True gold and silver recruiting talents Weifang to speed up young talents gathering 18 measures Time:2022.09.13 · Lightning News, September 13th, in order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the talent work conference of the Central and Provincial Party Committee and Municipal Party Committee, vigorously implement the "Talent Xingwei" action, strengthen talent introduction innovation, increase young talent gathering efforts, to take Weifang in order to take Weifang Development is promoted to provide strong talent support, and Weifang has formulated and issued several measures to further accelerate young talents.

More intensity attracts the gathering of young talents to Wei Huiwei

Vigorously introduce masterpieces. For doctoral students who are introduced by new and full -time development institutions for enterprises, private non -enterprises, social groups, office, individual industrial and commercial households, new agricultural business entities, schools, hospitals, scientific research institutes, and key new research and development institutions (generally not more than 45 years old), and Doctoral students who come to Wei to start their own businesses will give qualified living subsidies for 6,000 yuan per person per month and 3 years. Among them, the global TOP200 and domestic "double first -class" construction college doctoral graduate subsidy for enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households, new agricultural business entities, and key new R & D institutions are 5 years.

For enterprises, private non -enterprise, social groups, offices, individual industrial and commercial households, new agricultural business entities, towns (including communities, villages in the area), schools and health centers (bathrooms), key new R & D institutions introduced by new and full -time graduate students (The age is generally not more than 40 years old), and the master's degree in the self -entrepreneurial entrepreneurship in Wei, the living subsidy of 2,000 yuan per person per month is eligible. Among them, the global TOP200 and domestic "double first -class" construction college graduate subsidies for enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households, new agricultural business entities, and key new R & D institutions are 5 years.

400,000 college students gathering plans. Within 5 years, the city's new introduction of college students exceeded 400,000. Undergraduate graduates (aged and commercial owners, individual industrial and commercial households, new -type agricultural business entities, key new -type research and development institutions (generally not more than 35 years old), and undergraduate graduates who come to Wei Life, which is eligible, gives 1,000 yuan per person per month and 3 years of life subsidies. Among them, the subsidy period for enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households, new agricultural business entities, and key new R & D institutions to be introduced worldwide and the domestic "double first -class" construction college graduate subsidy period is 5 years.

For enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households, and new -type agricultural business entities, new and full -time introduction to full -time college graduates within five years of graduation, and full -time college graduates who come to Wei to start their own businesses will give each person a monthly 500 yuan per month and 3 years in the deadline. Life subsidy.

Skills talent improvement plan. Within five years of graduation, a newly -made professional qualification (skill level) full -time graduate graduates who have newly arrived in Weifang's enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households, and new -type agricultural business entities will give 1,000 yuan a month for a full -time graduate of the technician colleges and universities. The full -time graduates of the technical colleges of industrial qualifications (skill levels) give 500 yuan a month for life subsidies; all -time graduates of technical colleges who have obtained intermediate professional qualifications (skill levels), full -time graduates of secondary vocational schools Each person gives 300 yuan a month for life subsidies, and distributed for 3 years.

Greed up the way of the introduction of youth talents

Implement the "Gold Seed" support plan. According to the urgent need of professionals in the next period of enterprises in the city, a group of outstanding students who intend to come to Wei Innovation and Entrepreneurship will be selected from undergraduate colleges and universities. "Gold Seeds" students' internship and internship period of life subsidies. If you work full -time after graduation, the municipal or county -level finance of the employer will be subsidized by the municipal or county -level finance of the employer, and 30%of the tuition subsidy will be subsidized by the employer. Each employer will subsidize the maximum of 100,000 yuan per year.

Increase the reward of cited talents outside the city. For key universities outside the city with high industrial associations, talent cooperation, and talent introduction, they will give a reward of up to 500,000 yuan per college each year.

Stimulate to stay in Wei universities. Establish a "stay in the WeChat Award in the WeChat University", with the average rate of retaining the WeChat graduates in the universities (technical colleges) in the WeChat (technical colleges) as the basis, and determine the target value of the colleges and universities. Increased students, college students and bachelor's undergraduates (obtained senior workers and or above graduates), graduate students, and doctoral students, each person for 1,000 yuan, 2,000 yuan, and 4,000 yuan, respectively, and provided special support for the student employment departments of the college in Wei University.

Increase support for employment subjects. Those who apply for the National Key Talent Project and the Talent Project of the Taishan Series Talent Project through Weifang City have entered the final review session, and the municipal finance will give 30,000 yuan in support for each user unit. Small and medium -sized enterprises have introduced more than 2 doctoral students in a year or more, or more than 5 graduate students, and given the person in charge of the enterprise to support 50,000 yuan at one time.

The implementation of talents will return to Wei. For foreign institutions and institutions who have undergraduates or above within 5 years of graduation or under 35 years of age, they are compiled by those who have a full -time degree or above. I, their spouses, or parents' household registration are Weifang and applied for returning to Weifang. After inspection, the best organs and institutions were placed in the city's empty and empty posts.

Improve the "Caiju Kudu" to lead to "through the traffic". Organize a series of brand activities such as "Famous School Teachers and Students Weifang" and "Caiju Kite Capital -Famous School Talents Direct Train". The scope of support for green channels for hierarchical talents. Optimize the development of youth talent development system

Promote the reform of the talents of public institutions. Weifang public institutions introduce high -level talents. When there is no vacancy in permanent positions, special positions can be applied in accordance with regulations. Each year, the public institutions urgently need to lack the absence of professional talents to attract activities, and release the directory (or job) catalog in time in a timely manner to implement the autonomy of the department selection. For high -level urgently needed talents, the competent department of the public institution can directly adopt interviews, professional tests or professional tests or professional tests or professional testing or professional testing or professional testing or professional testing. Recruitment of skill operation.

Vigorously support professional and technical talents. Deepen the reform of the professional title system, improve the mechanism of stratigraphy, classify others' talents, promote independent evaluation and employment of colleges and universities, expand the pilot scope of the "double autonomy" reform of the health professional title system, and unblock the "dual channels" of professional and technical talents in grassroots professional and technical talents. High -level professional and technical talents, qualified doctoral students can declare senior professional titles through the "through traffic" system. Professional and technical personnel with outstanding performance can be declared in high -level professional and technical titles.

Promote the "double settlement" system for high -level talents. Support school and land combination of talents for talents, formulated and issued recruitment announcements by colleges and universities in Wei universities. Enterprises or new R & D institutions can be innovative and entrepreneurial.

Build a first -class ecosystem for the development of young talents

Support young talents to start a business. Provide up to 300,000 yuan of entrepreneurial guarantee loans to the professional and technical personnel of township institutions that meet the qualified entrepreneurship and the professional and technical personnel of the township institutions who are out of entrepreneurship. The longest loan period does not exceed 3 years, and the loan interest rate does not exceed the market quotation interest rate plus 0.5 percentage points. In the first year, the total discounted discounts were pasted in the second year.

Improve high -level talent spouses. High -level talents (including doctoral students) stipulated in the green channels of high -level talents in the city. If the spouse is originally a civil servant or a public institution, it is placed in accordance with the principle of "the same level".

Improve the standards for buying house purchase subsidies for young people. For doctoral students, graduate students, undergraduate graduates (preparatory technicians), and college graduates (senior workers) who are employed and entrepreneurial in Weifang City and meet the conditions. Yuanshi purchase subsidy. Graduated from the global TOP200 college and national discipline evaluation of the new and full -time enterprise, and the degree of doctoral students and master's degree in doctoral students and master's degree students who study colleges and universities in the "double first -class" construction of colleges and universities can be given up to 1 million yuan and 500,000 yuan special purchase house purchase. Subsidies, county and city -owned development zones based on industrial needs, independently determine the list of specific colleges and universities and urgently needed professional catalogs.

Improve the level of support for talent apartments. For graduates (senior workers) or above in Weifang's employment and entrepreneurship and qualified, they can apply for a talent housing raised by the government for construction. The rent -free rental period, the rent standards of other types of other people's talents are determined by 30%of the rents of the quality house market in the same area; the rent standards for the second and three rent periods are 50%and 70 of the rent of the quality house market in the same location and the quality house market. %Sure. Come to Weifang's college students to stay in the "Youth Station" for free within 7 days.

Improve the amount of housing provident fund loan. High -level talents (including doctoral students) stipulated in high -level talent services of high -level talents in the city, and meet the conditions for personal loans to apply for housing provident fund. The loan amount can be increased to the city's highest provident fund loan quota, and the maximum amount of loan is no longer linked to the account balance.

Open your children to learn the green channel. Eligible high -level talents (including doctoral students) children, when studying preschool education, compulsory education, and secondary vocational education, the education department will simplify the processing process in accordance with the principles of respect for their wishes and conveniently, and arrange for admission in the city.

These measures are related to financial support funds, and shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant policies of the Weifang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. The sources of funds have been clearly implemented in accordance with the original channels. If it is not clearly borne by the municipal finance or at the same level, it shall be borne by the current financial system. If this measure is intertwined with the current policy of Weifang, it is implemented in accordance with the principle of "high -consciousness and not repeating". For talents who have newly introduced to Weifang after April 27, 2022, those who meet the standards of this measure can enjoy relevant support policies.

The interpretation of this measure is responsible for the relevant responsible units of the Weifang Municipal Party Committee Organization Department. It will be implemented from the date of printing and issued, and the validity period will be on December 31, 2025.

Lightning News reporter Li Tao Weifang Report

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