Student funding: Make care and respect parallel

Author:Henan Daily Client Time:2022.09.15

In Henan, the funding policy has been improved, and the students in difficulties have been fully guaranteed to learn- ——

Student funding: Make care and respect parallel

Workers Daily reporter Yu Jiaxi Newspaper Correspondent Wang Jianing

"More than ten years ago, I was still a bull baby in rural Henan. If there was not a national student loan, I dare not think about going to college, let alone read a doctorate." Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Yao Mingchao, a funded loan commissioner, is the beneficiary of the student loan. After graduating, Yao Ming used a home visit to more than 10,000 kilometers to send warmth and hope to 63 poor students.

Henan currently has 51,100 schools at all levels, 26.953 million students in the school, with large scale and many difficult groups. It is commendable that the funding policy of Henan students today contains both policies to help the sleeping function and the policy of rewarding and encouraging guidance functions. Students of family economic difficulties have achieved brilliant life.

Funding is more temperature

"Hello classmates, based on data analysis, this month's meal card will be issued to your meal card 200 yuan." At Zhengzhou Light University of Technology, every month, this precise and warm subsidy will quietly enter the meal card account of some poor students.

How to accurately use funds on students who should use? Zhengzhou Light Industry University Student funding management center can not only discover "invisible" difficulties, but also eliminate "false" poverty, and protect students' personal privacy from the source. After accurately constructing a student file, targeted funding can be achieved.

"A lot of condolences are 'invisible'. Care and respect to the side, fully protect the children's self -esteem." Wang Nan, deputy director of the student funding management center of Zhengzhou Light Institute of Technology. Implementing the "meal subsidy" plan, the green channel for the agency, the gift package of the love package, the subsidy for the issuance of tolls ... In Wang Nan's view, the "invisible care" under information technology allows the use of funding funds to better meet the funding of each classmate Demand, more temperature, can also stimulate students' awareness and dedication.

The "Henan Student Funding Development Report in 2021" shows that the amount of issuance of national aid loans of Henan Province and the number of subsidized students have ranked first in the country for 5 consecutive years. In 2021, Henan's student funding system invested 18.12 billion yuan and a subsidy of 17.489 million.

Loan system "double -wheel drive"

Dreams of dreams and rewarding their hometown due to the help of Yuanmeng and Dream of Dreams, the teachers of the No. 1 Vocational School of Shangshui County, Zhoukou City are also one of them.

In 2014, the superb group was admitted to Jilin Normal University. For four years in college, he goes to the county funding center to apply for a student loan every year. In 2018, the superior group became a teacher in Shangshui County No. 1 Vocational School. According to Henan's primary -level employment country -assistance loan compensation policy, in 2021, the superb group who worked for three years received the 28,500 yuan student loan compensation during the university.

In Henan, not only did the students of Henan nationality borrow due to dreamer, but also set up graduate school scholarships to exempt all secondary vocational students' tuition fees, increase funding for family students of establishing files, and extend the green passage of admission to all sections. At the same time, the "Golden Autumn Aid" activity carried out by the trade unions at all levels at all levels in Henan Province has become a loud brand that stimulates the donation of funds from all walks of life such as enterprises and individuals. Multi -channel and diversified funding can better meet family economic difficulties Students' personalized needs.

"Henan has established and improved the student funding policy system of award, loan, assistance, supplement, reduction, exemption, and compensation. The entire process of funding policies covers all. "Yin Hongbin, full -time deputy secretary of the Education Working Committee of the Henan Provincial Party Committee, said.

Love conveying and nurturing society

"We treat people as the soul of funding work, first of all, to be self -reliance." Tian Li, deputy president of Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that the school provides student assistants for funding commissioners through the form of innovation and work. Implementation, becoming a beneficiary and experiencer. Under the continuous influence of this atmosphere, a group of college students continued to emerge.

There are the same feelings, as well as Wang Naisun, secretary and principal of the Boai County Vocational Middle School. Wang Nainian said, "Many students funded by the school resolutely chose to return to their hometown to work in their hometown and pass on the warmth they received to more people."

In fact, the most pleasing thing today is that Henan's student funding work is extending from guarantee type to development. The work goals have long expanded from the original coverage to funding and supporting people. Assistance efforts, more care and help from students with physical and mental development, moral training, academic enhancement, employment assistance, etc., and the growth of students with financial difficulties in the cultivation of families as the starting point and ending point.

At present, Henan Province has been fully launched in 2022 State -aid loans. As of August 29, 616,000 students applied for loans, with an amount of 6.23 billion yuan.

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