In the new semester of autumn, a letter to parents in kindergarten!

Author:President Kindergarten Service Time:2022.09.12

A letter to parents

Dear parents and friends:

Hello everyone! The long -awaited new semester has begun! For all of us, a new starting point is another new start.

Kindergarten is the first step and an important step from family to socialization. Whether the child can achieve comprehensive development in the kindergarten needs not only the teacher's elaborate teaching, but also the understanding and high degree of cooperation of parents and friends.

Family and kindergartens are highly consistent in educational concepts. In order to cooperate in educational behavior, they can ensure that children have diversified development of physical and mental health and various aspects.

In order to alleviate the children's anxiety and help children transition to the kindergarten from family life to the kindergarten, and to help the children get a farther future in order to help their children's driving in the future, there are 10 small things in the kindergarten to inform them. Please read it carefully.

1. Even if you cry, please persist to send your children. Some difficult teachers overcome it with you

Children who just go to kindergarten will be affected by separation of anxiety. Parents often feel soft -hearted because of their children's crying, so they often send them for two days for a day, and send their children intermittently.

In fact, the duty of kindergarten teachers is not just about taking care of the children. There is a set of methods to systematically cultivate children's ability in the kindergarten. This is also the ability that children must master.

Frequent leave of leave will not only disrupt the continuity of children in kindergarten, but children will also be difficult to invest in kindergarten courses and life. On the other hand, it will also affect the development of children's communication skills in kindergarten, and it is not conducive to the cultivation of teachers and students' feelings.

Therefore, insisting on letting children come to the park, it will only allow children to learn more and get more benefits.

2. Do not wear clothes that are difficult to wear for children. This is not conducive to their self -management

In the opening season of September, just to catch up with the summer and autumn alternation season. The temperature difference between morning and evening is large. If you wear less, you are afraid of cooling. If you wear too much, you are afraid that it is not convenient to move. What's the matter.

装 Kindergarten "blacklist":

Too long skirts, too large pants, clothes with too many decorations, tights, tight pants, and complex and difficult to wear and take off.

Kindergarten Tips

Into the garden dress guide in September

是 Pure cotton clothing is the best choice for children. It is thin and soft, allowing children to move freely.

际 Pants are worn according to the actual size. It is better to choose loose persons. Sports pants and cotton pants are the first choice. Do not wear jeans. After the baby goes to the middle class, it can gradually increase the buckle and zipper clothes.

The safety of the child is the first place. You must try to avoid the child wearing a rope or other sharp decorative clothing on the neck or hat.

3. Don't always pick up the child from school, but don't always pick up the child for the last time

In order to prevent children from waiting anxiously, many parents will wait early to grab the child at the door of the kindergarten. In fact, this is unnecessary. There are many parents at the gate of the school at school, and the teachers also hope that parents can have some exchanges with their parents when picking up their children. I really hope that everyone will not grab these minutes. In addition, you can also let your baby learn to wait through this time.

Instead, long -term too late children may have an impact on the child's psychological psychology, especially other children are taken away. When only one baby is left, the child will have a psychological shadow.

Therefore, whether it is early or late, you must grasp a "degree". Don't always be the first, don't often fall at the end.

4. After picking up the child home, do not pay too much attention to the problem of entering the park

When leaving the garden, it is the most active and exciting stage of children. Different questions from parents on the garden road reflect the attitude of life of different parents, and also affect their children's value orientation.

Smart parents will ask their children's positive questions, causing the child to speak in their hearts, so that children are more willing to communicate with their parents.

When the child's mind, about learning, about kindergarten is a happy and beautiful picture. The child will naturally like and look forward to the kindergarten.

5. Do not let 5+2 = 0, weekends and holidays, please keep the same schedule as kindergarten

When the education direction of kindergartens and families is inconsistent, the combination of homeland is "0"; when the kindergarten is consistent with the direction of the family education, the homeland will be greater than "7".

Therefore, do n’t let your children go to sleep at home as soon as they get on holidays. They sleep until three rods during the day and play in the middle of the night.

In this way, even if the five -day kindergarten education is effective, the two -day family education has not kept up, and the child's education will always turn around. When the child goes to kindergarten, he still needs to re -adapt.

6. Daily parent -child homework, parents are requested to accompany their children to complete

Parent -child homework focuses on "parent -child" and is not in "homework".

This is a small task that teachers follow the needs of children's age characteristics and education needs. It is not only an important way to achieve high -quality parent -child companionship, but also enhance parent -child communication, help parents witness their children's progress and growth Essence

Seven, the best teacher is parents, the best school is the family

Parents are the first teacher of the child and the example of the child forever. Please be a competent parent. I hope that every child can grow up in a healthy and happy environment. In the kindergarten time, teachers will definitely spare no effort to take care of their children and grow with their children.

In the child's life, I hope that parents can bear the responsibility of being a parent, do a good job in daily teaching, and transform with their children, and grow together! The responsibility is the teacher, but the child is a parent. Only when teachers and parents perform their duties and support each other can children learn well and go far.

8. There is no perfect teacher, the teacher also needs to understand and improve

Teachers will work hard to care for every child. Please allow occasional minor errors. Your understanding and tolerance are the biggest encouragement and support for the teacher.

When there is no time to reply to the message, when taking pictures is more perfect, please understand and patient. I believe that the teacher always has a good heart with a good heart for the child. The teacher communicates.

Nine, every child is a flower, please listen patiently

Life is not a sprint, but a marathon. No one has been running at the marathon because it will never "lose on the starting line." The growth of each organism needs to follow its natural law, as is the child.

I hope you can adopt the corresponding education method according to the characteristics of your child. Don't worry, give your child a little more time so that your baby can grow up better.

10. The best family relationship is that parents support teachers, teachers support children

The better the parents cooperate with the teacher, the more successful the education will be. The word "education" contains "teaching" and "education". Teachers teach knowledge and parenting children; children's education is inseparable from the joint cooperation of teachers and parents.

Therefore, on the road of parenting, only the homeland can help the child to drive to a better future!

*Discovery: Most of the text and pictures in this article are from the Internet. The editor of the Chief President Kindergarten Service Platform, because of the need for teaching and research to reprint or select articles, focuses on sharing excellent education concepts. The copyright belongs to the original author. If there is any infringement, Please leave a message in the background to contact and delete.

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