Peking University Medicine Celebrate 38 Teacher's Day

Author:Guangming Daily client Time:2022.09.12

"Welcome to the 20th National Congress of the Party, bacon casting a newcomer", on September 9th, on the occasion of the 38th Teacher's Day, celebrating the 110th Anniversary Teacher's Day Commendation Conference of Peking University Medical School was held in Beijing Medical.

110 years ago, nine faculty members, dozens of old houses, and an old microscope ... The predecessors were wearing thorns and created the first national western medicine school in China to cultivate talents and "take on promoting social culture, reducing it. The responsibility of the people's pain ". For a hundred years, a generation of medical people has always established and developed modern Chinese medical education with the times with the times and shared the fate of the country.

In 1987, Bei Medical established the highest award in the field of teaching, the Tao Li Award to recognize teachers who have been engaged in teaching for decades and outstanding grades. At this conference, Academician Han Jisheng, Zhang Lihe, Academician Tong Tanjun, Academician Guo Yinglu, Zhu Xueguang, Mr. Chen Yude, Mr. Zhu Xuejun, Teacher Hu Peicheng, Mao Jieming, Teacher Wei Lihui, Teacher Zheng Jie Teacher Ma Yuwen, Teacher Xie Jingxia, Teacher Wang Shan, Teacher Wang Shan, Yu Guangyan and other previous medical department Tao Li Awards winners came to the scene.

In 2022, the winner of the Tao Li Award, the former executive vice president of Peking University and the former executive deputy director of the Ministry of Medicine, said in his speech: "Since the establishment of the Tao Li Awards for more than 30 years, it has deeply integrated the spiritual temperament, connotation and symbol of North Medical. This is also the most glorious and encouraged awards that I have won all kinds of awards. "

"Working with excellent teachers and students has gathered into my life wealth." As the former deputy director of the former medical department of Peking University, Ke Yang participated in university education management and promoted the reform of medical education. In his speech, she reviewed this process and shared it. Her experience.

"True students are the benefit of the educated people. Northern Medical's 100 -year -old teaching goal is to cultivate outstanding medical talents for the country. Studying medicine, perseverance, persistence and continuous efforts from medical needs. Teachers should do their best Provide more care, loose soil, and teaching according to their aptitude, make them the road to learning medicine to grow smoother, and let them see the prospects of personal development. "

"As a teacher, teaching and educating people are unified, and educating people and self -cultivation are connected. In the era of rapid development, in the face of the common anxiety of students, teachers can use their own experience in infection, inspiration, and influence students, carry out equal and openness Discussion, teachers and students face and explore side by side side by side, allowing us to have greater courage and strength to overcome difficulties. "

On the occasion of the 38th Teacher's Day, the Ministry of Medicine celebrated and decided to recognize a group of outstanding teachers who struggled on the front line of teaching. Chen Baojian, Executive Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Peking University and Secretary of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Medicine, reads the commendation decision.

Awarded Professor Ke Yang's Tao Li Award of the Ministry of Medicine of Peking University, and awarded 443 comrades and other 44 outstanding teaching awards including Professor Li Rong and 41 outstanding moral education awards. After the school's recommendation, 11 comrades including Professor Feng Yi won the awards from the competent department of education and health and health at all levels of the Teaching and Health and Health of the Teaching and Health of the Teaching and Health of the Beijing Higher Institute.

"Materia Medica is bitter every day, Tao Li Fangfang is happy every year", Professor Zhang Qiang of the Academy of Pharmaceuticals of the School of Outstanding Graduate Instructor Teacher Teacher Teachers' Teachers' Teachers' Teachers' Teachers' Teachers' Teachers' Teachers' Teachers' Teachers said: " People are the happiest occupations in the world, because you are training talents for the country. "

Teacher Zhao Yixin, the People's Hospital of the Capital Labor Medal, tells her feelings of participating in the basic skills of young teachers' teaching. She said: "Like my ears and teachers, once I go to the podium, I must devote myself to teaching with my awe of the classroom and responsibility for students."

"This is a two -way, happy and sweet career." Peking University Jiukun Outstanding Counselor Award and the Top Ten Counselor of the Department of Medical Department of Peking University. The understanding and practice of opposing the moral people.

"Everything must be done in detail, and there is no small matter for safety." Teacher Wu Jing, an advanced individual award -winning representative of Peking University (Medical Group) Laboratory, said that in ordinary posts, work hard work and due diligence Safe and high -quality testing services provide support for talent training.

The Peking University Teaching Achievement Award for Award for the Basic Medical College Wang Yun was taught for 30 years. She witnessed the changes and prosperity of the Beijing Medical Campus and the growth and achievement of students. She said: "Education is the fire in the heart of students, Peking University Medicine Education and teaching integrated reform practice, teachers and students benefit, have long teaching, and recognize their peers. "

Beijing curriculum ideological and political demonstration curriculum, curriculum ideological and political teaching teacher and team award -winning representative of the School of Nursing, Wang Zhiling, introduced the experience in the construction of the curriculum: "Each teacher consciously and effectively melted the value to the knowledge teaching and ability During the training, the full -scale educating pattern of the whole process is formed, the fundamental goal of achieving higher education, and cultivating the qualified builders and reliable successors of socialism. "

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