The 10 -year -old boy came to get up in the middle of the night, and his mother: he dreamed of being a mechanical designer

Author:Pole news Time:2022.09.14

Jimu Journalist Zhang Hao Xie Mao

Video editing: Hu Zhiqi

On September 11, a 10 -year -old boy in Guangyuan, Sichuan got up in the middle of the night to draw a draft. On the 13th, the boy's mother, Ms. Xie, told Jimu Journalists that the child would often do this, saying that he was inspired, and he would get up in the middle of the night to paint. She supported the child's dream of being a mechanical designer.

Ms. Xie introduced that her son was 10 years old and was in the fifth grade of elementary school. He began to draw various military equipment since the age of 5. The child's father worked abroad for a long time, and she was full -time at home. She knew nothing about painting. The children were painting and playing by themselves. The tools were a pen and a ruler.

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"He likes military things very much. He drew a lot of tanks, ships, and he was backward." Ms. Xie said that at 12 pm on the 11th, the child suddenly said inspiration and wanted to draw to draw painting. And this situation is not the first time, but generally, except for the next day, she will not let her stay up late.

Ms. Xie said that the child's dream is to be a mechanical designer. She supports the child and plans to find a professional teacher for the child, but also hopes that the child can learn well.

"If you have a talent, you must learn more well, and you still hope that he will put his mind in learning." The child's father said that his son was still in his physical stage, hoping that he would not stay up late to draw.

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