In the past ten years, the pattern of educational appearance changes

Author:Guangming Daily Time:2022.09.10

[China Ten Years · Series Theme Press release] Education is the big plan of the country and the party of the party. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the fundamental question of cultivating who, how to cultivate people, and who cultivates people, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed a series of new ideas, new ideas and new strategies to indicate the direction of the development of China's education in the new era, provide fundamental fundamental to the fundamental direction, provide fundamental fundamental fundamental follow.

Over the past ten years, the education system has fully implemented the party's education policy, implemented the fundamental tasks of the people in the Ethics, and cultivated the socialist builders and successors of the comprehensive development of morality, intellectual, physical and labor, promoting the fairness of education, improving the quality of education, and accelerating the modernization of education, accelerating education, and accelerating education. Building a strong education for education and doing a good job of education, the Chinese characteristics of education are more distinctive, achieve historic achievements, and the educational appearance is undergoing pattern changes.

On September 9, the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held the 29th of the "China Ten Years" series of theme press conferences. The Minister of Education Huai Jinpeng was invited to introduce the results of education reform and development since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and answered reporters Question.

The level of educational popularization realizes historic leap

In the past ten years, the level of education's popularity has achieved a historic leap, which has better guarantee the people's education opportunities and effectively alleviate the problems of the masses.

At present, there are nearly 530,000 schools at all levels and 290 million students at all levels. Preschool education margin garden rate was 88.1%, an increase of 23.6 percentage points from ten years ago; nine -year compulsory education consolidation rate was 95.4%on the basis of achieving comprehensive popularization, 91.4%of high school education gross enrollment rates, 57.8 higher education gross enrollment rate of 57.8 %, An increase of 3.6 percentage points, 6.4 percentage points, and 27.8 percentage points from ten years ago. The popularity of education at all levels has reached or exceeded the average national average of countries.

"The 200,000 compulsory education stage established a file to set up a card dropout student dynamically, and historically solved the long -term dropout problem. All 2,895 counties in the country all realized the basic equilibrium of compulsory education. A new situation with integrated development. "Huai Jinpeng introduced.

In addition, the student funding policy system covers the entire semester. In the past ten years, nearly 1.3 billion students have been funded. Continue to implement special programs for students in rural and poor areas in key universities, with a total of more than 950,000 students. There are special education schools with more than 300,000 people, and the enrollment rate of compulsory education for children with disabilities reaches more than 95%.

Education service capabilities steadily improved

In the past ten years, the education service capabilities have steadily improved, providing strong talent and intellectual support for the implementation of major national strategic implementation and economic and social development.

At present, there are more than 218 million people with a degree of university culture, a significant increase from ten years ago. Implementation of basic disciplines and top talent training programs, deepening the reform of the master doctoral training of engineering, strengthening college students' innovation and entrepreneurship education, and accelerating the training of urgent need of shortage of talents. Optimize the positioning of vocational education types, promote the integration of vocational Putong, deepen the integration of production and education, and to cultivate more than 79 million graduates in the middle of the high vocational school (excluding technical school).

The construction of "double first -class" has been promoted solidly, and several disciplines have entered the forefront of world -class disciplines. The innovation capabilities of colleges and universities have continued to improve. In the past ten years, colleges and teams have won 67%of the national natural science awards and 72%of the total national technology invention award. In ten years, the transformation of colleges and universities increased from 820 million yuan to 8.89 billion yuan.

A series of original innovation and key core technologies have continued to appear: the first observation of the quantum abnormal Hall effect, the successful development of the "nine chapters" quantum computers, independently developed my country's first set of large maritime twisted and dredging equipment "Sky Whale", and The world's first ball bed module high -temperature gas -cold pile nuclear power plant.

In the past ten years, the Ministry of Education has been implementing a large pattern of accelerating the development of talent training and scientific and technological innovation: basically forms a clear -level and reasonable layout of college scientific and technological innovation systems; ; University scientific and technological innovation vitality is constantly stimulated.

Huai Jinpeng said: "In the next step, we will continue to promote organized scientific research on high levels and high -quality free explorations, while strengthening the major national needs around the country, build a national science and technology platform, and promote further development of national science and technology."

The enrollment system with Chinese characteristics is more complete

In the past ten years, reforms such as education evaluation and examination enrollment have continued to deepen.

In 2014, the State Council issued the "Implementation Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Examination Admissions System", which launched a new round of test enrollment system reform. Huai Jinpeng said: "The examination enrollment system is related to the national development plan, the vital interests of the people, and the healthy growth of young people. This is a major event that everyone and families are concerned."

In recent years, the Ministry of Education has issued a series of documents and supporting policies for the reform of the admissions reform of the examinations, and guided 29 provinces to conduct comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination in five batches. Promote the institutional mechanism of fairness, scientific selection, and supervision, and the enrollment system of modern education examinations with Chinese characteristics is more complete.

Huai Jinpeng also introduced that in the past ten years, the improvement of education priority development mechanisms, and national fiscal education funding accounted for GDP proportion to more than 4%consecutive years. The average salary income level of teachers during the national compulsory education stage is not lower than that of local civil servants. At present, vigorously promoting the "double reduction" and education ecology is being reshaped.

(Reporter Chen Peng)

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