Principal's Book Jane | Use learning action to face "uncertain"

Author:Cover news Time:2022.09.11

Cover reporter Zhang Yan intern Liang Xinyue

The world is changing, the virus is changing, and even the outbreak is changing. Dear classmates, how did the Mid -Autumn Festival yesterday? The people of Chengdu shared a round of bright moon at home. There are shared reunion, and some are looking forward to reunion ...

Since the summer of 2022, all the uncertainty that happened around us has made people full of awe of the world. In the long river of time, how can we face or even resist those uncertainty of fear? Today's principal's book Jane, from Shi Shi Chengfei Middle School President Zhao Qingfang. Please keep learning, please start, please cherish the candlelight of your hope.

Let's read together.

Shi Shi Chengfei Middle School President Zhao Qingfang

Facing unknown, have the power to resist long river

Shi Shi Chengfei Middle School President Zhao Qingfang

At noon on September 5th, he was having lunch with his family, and the mobile phone issued alarm. After a while, he continued to eat, and at the same time began to feel the calmness of Chengdu people in the WeChat circle.

This earthquake early warning system was exchanged for the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake with pain in pain. I used to think that the eighth earthquake was the biggest warning of nature. You can think about this summer, rare high temperatures, power outages and electricity limit, mountain fires, new crown epidemic ... what else is it impossible? What else do you know?

——The future is here, coming with a beautiful vision, and future uncertainty and unknown.

——Expressing the future, how to embrace the "uncertainty" and "unknown" of the future at the same time?


"The only thing that is constant in this world is always changing." "The skills you rely on now may become unreasonable after 20 years." Facing the super uncertainty and unknown brought by the times Dear classmates, except for helplessness, anxiety, blankness, panic, what else can we do? —— Learning, learning independently, lifelong learning!

Pakistan Investment Master Fit, who had had the title of "the richest man in the world". It was when he enjoyed the heavenly year, but he appeared on the hot search because he learned PPT during the epidemic. Tangshan, Hebei, canceled the road and bridge toll station. A 36 -year -old toll sister appeared on the hot search because she cried "nothing now." In the face of an era that may abandon ourselves at any time, we have no choice except for lifelong learning, keeping up with the times, and constantly breaking through.

Just like the online teaching during the epidemic, every teacher has become anchor. From rookie to masters, from simple sharing to free comments, "cloud" while deeply reshaping the educational form, but also inspires every educator Learning potential. As a witness and participants, you can feel the impact and change brought by the "learning ability", because you are watching your teacher's cloud technology every day.

In this world, some people are always running day and night, and some people get up and find that the world has changed. The times are cruel, and it will not show mercy to anyone. But if you have the ability to learn, you can always prepare, change, improve, and grow, and the times will change.


Maybe you will say that there are many people who love learning now, but why are there not many people who really get changes and growth, or there are not many people who continue to change? Because, in addition to learning, there is also a very important ability -action. It is only known that it is not enough, and it must be put into action.

Look at these situations, do you have a feeling of acquaintance: I often set flags for myself, but do not put it into action, or give up for a while; I plan to do one thing for a while, and I find that the business of the plan is not at all. At first; if you want to improve your writing ability through reading notes, you can worry about the bad things you write.

The real growth is not how much the truth I understand, but how much it has changed. Only action can make knowledge become strength, and only to make knowing valuable. So, classmates, take action. If you have difficulty in exercising for an hour a day, then starting from 5 minutes to make it easier; if a person is difficult to persist, then find a small partner, supervise and encourage each other, and form a group effect. Do time to do the same thing, use the habit of inertia to help implement the move ... In the process, you will find that the most important truth growing is the key point of thinking, thinking, and changes after thinking after learning. In action. "I started thinking about failure without doing it. It is usually called a coward. In the face of the candlelight of hope, he wiped out the one that belonged to himself." - Please cherish your candlelight!

The future is full of uncertainty and life is full of uncertainty. However, since ancient times, there are always some core quality to resist the power of long river, such as learning ability, such as action. Dear classmates, let themselves become those with these core qualities. Only in this way can you calmly cope with the future uncertainty and unknown in the era of high -speed changes!

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