[Human Resources and Social Day Class · June 21] Recruiting college graduates of the year of graduation, you can enjoy one -time expansion subsidy!

Author:Human Resources and Social Sec Time:2022.06.21

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Human Resources Day Class · Good news on June 13!These 22 industries can apply for three social insurance premiums in phased slowly

Human Resources and Social Daily Class · June 14th three social security premiums have been prolonged

Human Resources and Social Day Class · June 15th@人 人 人, these social security paid policies will be given to you

Human Resources and Social Day Class · June 16th, flexible employees can also temporarily pay for endowment insurance

Human Resources and Social Day Class · On June 17th, the proportion of returning proportion of unemployment insurance stabilization posts increased

Human Resources Day Class · June 20th Researchmoral Training Subsidant Subsidant Scope of beneficiaries expanded

Illustration design: Jiang Weiwei

Editor in this issue: Wang Yao

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4 A+, 121 on the list!Come and apply for Yangzhou University!

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