After reading Meng Wanzhou’s latest speech, I understand what is the scarce ability of a person

Author:Insight Time:2022.09.10

Author: Insight · Annabe Su

Life is like digging wells, you need to persist and wait.

A while ago, Meng Wanzhou's speech swiped the screen online.

When referring to Huawei's employment strategy, Meng Wanzhou said:

"In Huawei, we do not require employees to be proficient and ten -capable. Instead, they encourage employees to pay perseverance in the fields that they really love and be good at."

In this era, it seems that there are opportunities everywhere.

But a person always chases the world, and will only be abandoned by the world. Those who buried their heads in a certain field have gained a generous gift.

There is a famous saying:

"No matter how fragile people are, as long as all the energy is devoted to the only purpose, it will be able to make it achieve."

People who are really amazing all have "deep well thinking".

Learning to sink in your own field and cultivating deeply with ingenuity is the scarce ability of a person.


There are two stories that make me feel deeply, and share it with everyone.

The first story is from "I am a speaker".

Because he likes mathematics, he was admitted to the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom in 2011 to study mathematics.

When he graduated, the employment market of the financial industry was very good, so he gave up the accumulation of mathematics and learned finance from scratch.

Just a year later, the stock disaster was here, and countless people lost their blood. At the same time, big data and cloud computing quietly emerged and became the hottest industry.

These industries are based on the field of mathematics he was best at.

You Sibin regretted it. He thought he had taken a shortcut and kept up with the air outlet.

The second story comes from a friend around me.

He is a man's light and energetic person.

Over the years, when he has been involved in many industries, when the catering market is hot, he opens chain; when the courier station is popular, he opened the courier station and saw that others made investment and made a lot of money.

The results of it?

His restaurant gradually went downhill because of the chef's departure, and finally had to close the shop.

Because the express station does not understand management, it is also facing closure.

Because he does not have the common sense of financial management at all, he is also a few deposits and has been placed in the stock market.

More than ten years have passed, and my friend, except for the growth belly, has nothing to gain.

Classical teachers have suggested young people not to chase the trend blindly:

"When everyone is following the change, 10%of smart people are seeing what is constant -in increasingly more and more changes, they are relatively stable."

The wind can easily blow up the dandelion floating around, but cannot pull up the grass.

When you continue to cultivate yourself and bury the lush root system to the earth, any wind and rain in the times is not feared.


The founders of Basecamp and David, the American software company Basecamp, pointed out in the "Re -Come":

There are N methods for cutting 60 minutes, such as 1x60, 2X30, 3X20 and so on.

It is meaningless to be divided into multiple segments because it is too fragmented.

Concentrated energy and time in a certain field can only cross the mediocre and reach the height that ordinary people cannot reach.

In his speech, Meng Wanzhou specifically mentioned a young man who was engaged in algorithm research at the Huawei Russian Institute of Mathematics.

He was one of the few "genius teenagers" hired by Huawei early high salaries. After joining Huawei, he did not like to communicate with others.

Ten years have passed, and he finally broke the algorithm problem from 2G to 3G.

Later, Huawei was far ahead based on this achievement.

I have read such a sentence:

Your remuneration is not directly proportional to your labor, but to be directly proportional to the irreplaceableness of labor.

Just like the Henan guy Feng Sanfeng, who was hired at a high salary of Bo Porcelain Hotel in Dubai, received Russian richest man and the oil king Roman Abramovic himself.

He only had a high school degree, but because he pulled the noodles into 15 or even 20 roots in a needle, from the inconspicuous rural guy, he countered a millionaire.

Just like the "most bullish sea land fishing" waiter, Yang Lijuan, staying in Haidilao, deeply cultivating skills, improving thinking, and finally from a restaurant waiter with a monthly salary of 120, became a 16 billion CEO of net worth.

There are ancient training. If you work hard, you can't get a few wells without digging wells.

Digging around, tasting it, it is better to dig a well with heart, until the water overflows.

How great a person can achieve, depending on the word "focus".

The established goal of the day will eventually make you valuable.


The host Chen Xiaoqing has a friend who has been in the restaurant for more than ten years, and the business has been particularly good.

Chen Xiaoqing is very curious. How can friends still be hot for so many years without marketing and promotion?

My friend smiled and said, "As long as you go to the market to pick the vegetables at 6 o'clock every day, pick it up to 12 o'clock before leaving, and you can stick to it for more than ten years."

Many people don't know how to dig out their own wells, the answer is actually very simple.

Use stupid method.

Since 2010, writer Liang Xiaosheng started a "marathon" style of writing long -distance running.

Every morning, he cut a pencil and spread the paper on the rectangular table. Because he was sitting quietly for a long time, he was tortured by cervical spondylosis. Due to malnutrition, he also suffered from severe stomach disease.

The depression and anxiety emotions made his nails distorted, and often in a semi -falling state.

However, even so, he still persisted for 5 years.

In the end, he wrote 1.15 million words, which can be called "The World of Contemporary Chinese Image Epic".

Even in the rare year, Liang Xiaosheng still had to write about 10 pages and 2000 words a day. Such a habit, he insisted on for half a century.

Psychologist Angela Lee Dukwus has spent many years to study, deciding whether a person can succeed the most important factor.

She investigated many successful people from all walks of life and finally found:

The most important factor of a person's success is not IQ, emotional intelligence, connections, or interest, but "grit".

Life is like this. The more difficult it is, the more you need to force yourself to penetrate through the well.

Perseverance and persistence, snails can also reach the top of the pyramid.

In any industry, as long as you are willing to polish yourself with all resources and energy, you will be able to run towards excellence.

A reporter interviewed the painter Huang Yongyu and asked him why he learned to paint. Huang Yongyu replied:

"Nothing else, so I have to draw."

During decades, he practiced painting without hesitation, making him a painting world.

Life is like digging wells, you need to persist and wait.

Maybe you can't see the water source for a long time, but one day when you look up, you can be surprised to see the surging river.

Like a praise and encourage friends.

- END -

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