The re -prizes "Fairy Teacher" is so beautiful

Author:Hubei Daily Time:2022.09.15

Draw/Liu Yang

□ Chutian Metropolis Daily Permia News Critics Qu Jing

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Recently, Shi Fan, a post -90s high school teacher in Linhai City, Zhejiang Province, has received a reward worth 2 million yuan in commercial housing and 100,000 yuan in cash due to his outstanding teaching performance, which has aroused heated discussion among netizens. The school responded that commercial houses and bonuses were funded by a local education foundation. Three years ago, You Fan was rewarded with a car worth 280,000 yuan. (According to the news on September 14)

A house, a car, and a 100,000 yuan, such a reward is enough to make people enviable. The target of the reward is a ordinary middle school teacher, which is even more curious: What special thing did he do so that he got such a generous return?

However, after seeing You Fan's experience, I believe that most people will say from the heart: "Good awards!"

What You Fan did was to make the original Duqiao Middle School strongly counterattacked. After the 1990s, the teaching quality of Duqiao Middle School continued to decline, and students continued to flow out. You Fan and other teachers are tireless and taught to have good results today.

You Fan won the prize in 2019 because of the students he brought, the 23 -person college entrance examination reached the key line; this year he won the prize because of the two classes he brought, 71 students were admitted to key universities. For some "Super Middle Schools", this may be a normal result, but for ordinary students who may never be regarded as "other children's children", this is a proud victory.

However, the teacher's profession, connect with rewards such as cars, houses, etc., will inevitably make some people feel that it is not appropriate, because in the public impression, the teacher is "an engineer of human souls" and should be willing to dedicate and seek fame and fortune. However, it is a bit moral to be abducted by the teacher to order the stone and the teacher to be poverty. "No matter how poor you can't educate," not only do you want to invest in children's educational investment, but also be willing to improve the treatment of teachers in real gold and silver. Of course, the teacher himself must have the professional ethics of "holding a heart and without half of the grass", but a society that attaches importance to education and fairness cannot make the teacher take it for granted. Compared with "wax torch into ash tears", we hope that every teacher is happier and bright, and be the torch that is immortal on the road of growth.

In order to make outstanding teachers "keep and teach well", the country has been working hard. Introduction to the "Ten Years of Education" held on the 6th of this month, education has become the largest expenditure of my country's fiscal general public budget, and proposed to continuously improve the treatment and development environment of teachers. The most respected profession is teachers. It can be seen that the outstanding teachers won the award, and they won the right prizes, and they were happy.

For You Fan, winning awards is not his purpose, but he accidentally gains after his achievement. When becoming a teacher, no one promises him, and there will be a car and a house if you do well. With his love for the teacher's profession, he constantly tried to find ways, make ideas, and became a piece of interest with the children, which stimulated their interest in learning, and created a miracle of "letting the cattle class". In the new semester of this year, he provoked the head teacher of four classes. In the face of this "extreme challenge", he did not retreat, but cheered his palms and enjoyed it. This positive and forge -ization mentality is very rare. With such a mentality, for him, rewards are not only glory, but also a responsibility.

The teacher is full of love and creates a miracle with the students; the society respects teachers and teaches to thank the teacher in order to reward. Once such a virtuous circle is formed, it is not only students, parents, teachers, and schools that benefit.


Surging news: "No matter how poor you can't educate", "Treating teachers is to be kindly treated with education", "Encourage outstanding teachers to take root at the grassroots" ... We often hear these slogans. Compared with the spiritual praise, the material level incentive is also a very important expression of "respect for teachers and education". Of course, not all places have the same financial or abundant education fund to reward outstanding teachers. What is "heavy prize" can have different understanding in different places, and there is no need to pursue unified standards. The key is to truly show respect for teachers with practical actions, so that they can get the return and contribute to matching and contributing to match.

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