It's about examination enrollment, the Ministry of Education's latest release

Author:Great Wall Time:2022.09.16

The Ministry of Education held a press conference today (15th) to introduce the progress of the reform of the examination system since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

The new teaching materials of this fall semester this fall are fully implemented

According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Education, in the autumn semester of 2022, provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) across the country have fully implemented new courses and new textbooks, and 29 provinces entering the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination have achieved new courses, new textbooks, and new college entrance examinations. "".

Since 2018, the Ministry of Education has held 18 new courses for new courses for new teaching materials for new courses in the country. It has combined offline training. A total of 470,000 training principals and teachers have been trained. Direct training and continuously improve the leadership of the principal's curriculum and the ability of teacher education and teaching. In 2020, 33 ordinary high school new curriculum new textbooks were selected nationwide to implement national demonstration zones and 99 demonstration schools. Each demonstration area school launched more than 150 online public teaching and research activities for more than 150 nationwide, and actively played the role of demonstration.

At the conference site. Source: Ministry of Education's official website

Five categories of national college entrance examination bonus points have been canceled

At the meeting, the relevant person in charge introduced that in 2015 and 2019, the Ministry of Education and the relevant departments in accordance with the principles of "promoting fairness, standardized management, and scientific accuracy", they successively carried out two rounds of cleanup and standardized college entrance examinations to clearly cancel sports specialty. The five national college entrance examination bonus projects, such as the Olympic Competition of the Middle School Student Olympics, the scientific and technological competition, the provincial outstanding students, and the morals of ideological products, and guide all localities to reduce local bonus programs and further reduce the extra scores.

At present, 5 types of national college entrance examinations have been canceled, and 95 local bonus projects have been gradually canceled. In conjunction with relevant departments, it is more accurate to promote the extra points of ethnic minorities. By cleaning up the bonus points of the college entrance examination, the goal of "greatly reduced and strict control" was achieved.

Strict management of enrollment standards, improve the quality of talent selection

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in accordance with the comprehensive and strict deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee, comprehensively and strict examinations, and comprehensively and strictly governing the enrollment. Strengthen the construction of the system, formulate and introduce the "Interim Measures for the Treatment of Universities Admissions Violations", and propose and implement a series of enrollment ban on "30 unable to" and "eight basic requirements". Continue to strengthen information disclosure, strictly implement the "ten disclosure" of enrollment information, and establish a four -level information disclosure system for ministries, provincial, universities, and middle schools. Cooperate with the Ministry of Public Security and other departments to severely crack down on illegal activities involving the exam. Actively promote the reform of art and sports teams in colleges and universities to improve the quality of talent selection.

29 provinces have started comprehensive reform of college entrance examinations

As of now, the Ministry of Education has successively introduced a series of four beams and eight pillars such as high school voiced examinations, strengthening and improving comprehensive quality evaluations, regulating the additional scores of college entrance examinations, implementing strong base programs, promoting higher vocational classification examinations, reforming art and sports examination admissions, etc. The supporting policies, in five batches, guided 29 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) to launch a comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination.

The first three batch of 14 provinces (the first batch is Shanghai, Zhejiang; the second batch is Beijing, Tianjin, Shandong, Hainan; the third batch is the new college entrance examination of Hebei, Liaoning, Jiangsu, Fujian, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, and Chongqing) Has landed smoothly. The new college entrance examination of the fourth batch of 7 provinces (Jilin, Heilongjiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Guizhou, and Gansu) will be on the ground. The new college entrance examination of Ningxia) will be on the ground in 2025.

Using the province of the national unified proposition test papers, there are 27 provinces

Wang Hui, the director of the University of Education, introduced that the Ministry of Education deepened the content of the examination content, strengthened the connection between teaching examinations, improved the quality of propositions, focused on consolidating the foundation, and focused on examining key abilities such as students' independent thinking and using the knowledge of knowledge learned and solving problems. The provinces that use the national unified proposition test papers have reached 27.

"Strong base plan" admitted more than 18,000 people in three years

The "strong base plan" focuses on the major national strategic needs and highlights the supporting role of basic disciplines. At present, 39 "double first -class" universities focus on mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and philosophy, history, and ancient literature. Promote the reform of the "Break and Five Wei" education evaluation, and actively explore multi -dimensional evaluations of students during the enrollment process.

Innovative talent training models, implement small classization, mentor system, and explore the training model of the universities. In the past three years, the "strong base plan" has admitted more than 18,000 new students. Regarding universities generally reported that through the "strong base plan", a number of outstanding students who have ambitious, interested and talented for basic disciplines have been selected through the "strong base plan".

A total of more than 1.68 million children who have been relocated to participate in the college entrance examination

Wang Hui, the director of the University of Education, introduced that the Ministry of Education continued to implement the enrollment and collaboration plan in the central and western regions. Each year, some places were arranged from the National Admissions Plan to enroll in the central and western regions and the provinces of candidates.

Continue to implement special programs for students in rural and poor areas. The enrollment quota has increased from 10,000 in 2012 to 131,000 in 2022, and a total of more than 950,000 students are admitted. At the same time, further improvement and implementation of the policy of migrant children's entrance examination for migrant workers have been further improved, and more than 1.68 million children who have been relocated have participated in the college entrance examination.

Source: CCTV News, Ministry of Education's official website

Responsible editor: Fang Shujing Su Haojun Chen Zhaoyue

Edit: Li Weixuan

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