Many universities in Sichuan have online teaching!Watch the effect with Chuanchuan ~~~

Author:Sichuan Provincial Department Time:2022.09.14

In order to ensure the stable and orderly teaching work of the new semester under the epidemic, major universities in Sichuan are concentric, actively prepare online teaching, conduct teaching scheduling in a timely manner, and ensure the smooth development of teaching activities. Today, walking with Chuanchuan into college "Cloud Class" -

为确保稳定有序开展教学工作,四川大学制定《教学工作方案(含疫情防控预案)》,周密周到部署教学工作;按照预定计划,及时适时开展教学调度,拟定了理论课程采用线上教学和According to the actual adjustment of teaching methods, the practical courses are flexibly arranged according to the students' return to school; in order to protect the teaching operation of solid heart and warmth, the school organizes each classroom to establish a classroom exchange group to effectively ensure the smooth communication before the class of teachers and students. Online teaching and online and offline synchronous teaching guidelines, conducting teachers and student training and technical support services, and comprehensively tested nearly 9,000 campus network equipment of the student dormitory of the three campuses, continued to build direct courses, direct teachers and students, and online classrooms. "Sichuan University Teaching Materials Teaching Online Service Platform". At the same time, the school does well, efficiently, and conveniently to do a good job of teaching services, and try to make teachers and students study and work with peace of mind, peace of mind, and comfort.

Southwest Petroleum University established online teaching QQ groups or nail groups on September 1. Full coverage. In order to ensure the smooth development of online teaching, the education affairs began to issue textbooks for students who have returned to school on August 30, and maximized the effectiveness of students' learning for students who did not return to school.

On August 29, the online teaching of Xihua University kicked off. On the first day of the online course, a total of 292 courses were "online", 493 teaching classes, and 343 teachers conducted online lectures. Students participating in online studies reached 32810.

Beginning on September 5th, the teaching activities of the undergraduate students (2018-2021 students) of the entire school of Sichuan Agricultural University have been launched online. 121 teachers started the first lesson of this semester in the cloud. The number of students launched on the day was 8,325, the student signing rate was 97.9%, the number of teaching classes was 121, and the course was 112.

On the first day of online teaching of Southwest Medical University, the number of teachers from the school reached 218, 636 running classes, 359 running courses, 9299 students on the line ... Teachers and students met the "cloud". Intersection

On August 29, the online teaching of North Sichuan Medical College was officially launched. The clinical medical school • Affiliated Hospital opened a total of 258 undergraduate clinical courses in the first two weeks, 92 teachers, and 49 classes and 4,595 students. In order to ensure the quality of online teaching, the school arranges teaching supervision experts online for teaching supervision.

On September 5th, according to the actual situation of each major and online teaching requirements, Yibin College formulated an online teaching work plan, organized lecturers to participate in special training and learning of "online teaching" and platform applications, and mastered the basic operation of online teaching. The online teaching of Yibin College officially kicked off.

On September 5th, the students of Leshan Teachers College, all over the country, gathered the "cloud" in front of the computer screen and mobile phone, and opened a new chapter in the new semester in a special form. On the first day of online teaching, 355 courses and 381 teachers entered the "air classroom" as scheduled to conduct online teaching, participated in 644 teaching classes, the students arrived at 99.8%, the start rate was 99.5%, and the teaching was generally smooth and orderly.

On September 5th, 425 teachers in Chengdu University used various types of network platforms to comprehensively use various types of teaching methods such as live broadcasts, screen sharing, recording and broadcasting classes based on classroom teaching. 673 courses are "broadcast" for more than 32,000 students in the school. The students' reach rate is 99.4%, and the satisfaction is 98.73%. The overall teaching order is well, smooth and orderly.

All colleges of Chengdu Institute of Technology are actively preparing for online curriculum teaching. Teachers gather in the cloud as scheduled through the online platform. On the first day of the "online class", a total of 170 courses were "online", and 221 teachers in 415 teaching classes conducted online lectures. Students participating in online studies reached 22,967.

The Sichuan National College adopts the "online+offline" teaching method. On the first day of online teaching, a total of more than 6,000 students in teaching classes "cloud" met. Pure online teaching and 2019 level.

On the first day of the Sichuan Police Academy, a total of 84 teachers in the school carried out classroom teaching relying on the basic platform of online teaching; completed online sign -in, answered questioning, and set up homework, set up a diversified "air classroom" 70 courses online teaching, 116 teaching classes, 6,974 students online.

On September 5, teachers and students of Chengdu Ginkgo Hotel Management College carried out online education and teaching work on time, orderly, and steadily. On the first day of school, online teaching covered 241 teaching classes, 376 courses, 170 teachers, and 16037 students.

Chengdu College of Arts and Sciences officially started online teaching on September 5. On the first day of online school, a total of 522 teachers involved 385 courses to teach online for more than 20,000 students. The students' arrival rate was 99.2%.

On September 5th, Chengdu College of Sichuan University of Foreign Languages ​​University fully implemented online teaching. On the same day, the school had a total of 255 courses, 281 teachers, and 11,971 students participating. On September 5th, Chengdu Medical College opened online teaching in the cloud. On the first day of school, 13 teaching units, 218 special college courses, 189 teachers, and 14712 students "ride the wind and waves" in the online class!

On the evening of September 4th, more than 5,600 freshmen from Jincheng College of Chengdu completed their first name online. 22 counselors were carefully prepared, and they presented Jincheng Class for classmates online, and attracted some parents to actively participate.

On the day of online teaching on the online method of Tianfu College of Southwest University of Finance and Economics, the school has a total of 301 online courses, 647 teaching classes, and 38691 in the online teaching chief students.

On September 5, Sichuan University Jinjiang College started the class online. On the first teaching day, 223 courses started the course as scheduled. More than 20,000 teachers and students gathered in the clouds. Teachers opened wonderful lectures through the online teaching platform, and used online functions such as "answering", "Lianmai", and "barrage" to guide students to participate in real time. Interaction stimulates a different kind of classroom vitality.

The teaching teachers of the Sichuan Academy of Film and Television According to the actual teaching methods of the curriculum, they met with students in the "cloud" classroom through various teaching methods.

Geely College actively expands teaching methods and innovative teaching models to ensure the smooth progress of online teaching in the new semester. On September 5th, Geely College opened 338, 424 teachers, and 6,8880 students participating online. The online teaching was orderly.

On September 5, Chengdu Textile High School successfully opened the first lesson of the new semester. The school has a total of 79 teachers, 94 teaching classes, and 4,187 students to teach and study online. The school starts rate of 100%, and the student attendance rate is 99.28%.

On the "classroom" of Nanchong Vocational and Technical College online, teachers carefully prepared, students actively participated, and truly achieved "leaving school without leaving school."

Sichuan Communications Vocational and Technical College optimizes the teaching work plan during the prevention and control of the epidemic, dynamically adjust the teaching arrangement, improve the four-level linkage mechanism of the "School-Department-Teaching and Research Office-Teachers", comprehensively investigate courses, teachers, and students Prepare both hands and offline teaching to ensure that the course "should be done". Use the Internet+information technology, and use platforms such as Tencent Classrooms, Vocational Education Classrooms and other platforms to conduct online teaching such as "online live teaching" or "watch online class video" to ensure the substantial effect of online teaching and offline teaching. As of now, there are more than 400 online teaching teachers and more than 10,000 students.

On September 5, the Sichuan Top Information Technology Vocational College of Information Technology carried out online teaching. In order to fully ensure the quality of online teaching, the college work in accordance with the formulation plan, preparation, comprehensive implementation, and strengthening online supervision.

Since the launching online teaching for the Sichuan Electric Power Vocational and Technical College, the college teachers have completed 937 online classes. A total of 119 teachers and more than 1,900 students have participated in online teaching.

On the first day of the beginning of the autumn school of Ya'an Vocational and Technical College, 322 online courses were opened. A total of 187 teachers conducted online teaching, 515 class online learning, and 7,465 online students.

Sichuan Yangtze River Vocational College organizes online teaching in an orderly manner in all classes at the 2021 class, and at the same time conduct online management of students' class situations and scientifically overall plans. For some courses for online teaching, it is not suitable for online teaching. After the recovery of offline teaching, the remedies will be completed in a timely manner.

On the first day of online teaching in Sichuan City Vocational College, there were 274 teaching classes and more than 10,000 students.

September 5 On the day, Tianfu New District General Aviation Vocational College launched an online teaching emergency plan. On the day of the start of the class, the school opened a total of 238 lessons. At the same time, there were up to 63 lessons at the same time, and there were hundreds of teachers.

On September 5th, the 2021 students of Dazhou Vocational College of Traditional Chinese Medicine ushered in the first day of the online course. On the first day, a total of 48 courses were "online", 31 teaching classes, and 52 teachers conducted online lectures. Students participating in online studies 1906 Times.

On September 5th, more than 2000 teachers and students of the Inner Jiangxi University of Health and Health Vocational College were the same as the "first lesson" of the Internet and Internet. After the 2022 freshmen ended on September 9th, from September 13, all members started online lessons.

川 Source of this article: Sichuan Education and Rong Media Center Integrated Sichuan universities contribute

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