The technical philosophy of "directional action"
Author:China Social Sciences Network Time:2022.06.21
In addition to inheriting the traditional dialectics research tradition, the Chinese technical philosophy community has always attached great importance to the introduction, digestion and absorption of foreign technical philosophy. After the 1980s, the trend of "experience steering" in the West has attracted widespread attention from Chinese scholars. After "experience steering", the research of international technology philosophy is increasingly concentrated in the three dimensions of technology, political, and social, showing a new trend of "moving action". Try to use experience description or reflection criticism, on the basis of the experience description or reflection. The practical activities to control the development of new technologies are beneficial. In general, the "direction of action" is in line with the fundamental philosophical proposition of Marx's "transforming the world". Chinese scholars can learn from it, and at the same time, combined with Chinese national conditions, use traditional ideological resources to promote the further development of Chinese technical philosophy.
New progress of international technology philosophy
Before the 1980s, the research of technical philosophy was mainly based on humanistic traditions such as phenomenology, existentialism, interpretation, and critical theory. It was called "classic technical philosophy". It often conducts technology as a whole. It is pessimistic that modern technology has the power of autonomy, and alienation of the existence of the entire human and society. After the 1980s, the technical philosophy had a "experience steering". It changed the pessimism and decision theory tendency in classic technical philosophy, and tried to "open the technical black box" to describe all aspects of technical practice, especially the design and use of technology. Specifically, "experience steering" can be divided into engineering orientation and social orientation. The former is represented by Joseph Pitt, Peter Kroes, and Anthony Meijers. It advocates technical philosophy to describe and use the specific design and use of artificial things from the perspective of engineering. American technical philosopher Don IHDE is a representative of the latter. He proposed a post -phenomenology case research method to discuss how different technologies play a regulating role in different ways in different ways. In the past ten years, the methods, purposes, and interests of technical philosophy have changed again. Among them, new progress has been made in the three dimensions of technology, political and society.
In terms of value dimension, technical philosophy has opened a new "value of value theory" in recent years. In the process of design, development and use, technology has been embedded in various values, such as technical value, economic value, health and safety sustainable value, etc., showing that the value of technology practice has the value of the carriers. Starting from the method described by experience, the turnover of value theory means the value embedded in descriptive research technology, as well as their role in the production process and service process of technology. In this significance, it is the direct result of the value loading level of experience to deeper into technology. However, if only the various values embedded in the technology are described, technical philosophy cannot affect the design, development and application of technology in society, and can only reflect on it after the technology landing. Therefore Criticism by technical philosophers. From the perspective of critics, the theory of value of technical philosophy must be beyond the description and adopt a standardized position. Specific value theory is based on the descriptive value of value. Firstly, we must first understand the actual role of value in technology, and then conduct critical assessment of this, propose standardized measures to interfere with the development of technology, and actively participate in social discussions. The steering of normative values also means that technical philosophers need to carefully reflect on specific ethical issues in the technical practice, and point out the values and specifications that should be paid attention to during the technical research and development and implementation process.
The political dimension of technical philosophy focuses on the relationship between technology and political, recognize the political nature of technology, and refuses the neutrality of technology. The technical philosopher Wen Na has an example of the famous "Moses Bridge": Designer Moses deliberately designed the viaduct very low to prevent the poor black people from taking the buses on the other side of the bridge. Political views of racial discrimination. In addition, many technical philosophers have pointed out that there is a relationship between technology and politics. Classic technical philosophy often criticizes the knowledge and power relationship reflected in the technical system. For example, Marx's critical technology helps the capitalist system to exploit and alien the working class. Habermas believes that technology makes the unreasonable system of late capitalism rationalized. After the experience steering, technical philosophers pay more attention to the accompaniment characteristics of technology and politics. For example, Finberg proposes the "technical code" theory and regards technical design as the result of political consultation. Different possibilities for development and use. Similar to advanced roads provides possibilities for the democratization of technology. If technology and politics are actually mutual structures, then technology is no longer a tool for the ruling class to strengthen existing rule, nor is Heidegger's so -called "destiny" that is unavoidable. Individuals also provide opportunities to express their own demands. The democratization of support technology is the ultimate purpose of the research of technical philosophy in political dimension in recent years.
The social dimension of technical philosophy believes that technical philosophy should directly participate in solving practical problems of social problems, and cooperate with various social actors participating in technical practice, including technical developers, regulators, and users to summarize better technical policies and technology Philosophy theory and affect their behavior. To this end, the technical philosophy community has proposed a variety of methods such as value -sensitive design (VSD), moral impact assessment (EIA), responsible innovation (RRI), and embedded ethics research. VSD requires that engineers should identify relevant value during the design stage of technology, transform them into design requirements and design characteristics, and include the value of good at the beginning. EIA requires the moral issues that may be caused by the technical projects, and take relief measures after discovering the problem. RRI believes that social ethics should be shaped by social ethics, and timely assessing the results of scientific and technological innovation and the social ethical significance brought about by intermediate products. Embedded ethics research advocates allowing technical ethics to participate in technical projects, interact with engineers, analyze ethical analysis of new technologies that are developed and developed, and help researchers realize and deal with ethical issues in time. In addition to putting forward the principles of method, technical philosophers can also help clarify the responsibility allocation of risks and harm that new technologies may bring. For example, after the driverless car creates a traffic accident, it is clear that the manufacturers, engineers, car owners and other stakeholders should be clarified. Responsibility as the basis for law and other policies. The new trend of "directional action"
Judging from the new progress of the above -mentioned technical philosophy, contemporary technical philosophy is no longer limited to abstract theoretical reflection, and more and more attention to the mutual promotion of technical philosophy theory and technical practice can be summarized as a new trend of "moving action". Classic technical philosophy treats technology as a overall phenomenon. Its research is limited to the speculative reflection of technical activities, and it has a pessimistic conclusion. The experience shifts to the specific technical practice, and focuses on the description of the operation practice of technology, which has opened a new chapter in the "direction of action" of technical philosophy. However, many philosophers have criticized that experience has not yet had sufficient social impact. As a result, it is nothing more than further enriching the theory of philosophy and lack of guiding significance for real life. As a result, since the turning of experience, technical philosophers have tried to further strive to "move" in technical philosophy in the three dimensions of value, politics, and society. "Experience steering" has deepened the level of technology, and discusses the possibility of a standardized position on technical value. And this possibility means that technology is not a pure tool for the purpose of the user, nor is it an autonomous force that makes people powerless, but there is a variety of orientation or space for multiple designs. The public can intervene or revise technology through political participation activities to express their own political demands. On the basis of the previous two, the research on the social dimension of technical philosophy proposed specific measures to influence the development, supervision and use of technical philosophy to influence the development, supervision and use of technical philosophy. Many of these measures have played an important role in policy formulation. For example, the overall concept of running through the EU scientific research innovation project "Horizon Europe" is "responsible innovation". It can be seen that the work of technical philosophers is not good for technical practice. The three dimensions of values, politics, and society are interconnected and supplemented with each other, and together they have become an organic component of the "movement" of technical philosophy. In short, the diversification of contemporary technical philosophy research has not only been proposed by new philosophical theories, but also attaches importance to the practical application of theory. The goals are to guide and change the practice of related actors, and control technology towards the direction of society.
Since the fourth industrial revolution, the pace of human progress has been left behind by technological progress. Facing the social impact caused by new technological progress, modern people are often at a loss. In recent years, technical philosophy has become a trend of "first philosophy". The second -level disciplines of each philosophy are using the ideological resources of their own fields to intervene in high -tech reflection on high -tech, which reflects the urgency of reflection on technology in the technical era today. However, the conclusions of classic technical philosophy are often technological pessimism, and even reject all the convenience brought by modern technology, so it is difficult to get widespread recognition of the society. Malkase's "big rejection" and Heidegger's "hometown disease" It is a typical representative. High -tech has penetrated all aspects of modern life. Although it has its dark side, it has indeed improved people's quality of life. It can be said that it is both "poison" and "antidote". The technical philosophy of "movement" is trying to break the pessimist spell of technical philosophy, focus on solving social ethics issues caused by high -tech, and strive to control the development of new technologies. Contemporary technical philosophy guides technical practice through the value loadability of technology, the possibility of technical democracy, and the feasibility of reasonable scientific and technological policies, and contribute to the active aspects of technology and inhibit its gloomy suggestions and suggestions. Increase the influence of technical philosophy at the level.
One of the contemporary technology philosophy, one of which is to try to manage technical practice from the dimension of technical ethics. From the perspective of too abstract, philosophical, and "essential theory", classic technical philosophy ignores the inspection and analysis of specific technologies. The technical philosophy of "directional action" abandon this abstract survey method and focuses on exploring the application scenarios of specific technologies, especially in ethical research on high -tech. The technical philosophy of "directional action" is closely integrated with specific technical practice and engineering practice, and cooperates with technical personnel and engineers. It is hoped that theoretical research results will be helpful to real technical practice.此时,技术伦理学已不限于工程师伦理学,不仅讨论工程师职业特点、职业道德,还试图在哲学反思与案例研究的基础上,建立起合理的技术评价与技术决策的规范系统,帮助工程师、 The government and the people of the people make decisions in ethical evaluation. At present, the technical philosophy of "moving action" has contributed to technical practice and scientific and technological policies, but there are still many shortcomings. Karl Micheim criticized that the current technical philosophy is indulging in a small problem that can be managed, and ignores the major question of technology as a whole. Scientific and technological progress not only creates specific results, but also inspires people to conceive the infinite possibilities of the future. However, these imaginations often go to the optimistic Utopia and pessimistic enemy Tero. Many high -tech research is still only in the imagination (such as general artificial intelligence), or it will bring huge ethical disputes (such as gene editing babies) after implementation. Because it is impossible to obtain the specific ethical norms of these technologies, the ethical reflection after the incident is not only impossible, but also not advisable. Therefore, Mitum believes that the relationship between people, technology and nature must be more fundamental.
The reflection of technical philosophy is not an opposite relationship, but follows the dialectical laws of theory and practice. Therefore, the fundamental questioning of technology is not to follow the old path of classic technical philosophy, but to think about the creation and application of the technical practice activities through the re -thinking of value orientation and human self -positioning. good life.
Build a "action philosophy" with Chinese characteristics
China's technical philosophy studies are rooted in a deep Marxist tradition, and the action of highlighting the action of technical philosophy is the deserved meaning. Marx once said: "In the past, philosophers just explained the world, but the problem was to transform the world." Classic technical philosophy explained the relationship between people -technology -world in a rational way, but lacks the fundamental position of transforming the world. Advances with life practice. Marx believes that the essence of human categories is reflected in his labor practice. In today's society, labor practice must be done with technology as an intermediary. Scientific and technological innovation promotes scientific changes, and also promotes major social changes. Technical practice has profoundly changed social life, triggers new social problems, and proposes new ethical discussions on justice and virtue. The interpretation of philosophy will not be completed once and for all, and it needs to be improved with the improvement of technology. This forced philosophers to come out of the study and attach importance to the action of technical philosophy. Today, with the rapid development of technological development, Chinese scholars must adhere to the guidance of Marxism, digest and absorb the ideological resources of Western technical philosophy, combine Chinese national conditions, and use local ideological resources to actively build "action philosophy" with Chinese characteristics.
In recent years, ancient Chinese technical philosophy has been paid more attention to, and some research on the comparative research of Chinese and foreign technical philosophy has made some progress. In ancient China, not only had many advanced technology inventions and developed technical systems, but also always paid attention to the impact of society, nature, and ethics caused by technical practice. For example, the idea of "Tibetan Rites" in ancient Chinese technology design advocates that at the beginning of the design and manufacturing utensils, the identity, status, and humble ethical specifications stipulated in the ritual system to be embedded in the embedded utensils to achieve Education function. There are also the "Word Workers" system that has been widely adopted since the Spring and Autumn Period. It is required that the craftsmen have carved their names on it when making weapons, city wall bricks and other technical objects to prepare for future quality supervision and improve the craftsmanship to improve the craftsmanship A sense of responsibility. These methods have ethical intervention in the design and manufacturing stage of technical artificial artificial goods, coincide with the technical philosophy of "moving action". Therefore, Chinese traditional technical philosophy and philosophy can be integrated into the "movement action" position. The Chinese technical philosophy community must further strengthen the creative transformation of traditional resources to promote related technical practice with technical philosophy with Chinese characteristics.
It is generally believed that Marx and Karp founded technical philosophy in the 19th century, when the industrial technical force was exposed. Marx pointed out: "The historical history of industry and the existence of the existence of industries are a book that has opened the essential power about people, and it is the psychology of people who emotionally placed in front of us." It is based on 19 based on 19 The characteristics of the era of the production of the century, Marx proposed the theory of technology alienation. Today's technical philosophy must also grasp the pulse of the times. In present, instead of the "scientific era", it is better to be a "technical era", because the priority relationship between science and technology has actually turned up, from science priority to technology priority. In the past, technology has always been regarded as a scientific application, and now the reason why a scientific branch is valued is more because it can promote the realization of technical goals and can repay the government, society, enterprises and the public with economic benefits. Many high -tech, such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, and nanomaterials, which are currently watched by technical philosophy, are "technical science". The goal of technical science is not to explain things or phenomena that exist in nature, but to create new types of artificial goods that are not existed in the world, and to reveal its structure and mechanism simultaneously in this process, so as to obtain new scientific knowledge. Therefore, in essence, technical scientific research is a activity that is a proven path for technological innovation activities and clearing obstacles. The technical science should open up the barriers of various disciplines in accordance with the actual research situation, and also consider the feasibility and economy of the solution, and try to avoid unexpected technical ethical problems caused by technological innovation activities. Therefore, technical philosophy must study technical and scientific issues, and technical science also provides a broad space for technical philosophy. At present, China is at a critical stage from a large scientific and technological country to a strong science and technology country, and it is at the forefront of the world in many areas of high -tech development and applications. However, because most of the high -tech has just been put into operation or has not yet been put into production and application, a fixed development model has not yet been formed, and the technical risks that may cause are not certain. In recent years, the ethical problems caused by emerging technologies have emerged endlessly, which has caused heated social discussions. The ethical governance of high -tech still has problems such as inconsistent governance principles, poor awareness of governance, and incomplete governance mechanisms. These require further research on the technical philosophy of "moving action". In short, China's "directional action" technical philosophy research cannot only stay at the level of school, but should strengthen the dialogue and exchanges between the technical philosophy community and engineer groups, participate in solving specific philosophy and ethics facing in technical practice, and take technologies with Chinese characteristics The road of philosophy.
(This article is the "Research on Modern Technical Governance Theoretical Problems" (21 & ZD064) in the National Social Science Fund major project)
(Author Unit: Academy of Philosophy of Renmin University of China)
Source: China Social Science Network-Journal of Social Sciences of China
Author: Liu Yongmou Li Weibo
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