The latest notice of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education!

Author:Jiangsu News Time:2022.09.14

In order to fully implement the funding policies of various student funding, ensure that each family of financial difficulties in each family can be admitted to school smoothly and studying at ease, and in accordance with the "Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education on Effectively Doing a good job of college student funding in the autumn semester of 2022" ( Letter [2022] No. 9) Requirements, the notice of the relevant matters related to student funding in Jiangsu Province in the fall of 2022 in Jiangsu Province is as follows ———

1. Strengthen publicity and ensure that students with financial difficulties in the family are admitted smoothly

Universities in various places should strengthen organizational leadership, simplify the procedures for reporting, improve the efficiency of work, protect students' privacy, and ensure that all new students who apply for and meet the conditions are successfully adopted to adopt the "green channel". It is necessary to grasp key nodes such as freshmen's enrollment and award -winning funding application, to expand publicity channels, expand publicity channels, broaden publicity paths, and promote the publicity of funding policies and application processes, and further enhance their awareness. It is necessary to strengthen the coordination of academic, enrollment, finance, logistics and other departments, and in advance to arrange students with tuition fees and exemption policies in advance, go through relevant procedures in a timely manner, and avoid the phenomenon of "receiving and retreat" and "late reporting".

2. Do a good job of policy connection to ensure that the state -aid loan should loan due to loans

In the past two years, the national level has introduced new policies such as increasing student loans, loan interest -free, and postponed repayment. All universities in various places should do a good job of connecting new and old policies, make full use of information technology to improve the efficiency of student loan acceptance and improve the service level. Affected by the epidemic, under the circumstances of restricting personnel flow and regional silent management, etc., the "Key Points for Emergency Acceptance of the First Emergency Acceptance of the Student Development Bank in 2022 of the State Development Bank of Student Development Bank in 2022 (Teaching Assistance The center letter [2022] No. 45) is handled to effectively ensure students' loan needs. Pay close attention to the repayment of the loan students, and start repayment assistance work for qualified students in a timely manner. Students apply for national student loans to be used to pay tuition and accommodation fees during school, and exceed parts to make up for daily living expenses. The student funding management departments of colleges and universities shall promptly inform the financial department to apply for a loan student list in this academic year. After the loan funds will be deducted, they will be deducted uniformly to avoid collecting tuition fees for such students; Complete the return.

3. Simplify the application process to ensure that students in difficulty are accurate and convenient

All universities in various places shall, in accordance with the "Implementation Measures for the Confirmation of Students of Family Economic Difficulties in Jiangsu Province" (Su Jiaoxu [2019] No. 1) and the "Notice of the Provincial Department of Education and other five departments on further improvement of the coordinated work mechanism of accurate funding departments" (Su Jiao " The spirit of assisting letter [2022] No. 6), do a good job in the identification of students in family economic difficulties. It is necessary to fully apply the provincial special difficulties to learn the information database, and complete the autumn semester information comparison by the end of October. For students who compare in special difficulties in school, we must further simplify the funding process, actively cancel the application procedures according to the actual situation, cancel the certification materials, cancel the list of publications, and gradually realize the government funding for "exemption to enjoy". Fully applies the application platform of Jiangsu Province student funding, combined with home visits and democratic evaluation, and flexibly use the functions of quantitative score adjustment and custom problem settings to effectively improve the convenience, science and accuracy of the identification work.

Fourth, timely distribution in time to ensure that the implementation of funding policies is comprehensive and effective

All universities in various places shall implement various student funding policies in accordance with the "Administrative Measures for the Financing of Student funding for student funding" and "Rules for the Management Implementation Implementation Rules" of Jiangsu Province, and issue student funding funds in a timely and time in time. In principle, the national aid and living subsidy funds should be issued before November 30th. The first fund for graduate school aids issued on a monthly basis shall be issued before September 30. We will improve the temporary difficulty subsidy mechanism, and the students who have affected the affected situation or other unexpected events that lead to economic difficulties in the family must propose targeted assistance measures on the basis of national funding. The basic study life after their admission. It is necessary to withdraw funding funds from full amount or tuition income, fully tap social resources, expand the channels for supporting the school, and enrich the development -type funding projects, and meet the diversified funding needs of students in difficulties.

5. Strengthen organizational leadership and ensure that funding work is stable and orderly

Universities in various places should strengthen the supervision and inspection of student funding work, strictly standardize funding and basic information management, ensure that all funding information is entered into the national student funding management information system, and improves funding use performance. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of funding agencies and teams, unblock student funding calls, properly accept policy consultation and complaints, and achieve "implementation of pieces." Actively and steadily promote the pilot work of the reform of the long -term mechanism, and continuously build a new mechanism for development -type funding for education. The provincial level will be scheduled to progress regularly and implement dynamic management. Further strengthen the sense of responsibility, improve the level of network security protection, and do a good job of supporting system network security work during the key period. It is necessary to continue to carry out anti -fraud education, especially to strengthen the warning education for freshmen during the admission period, and remind students to be alert to telecommunications fraud and "training loans", "entrepreneurial loan", "assistance to school", "entrepreneurial loans", "entrepreneurial loans", "entrepreneurial loans", "case analysis, case classes. Various bad campus loans such as loan "loan" improve students' safety awareness and screening ability.

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