"Event Registration" gives you a key, open a time and space door | Gezhi Tao Tao · Haidian

Author:The Chinese Academy of Science Time:2022.09.16

Gezhi Tao · Haidian

National Popular Science Day Event

"Give you a key"

Have you ever been curious

What kind of scenery is hidden outside the door?

Thousands of hectares, excellent landscapes

Pour in ink, artificial intelligence

Give you a key

Open a door of time and space

Follow the footprint of dinosaurs

The shadow of painting black holes

Blueprint for renovation of life

Rebellion of immortality

September 17, 2022

Beijing Haidian · Chinese Academy of Sciences Information Building

Let the past and the future meet

Modern and traditional integration

Science and art hug


Wang Haoyi · Gene Edit

What do we pay attention to when editing the book of life?

Researcher of the Institute of Animal Research, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the deputy director of the National Key Laboratory of Stem Cell and Reproductive Biology, and the leader of the genetic engineering technology research team. A number of achievements have been achieved in recent years, including the establishment of efficient gene editing methods in human multi-energy stem cells and CAR-T cells; establishing gene editing and embryoing power to build mice model methods; establishment of original gene expression regulation technology CRISPR -on and Casillio system. Related research results were published in magazines such as Cell, Nature Biotechnology, Cell STEM CELL, Genome Research, Cell Research, and the total number of references has exceeded 12,000 times. It has obtained support from the National Natural Science Foundation of Natural Science Foundation, the stem cell guide project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the support of the Ministry of Science and Technology Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine R & D Plan.

Zhang Baoxiu · History Geography

Sanshan Five Garden: National History and Culture P herthful area

Doctor of History and Geography at Peking University, Dean and Professor of the School of Applied Arts and Sciences at the United University of Beijing, chairman of the school academic committee, and director of the Beijing Studies Research Base. Beijing Teaching Teacher, Beijing "Gao Chuang Plan" leader, Beijing Great Wall scholar. He is also a member of the Teaching and Guidance Committee of the Geographical Sciences of the Ministry of Education, and the deputy chairman of the Cultural and Rural Specialty Committee of the Chinese Geographical Society. Teaching and research fields are historical geography and human geography. Published works such as "The Great Wall and Bridge of Beijing", edited by many academic collections of "Beijing Studies" and "Three Mountain and Five Garden Research", published more than 100 papers. Won 1 Beijing Philosophy and Social Sciences Award, and 2 Beijing Higher Education Teaching Achievements Award.

Dong Weiming · Calculation Art

With AI, everyone is an artist

Researchers at the National Key Laboratory of the Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, director of the Chinese Film and Fine Arts Society, and executive member of the Chinese Computer Society Computing Art Branch. He has been engaged in computing creative research for a long time, and has achieved a series of results in the direction of intelligent painting, intelligent photography, intelligent presentation, and intelligent editing. He has published academic papers in important international journals and international conferences in important international journals such as ACM TOG, IEEE TVCG, IEEE TIP, SIGGRAPPH, and CVPR. For the rest, the results have been applied to a number of Internet products that Volkswagen can use daily.

Yu Xin · Science Spirit

"As a leaf, there is no weight, I am willing to give up my life"

"Two bombs and one star" meritorious son Yu Min's son. Members of the Chinese Agricultural and Industry Party, graduated from Tianjin Textile Institute of Textile Engineering in 1985, have long been engaged in corporate informationization and risk management.

You Hailu China Dinosaur

The wind and rain are 200 million years old, and the love is still not broken

Researchers and Dr. Pennsylvania of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania. He has been engaged in dinosaur scientific research and scientific research for more than 30 years, published more than 100 academic papers in publications including Nature, Science, and named more than 20 kinds of dinosaurs.

Sun He computing imaging

Understand the universe and life by taking pictures

Assistant professor and researcher of the National Biomedical Imaging Science Center of Peking University Future Technical College. He graduated from the School of Engineering of Peking University, graduated from the Department of Machinery and Aerospace University of Princeton University, and has engaged in postdoctoral research at the Computer Department of California University of Technology. The research direction is the application of computing imaging and adaptive optics, especially artificial intelligence in scientific imaging issues such as biology, medicine, and astronomy. Related research results have published more than 30 academic papers in international conferences and journals, and are applied to many international large -scale scientific tasks such as the black hole imaging of telescopes in the event field.


Chen Zheng

Associate Professor of Beijing Jiaotong University

The top ten scientific communication figures of "Praise · 2019 Popular Science China", the 21st Mao Yisheng Beijing Youth Science and Technology Award winner, and 2019 Chinese science and year news figure.

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