I heard that Tian University Zizi recently won a prize?Ask for exaggeration

Author:Tianjin University Time:2022.09.13


Outside the name! Recently, major competitions have gradually ended. The big students of the sky are overwhelming, and Yongchuang's performance simply gets a prize and gets a soft and fast -moving with Xiaotian ~ ✦✦

(Because the award is rich, the ranking here is not distinguished)

奖13 first prize!

The "Higher Education Cup" National College Student Advanced Map Technology and Product Information Modeling Innovation Competition is the highest -level national competition in the graphic curriculum. In the 15th "Higher Education Cup" National College Student Advanced Map Technology and Product Information Modeling Innovation Contest Finals, Tianjin University team won 13 first prizes, 14 second prizes, and 12 third prizes. Reward, 71 award -winning students, including 4 group first prizes. This is the best record since Tianjin University's competition. The Tianjin University Chengtu Contest has participated in the 5th national competition in a row, and the number of participants and the award -winning results has been steadily improved, which fully reflects the results of the first batch of national first -class undergraduate curriculum education and teaching reforms of the "Engineering Maps". Newcomers in the era of the rejuvenation of the national rejuvenation have effectively promoted the achievement of the strategic goals of Tianjin University's new engineering technology and innovative talent training.

项 Eight national awards!

In the 17th National College Student Smart Car Competition, Tianjin University's smart team has achieved good achievements and won 4 first prizes in the National Finals, 4 second prizes for the National Finals, 6 first prizes in North China, and the second class of North China Division. 3 prizes, a record high.

With the support of the Tianjin University Academic Affairs Office and the Youth League Committee, the Tianda Smart Team belongs to the IT discipline innovation and entrepreneurial training base. Participants are from the School of Automation, the Department of Intelligence Studies, the School of Microelectronics, the College of Jingyi, and the School of Machinery. Over the years, the school's Academic Affairs Office and IT discipline innovation and entrepreneurial training base have continued to provide strong support for smart fleets in terms of instructor, venue, funding, etc., and give students sufficient resources to improve their ability to innovate and practice. Get outstanding results many times.

第 First, first, first, and third

In the 2022 World Robot Contest Championships, which is known as the "Olympic" of the robot world, the Tianjin University MRS Laboratory team has developed a young driver and multi -mode tensor robot that can be used for non -structured environment movement. With excellent load self -weight ratio, energy consumption performance, and adaptability of various terrain, the team has been overwhelmed and won the International First Prize of the 2022 World Robot Contest Championship -the Communist Robot Challenge Challenge.

Robotic diagram

In the Fourth China Graduate Robotic Innovation Design Contest of "Shen Hao Cup", the participating project of the MRS Laboratory Orthopedic Medical Robot Team "lower extremity fracture reset and rehabilitation integrated robot" has achieved the integrated fracture accurate reset and quantitative rehabilitation. The advantages of greatly improved the accuracy of reset, reduce postoperative complications, and improve bone healing effects, and stood out of the 28 projects of the medical and health special group and won the first prize of the national award. This is also the only project that won the first prize of the track. In addition, Professor Sun Tao and Associate Professor Lian Binbin won the Excellent Instructor Award.

The final review of the 10th National College Student Machinery Innovation Design Contest was held at the Shenzhen University of Technology, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province. The MRS experimental undergraduate team "‘ Three Silk and Walking ’ -Form Silk Silk Drive Driven Exploration Robot” won the National First Prize.

Robot rendering

Robot physical picture

The American AME Student Institution and Robot Design Competition is a competition for undergraduates and graduate students to show their mechanical devices or robot design and construction capabilities. In August 2022, the MRS laboratory's undergraduate team "Cable-Driven RECONFIGUABLABLE ROBOT BASED On TenseGrity Structures" won the third place in the 2022 American AME student institution and robot design contest.

2 first prizes, 1 second prize, 2 nomination prizes!

A few days ago, the 2022 WUPENICITY "Sharing Yuan Homeland" urban design student assignment international competition, which is organized by Wupenicity, organized by the World Education Federation of Excellent Planning College. The number of participating teams at the School of Architecture of Tianjin University has won good results, won 2 first prize operations, and won 1 second prize and 2 nominations awards.

奖 Student Excellent Paper Award!

In August 2022, Liu Boda, a team of micro -electronics and system teams of Tianjin University, at the top microwave conference on microwave in the domestic microwave industry at the top of the domestic microwave industry. The papers of integrated the Bartler matrix and the six -port receiving machine "and won the" Student Excellent Paper Award "in the conference. Tianjin University is the dissertation unit and communication authors. Liu Boda, a graduate student of 2022, is the first author. Professor Ma Kaixue, Associate Professor Wang Yongqiang and Associate Professor Yan Ningning.

►►► First prize!

From August 20-22, 2022, the 6th China (International) Sensor Innovation and Entrepreneurship Contest was held in Zhengzhou, Henan Province. Professor Hu Chunguang, a micro-nano optical surveying and control laboratory in Jingyi College, was directed by Wang Zizheng, Sun Xinlei, Zhai Cong, Liu Yichen, The "micro -nano -optical" team composed of Wu Yuesong and others participated in the "Microcarler Super precision spectrum sensor for semiconductor measuring". The highest award has been won since the event. Congratulations on TJUERS to make good results! At the beginning of the new semester, I look forward to more surprises from Tian University! What award have you won recently in the comment area and tell Xiaotian ~

Congratulations to the wonderful content of the previous wonderful content! Twenty Tianda teachers have won this award to bless you, Teacher Tianda! If you have you in the sky, you will have the power to send moon cakes! Tour the garden! During the Mid -Autumn Festival, it is difficult to overcome in the Mid -Autumn Festival! Tianjin University provides "five assistance" for the disaster -stricken students of the Luding earthquake -TIANDA1895 -Source/ Tianjin University News Network WeChat public platform editor/ Peng Wanwan Duxu Design/ Qi Zhongyue Yang Yan Jia New Media Center "Submission & Join Our [email protected] and Xiaotian with 1,000 praises for" Tianjin University "

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