The new semester of primary and secondary schools in Qingdao City in Qingdao City will be custody period, and more than 90%of the students participation in the first period

Author:Qingdao Daily Time:2022.09.15

New semester after -class custody score period

More than 90%of students participating in the first period

Teachers can counsel students at school to write homework, and they can change their face -to -face changes. They are most popular with parents.

After the after -school custody, no class is mixed, and it is divided into two periods. In the first period, all staff are encouraged to participate and be able to trust. New changes in the hosting service, the reporter learned from some schools that the number of students participating in the first period of this semester reached 90%or even 95%, and then reached a new high. What are the highlights of the new hosting? What are the children who are busy when they are hosting? It feels like adapting ... The new custody model has been implemented for more than a week, listening to the feedback from the school teachers and parents.

More than 90%of students participate

Features "Hundred Flowers"

The reporter learned from many primary schools in the four districts in the city that in the new semester, the competent education department has adjusted the custody work after class. The most prominent point is that from September 5, the hosting At the first period of 50 to 16:30, at 16:30 to 17:30, the second period. Among them, the first period of custody encourages all members to participate, and the form is mainly to guide students to complete the homework; the second period of time adopts the principle of voluntary, and children can choose special courses or participate in community activities. The forms are more rich and diverse.

In Qingdao Wendu Road Primary School, middle and senior students who have written homework can enjoy the teacher's "VIP service" in the first period of the hosting -the children do not understand, and the teacher conducts guidance on the focus of the day. Help them check the omissions. Most students can get the homework during the first period, and the teacher will also feedback the child's learning situation to the parents through the star -level evaluation. In the second time, the variety of community activities were arranged in accordance with the plan. The hosting teacher also designed special courses such as reading and expression based on his own specialty. However, due to the recent epidemic, the clustered community activities can only press the "suspension key" first. After the epidemic has stabilized, the children can continue to participate in the community activities they are thinking about.

At Ning'an Road Primary School in Qingdao, although the hosting is divided into two periods in principle, considering the special needs of some parents and students, the school also arranges a more flexible pick -up time. Contact the teacher, agree to the pick -up time, and try to provide the maximum convenience for parents.

In addition to tutoring homework and organizational activities, some schools have also carried out online research, curriculum supermarkets and other forms of custody services to help students develop comprehensive and diverse growth. According to the relevant teachers of Qingdao Wendang Road Primary School and Qingdao Ning'an Road Primary School, the number of custodians in the first period of the two schools has reached more than 95%. From the perspective of other school custody, there are also a lot of custody participants in the first time.

Get the assignment parent "burden reduction"

Noodle batch reform improvement efficiency

"Now when children go home, we usually don't need to worry about tutoring homework, because they can basically write in school." Ms. Zhu's children attended a primary school in Shibei District. It was originally a scene of "chicken flying dog jumping" after dinner after dinner. After the start of the new semester, the school encouraged all members to participate in the first -time custody period, which made Ms. Zhu taste the sweetness: "For children, sometimes the teacher says a word, and we can say a few words. Counseling children to write homework, we can give birth a lot, which is equivalent to reducing the burden on our parents'. "

Ms. Chen's family has a third -year student. She is currently attending a primary school in Shinan District. What makes her emotion is that in the past, when the school counted the students participating in the custody, parents only needed to inform "yes" or "no", and the school can, the school, and the school. When the custody of this semester, students who do not participate in the hosting need to explain the reason to the teacher. "Several colleagues of my colleagues attended the school in other schools in the south of the city, and they must also inform the reason why they do not participate in the first period of custody. Touching me to see the original intention of the competent education department and the school to encourage children to participate in custody and take care of the custody. "

"The homework is an effective extension and consolidation of classroom teaching. The change of face batch can allow teachers to directly understand what shortcomings of students exist." Looking at, the teacher uses tens of minutes to counsel students' homework and communicate face -to -face communication to master the "first -hand" situation of children's learning. In this way, it can be targeted to adjust the teaching content, which is conducive to improving teaching efficiency and teaching quality.

I hope to pick up the baby more flexible

Low school hosted more effective

In the interview, the reporter found that most parents were supported by the new model of the after -class custody. Especially in the first period of school tutoring, they received their likes. However, some parents made their own suggestions based on their own situation.

"Whenever our family picks up children, it feels like" fighting "." Mr. Zhang's family has two treasures, the boss is in the fourth grade, and the second child is in the kindergarten. Host, only do ten minutes apart from Erbao's school time. "I have a busy work with my children and my mother. I can only pick up the children from the elderly. Parents should pick up their children at 4:30. The elderly can only pick up the second child every day, and then pick up the boss non -stop. "Mr. Zhang believes that if the school can adjust the pick -up time more flexibly, It is more convenient for parents. In addition, parents in the first and second grades of elementary school are more entangled with the hosting arrangements of the school. "Our child is in the second grade now, and the mathematics is a weak item. I bought her an abacus exercise book and wanted her to use the first period of custody time to do the exercise book, but the teacher did not allow the tutoring information outside the school to the school. . "Ms. Li said that after the implementation of the dual reduction policy, students in the first and second grades no longer have written homework. The school arranged for children to read extra -curricular books, paint, or do manual." Such arrangements come to some children to come to some children. It is good to say. But as a parent, I still hope that the custody can learn more about the main subject and more effective, and make full use of these dozens of minutes. "(Guanhai News/Qingdao Evening News reporter Zhang Yan)

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