students and art enrollment are two concepts. The artistic specialty students are admitted to the art specialty (after passing the artistic expert test, the college entrance examination can be reduced), the non -art major in colleges and universities, and the art candidates must unify the examination of the art examination examination , Studying art.

The "Guidance Opinions" states that from 2021, the relevant reform work has been promoted. By 2024, the main body is basically established based on the unified college entrance examination and the provincial professional examination. Examination, comprehensive evaluation, and diversified admission college art professional examination enrollment system, which basically forms a selection and evaluation system that promotes fairness, scientific selection, and strong supervision.

In vernacular, the art test is gradually not a shortcut for the college entrance examination.

Universities and universities

Focus on 4 aspects of tasks


The first is to promote the characteristic development of the art majors of colleges and universities. Clarify the selection and cultivation positioning of talents, build a selection and training system that is compatible with school positioning and characteristics, and strive to select and cultivate artistic talents with moral arts. Optimize the professional layout of art disciplines, comprehensively consider college school running conditions, teachers, employment status, etc., and reasonably arrange the admissions plan. Professionals with insufficient social demand and low training quality are adjusted or stopped for enrollment.

The second is to improve professional examination methods. Vigorously promote the classification of art majors. Actively expand the scope of provincial unified examinations, and by 2024, the provincial -level unified examination of art majors will be basically achieved, and the provincial -level unified examination level and quality will be continuously improved. Strictly control the scope and scale of the school test, establish and improve the school test college and professional access to withdraw from the exit mechanism, scientifically and reasonably determine the form of school examinations, and strictly control the scale of on -site examinations. Since 2024, school testing points will not be set up across the province. Improve the selection mechanism of the evaluation staff, and optimize the structure of the evaluation staff. Strengthen the standardized management of examination organizations, prevent the fraud in the exam, and ensure that the examination is fair and fair.

The third is to improve the admissions admission mechanism. Since 2024, classified admission is implemented according to different professional characteristics and talent selection and training requirements. Gradually improve the requirements of the college entrance examination culture class, and effectively reverse the tendency of "emphasis on professional and light culture" for the selection of art professionals in some colleges and universities.

The fourth is to strengthen the supervision and management mechanism. Establish and improve the provincial school's two -level supervision and restriction mechanism, strengthen the disclosure of enrollment information, and increase the investigation and punishment of violations of regulations and discipline.

It is unknown whether this will affect the enrollment enrollment of the art of high school entrance examinations. It is also believed that it will not affect the enrollment of special students in the high school entrance examination, because after the art of high school entrance examination arts, you can choose a high -recruitment of art examinations.

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High -level sports team enrollment

Improve cultural requirements and optimize enrollment projects

After publishing the opinions of artistic enrollment reform, the Ministry of Education and the State Sports Administration of Sports also jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Further Improve and Standardize the Admissions of the Examination of High -level Sports Teams in colleges and universities" (hereinafter referred to as "Guidance Opinions") to deepen college high school high school high school high The horizontal sports team's examination enrollment reform has been deployed to clarify specific tasks such as optimizing the scope of enrollment projects, improving cultural performance requirements, and improving the admissions admission mechanism.

The "Guidance Opinions" pointed out that it is necessary to highlight the problem orientation, strictly enrollment procedures, improve the evaluation mechanism, and focus on solving the low level of cultural achievements and sports competition in individual students. Certificate fraud and other issues.

"Guidance Opinions" released seven work requirements.

The first is to optimize the scope of admissions projects. Within the scope of the Olympic Games and the World University Student Games (including football, basketball, volleyball items, etc.), the sports team enrollment project and admissions plan are determined. Focus on arranging sports projects with a good foundation, high degree of popularity, and strong competitive mass.

For universities that do not have relevant teachers, equipment, venue and other teams, students who have receded more than 20%after entering the school, and non -Olympic or World University Student Games projects, no athlete technical level standards, severe sources of students, and the number of admission for two consecutive years in a row for two consecutive years For related projects, high -level sports team enrollment is no longer arranged.

Establish and improve the withdrawal mechanism of enrollment colleges and project access. In principle, there are no projects where students participated in the Olympic Games and the World University Student Games for three consecutive consecutive Olympic Games.

The second is strict application conditions and qualification review. Since 2024, the registration conditions for the college entrance examination of the Shengyuan Provincial Province, and obtaining a national -level athlete (inclusive) or above, those who have a high -level sports team can apply for a high -level sports team.

Since 2027, it meets the requirements for the college entrance examination registration of the Shengyuan Province, and has obtained the titles of technical grades above the national athletes (including) and above and in the past three years. Horizontal sports team. Sports departments in various places should strengthen the issuance and management of athletes' technical level certificates. Relevant universities should strengthen the verification of the technical level certificate of candidates and athletes. If you find a certificate of suspected problems, please ask the relevant sports departments to further verify it.

The third is to improve the test evaluation method. Adopt the combination of "cultural examination+professional test". Since 2024, all the results of the cultural examination will be used in the national unified college entrance examination culture course. The professional tests are all included in the National Unified Examination and will be organized and implemented by the State General Administration of Sports. College will no longer organize related professional testing.

The fourth is to improve cultural performance requirements. Starting in 2024, the "World -class university construction university" recruiting high -level sports teams must reach the minimum control score of the undergraduate admission of students in the province of students; 80%of the score line.

Candidates who have outstanding sports scores and have special training potential, allow colleges and universities to explore the establishment of cultural courses for the admission mechanism.

Fifth, improve the admissions admission mechanism. Since 2024, among the high -level sports team admission students, the results of the college entrance examination culture lessons are not lower than the relevant majors of admissions universities in the province of students to admission for 20 points, and they can apply for the corresponding general majors; the remaining students are limited to sports majors.

Sixth, strengthen the management of admission training. When freshmen enroll, colleges and universities must strictly organize new students to review. Students should sign an agreement with colleges and universities to earnestly fulfill their obligations to participate in training and competition. Universities should set the students' assessment in the sports team as a compulsory course for management, and calculate the compulsory credits into the total credits. Those who do not participate in training and competition without authorization after enrollment shall be dealt with strictly in accordance with the regulations of student status. Strict academic standards, in principle, high -level sports team students should be consistent with the academic level of ordinary students.

Seventh, to increase supervision and investigate and deal with violations. Candidates, universities and relevant personnel who are fraudulent and enrollment of athletes' technical level certificates and enrollment are strictly handled in accordance with relevant regulations.

Source: Xiamen Recruitment

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