Ministry of Education: The policy of exemption and the "citizen recruitment" policy is fully implemented.

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.06.21

At the press conference held today (21st), Lu Yugang, director of the Department of Basic Education of the Ministry of Education, introduced that in the past ten years, the reform of compulsory education enrollment enrollment has been deepened. Regional examinations, holding "occupy pit classes", and "sponsorship fees" and other illegal enrollment behaviors have been comprehensively regulated, school heat selection heat has been greatly cooled, and the opportunity for enrollment is more fair. Based on the "migrant workers who entered the city, the children's enrollment policy was guaranteed to protect equal acceptance of compulsory education. Essence

After class service after class, the full coverage of students, the burden of students' study is significantly reduced

Since last year, the implementation of the "double reduction" work has been implemented, vigorously regulates off -campus training, strengthens the role of school education, adheres to equal emphasis on burden reduction, strictly controls the total amount and duration of students, after school service basically achieves full coverage, promotes student learning To return to campus better, students' burden of studying and studying significantly reduces.

Various management of compulsory education more standardized systems

In addition, since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the basic public service attributes of compulsory education have been further strengthened through regulating private education education and optimizing public -run private structures. The school management standards are introduced, the school's vitality is stimulated, the autonomy of school running schools in primary and secondary schools, actively promoting the group running schools, and effectively expanding the coverage of high -quality educational resources. Introduce the management measures of primary and secondary school students, and build a national unified academic information management system for primary and secondary school students. By strengthening students 'sleep, mobile phones, readings, examinations, physical management and online game governance, strengthen mental health and life safety education, and effectively protect students' physical and mental health.

National compulsory education quality monitoring results show that about 80%of students' academic performance reaches medium or above level

According to reports, in the past ten years, students' physical health has generally improved, and art education has been significantly strengthened. The labor education system of primary and secondary schools has gradually improved. A number of labor education experimental areas and practical bases have been established in various places to carry out labor education in an all -round way. The results of national compulsory education quality monitoring show that students generally have positive life values, and about 80%of students' academic performance reaches medium or above. Some provinces in my country have participated in the test of international student evaluation projects (PISA) several times in a row, and the overall results are among the best. From one side, it reflects the quality of compulsory education in my country into the world's advanced ranks.

(Source: CCTV News Client)

【Edit: Zhang Jing】

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