Execute until the end of the year!The latest notice of Hebei

Author:Great Wall Time:2022.09.14

In order to encourage enterprises to actively absorb the employment of college students and promote the release of dividends as soon as possible for the one -time expansion subsidy policy, on August 16, the Provincial Human Resources and Social Affairs Department, the Provincial Department of Education, and the Provincial Department of Finance jointly issued the "about accelerating the implementation of the one -time expansion subsidy policy "Notice", stipulates that the graduation time from January to December 2022 and obtains a graduation certificate of ordinary colleges and universities will sign a labor contract and pay the company with an unemployment insurance fee of more than 1 month. Each move is issued with a standard of 1,500 yuan to issue a one -time expansion subsidy. Policy is implemented until the end of December 2022.

According to the notice, there are two ways to enjoy the one -time expansion subsidy policy.

"Exemptation is to enjoy". Companies do not need to provide any materials, and the unemployment insurance agency will compare the information of the local new insured with the local new insured personnel with the national "identity verification interface of ordinary college graduates" to confirm that the insured as an ordinary college graduate of the graduate year, and the timely will be timely. The one -time expansion subsidy funds are issued to the employment of public accounts; for enterprises without public accounts, the funds can be paid to the social insurance account account provided by the local tax department.

Self -declaration. Enterprises can apply to the service window of the local unemployment insurance agency. General college graduates enrolled by enterprises participate in unemployment insurance, and the agencies have verified through unemployment insurance business information systems. The identity of ordinary college graduates of the graduation year will be verified through the national "authentication interface of fresh graduates of ordinary universities" or coordinated with the same level of education departments. The agency will settle within 20 days after receiving the application of the enterprise. Enterprises can choose the application method based on the actual situation.

In addition, this policy does not restrict the use of one -time expansion subsidy funds. After receiving the subsidy funds, the enterprise can reasonably arrange the use of this part of funds according to the actual situation of production and operation.

The reporter learned from the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security that since Hebei launched a one -time expansion subsidy and distribution work in June this year, as of September 8, the province has issued a one -time expansion subsidy fund for 2,701 units in the province. 8766 people.

It should be noted that the employment participation information and identity of an ordinary college graduate of a graduate year can only be used by one company to enjoy one -time expansion subsidy and cannot be reused. One -time expansion subsidy and one -time attracting employment subsidy policy cannot be repeated. All localities shall not exceed that there are policy regulations to increase policy enjoyment thresholds, increase restrictions, and allow companies to recruit ordinary college graduates of the year and meet relevant conditions to enjoy policy dividends as much as possible.

Source: Hebei Daily

Responsible editor: Fang Shujing Su Haojun Chen Zhaoyue

Edit: Wu Yunhuan

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