The head teacher has 53 cadre positions for 51 dolls!Netizens' comment is on ...

Author:Henan Communist Youth League Time:2022.09.12

Source: Henan Communist Youth League comprehensive from CCTV, Xiaohongshu blogger@来 来 来 forward, youth Shandong, etc.

"Drinking Water Captain", "Corridor Corridor", "Table Chief"

"Windowway Director" and "Qianmen Administrator"

... ...

This is a elementary class teacher in Sichuan

Class cadre positions set for students

Compared with the "traditional positions" such as the monitor and the academic committee

With a little "outrageous"

From: Xiaohongshu blogger@来自 来自 来自 来自 forward!

These two days

A post is hot

A Sichuan parent posted a post on a social platform

His son's son just attended the second grade of elementary school

First day of school

The head teacher was sent in the class group

"Class cadre campaign position table"

Set 53 positions for 51 children in the class!

"Teachers are also painstakingly worried for fairness!"

"Wipe the blackboard is a popular post"

I am curious:

Will children only stare at the squad leader position

Don't look at the others?

Xiaohongshu blogger@小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小

The son of the second grade just read so many positions is a bit "masked"

I don’t know what I am responsible for doing it

But soon found his own campaign goal -big team leader

The reason is simple

He was the team leader last semester

The task is to listen to a few students back to the text

This semester "a little bit entered a little bit"

Want to be a big team leader

Responsible for more classmates' endorsement tasks

Some netizens share in the comments area

The story of the cute "small class cadre" around

someone said

The daughter is responsible for rubbing the blackboard in the class

This position still needs to be on stage to run for a popular post

There are also junior high school girls who become "bicycle administrators"

But no one in the class ride a bike

The post becomes "idle"

So she mobilized her girlfriend to ride to school together

Children do not care about the "high and low" post

I just want to have a sense of participation in the class

For the collective force

The approval of students and teachers

Allow children to become "people sitting on the side of the road"

Many friends have read this sentence

"When the hero is passing by

There are always someone sitting on the side of the road and applauding

I don't want to be a hero

I want to be a person sitting on the side of the road "

Not only children with good grades and good mouth

It is worthy of being "responsible for the responsibility"

The results are shiny signs

But a class can always have only one "first"

Each child's small but moving flash point

However, it may be deeply buried by the ruthless transcript

Children can not only be the "first class" and "squad leader"

You can also be careful, responsible, and enthusiastic ...

Allow children to become "people sitting on the side of the road"

Why is it not the meaning of education?

"Education is one soul awakened another soul"

The comment area of ​​this post has also become

Large "class cadre exchange scene"

Some netizens said

Internal performance of their children's personality is mediocre

At the end of the period, the teacher awarded him the "Best Listening Award"

Some people say

The position of my own baby is

"The first switch manager on the left side of the blackboard"

There are also "bicycle administrators" and "protecting flower angels"

A variety of positions such as "curtain administrator"

This comment area is very warm

This class teacher is really "too good"

Jas Bels used to have a very romantic words

To describe education

He says

Education is one tree shaking and another tree

One cloud pushes another cloud

One soul awakens the other soul

After these children grow up

Recall that you should be

"Table long", "Lantern", "Gallery Chief"

I will definitely know the teacher's goodwill

The goodwill given by the teacher

Will accompany people's life

Not only children with good grades and good mouth

It is worthy of being "responsible for the heavy responsibility". The child can not only be the "first class", "squad leader", but also carefully, responsible, and enthusiastic ... praise for teachers full of goodwill!


- END -

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