When I grow up, I will become your teacher's home: Qing Dianyuan is a "different educational seminar"

Author:Chinese overseas Chinese-Jiang Time:2022.09.10

Education is a kind of persistence and inheritance. It is not only to adhere to the three -foot podium, but also adhere to a feeling; not only to inherit a profession, but also inherit a family style.

"When I grew up, I became you. Then I knew that classroom. It was hope that it was to let go. You always stayed with you ..." The scene described in the song really happened in many teachers' homes in our city. These teachers' homes, passed down from several generations of salary, have taken dozens of years, creating a paragraph of good things. Today, their educational stories are still continuing, shining in the field of education with the spirit of selfless dedication.

Today, it is a special significance for teachers. This year, this day is particularly special -Teacher's Day and the Mid -Autumn Festival for the first time in this century "hitting a full", and it is at the moment of fighting the epidemic.

The "double festival" is here, and the epidemic has not retired. For teachers of the teacher's house, it is not the same as every festival in the past.

How will the teachers of the Education House spend on such a day? What kind of thoughts and emotions do they have, how can they resist the epidemic, and reunion? Our reporter walked into the four teachers' homes to listen to their stories.

Coordinating/Lou Danwen/Tu Lou Dan Zhang Cuiling Pan Shixin and Hu Tao E -Hang (part of the picture is provided by the respondent)

Teaching like spring breeze and family style is to teach the wind

"Teacher Family" emerged 26 teachers

Four provincial -level teachers, seven provincial -level or above teachers (excellent teachers), 13 counties (cities, districts) at or above famous teachers, subject leaders, 5 people have served Xie Guogang, a well -known "Teacher Family" -Xie Guogang, Music Teaching and Researchman of the Teacher Development Center of Pengjiang District, and the teacher family of Ding Yuhua, a mathematical teaching and researcher of the Municipal Teaching and Research Institute.

Xie Guogang and Ding Yuhua both became the host of the provincial teacher's studio.

The teachings are like spring breeze, the family style is to teach the wind, and the pulse is inherited. Xie Guogang said that a family with a teacher as a professional as a professional has continued to experience, improve, and improve its own professional literacy. It is also the excellent teaching style reflected by the teachers of the family.

"Teacher Family" different teaching and research clubs

"There are often friends who tease, saying that our family can open a school." Every time he mentioned his teacher family, Xie Guogang would "move" this sentence. In fact, this is true. Among the two families of Xie Guogang and Ding Yuhua, there are 26 teachers, and 15 are working in Jiangmen, namely their elders, uncle, cods, cousins, couples, and juniors. The niece and husband and wife, etc., are the teaching disciplines involving Chinese, mathematics, music, art, sports, and biology. Xie Guogang's nephew is studying in this year. He enrolled in the teacher's major. Another future teacher in the family is growing up.

In the past Mid -Autumn Festival and Teacher's Day, the entire family would come to Xie Guogang's party. Because education has been integrated into the family's little bit, each family gathering is an exchanges of education. Ding Yuhua's uncle is a senior special teacher. He is a "gold medal instructor" with more than ten years of teaching and researcher qualifications. In the initial gathering, I mainly listened to the teachings and guidance of the elders. Later, Xie Guogang and Ding Yuhua grew into a special teacher. The family gathering gradually became a "different teaching seminar" with the couple as the bond.

In the 10 years from 2012 to 2022, it was the "high-speed development period" of Xie Guogang's husband and wife. Special teacher. In 2016, he passed the deputy senior review. In August of this year, the husband and wife both successfully passed the review of the professional titles of Zhenggao teachers in Guangdong Province.

"Double Festival", thinking about your relatives and thinking more about work

This year, Teacher's Day is coming with the Mid -Autumn Festival. However, it is a time to them.

Xie Guogang's hometown is Guangyuan, Sichuan, and Ding Yuhua is Guangxi Tian and others. In this "double festival", the two could not go home to reunite. Although "every festival", they think of Jiangmen education more, and they are more clear about their responsibilities as teachers and researchers.

In this "double festival", they all need to invest in online teaching resources. In addition to the work of all teachers in the family, in addition to the work of online classrooms, they are more active in the work of the city of epidemic prevention. Although they are busy, they are also fulfilling and satisfied.

"All the way, we are all lucky and grateful." Xie Guogang said. From taking the elders as an example to the example of the juniors today, Xie Guogang and Ding Yuhua's husband and wife completed a conversion and transformation in the family. They said that they will continue to contribute to Jiangmen's education more with their hearts.

Zhou Huazhang, deputy director of the Teacher Development Center of Pengjiang District, a middle school Chinese education and researcher Zhou Huazhang

18 generations of 18 people bowed to farm

Dangui is fragrant, orange rice yellow, and another year of Teacher's Day. This is a festival belonging to every teacher, and also a festival that belongs to Zhou Huazhang and his family.

Zhou Huazhang with her daughter and wife (from right to left).

This year is the 32nd year of Zhou Huazhang's education. Watching more and more younger generations entered the teacher at home, he was extremely proud and comfortable. "At present, 18 members in the family have fought in educational positions in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong and other places, and contributed their own strength to our love of education." Zhou Huazhang said that although everyone cannot meet this festival, they can not meet, but they will be able to meet, but they will be able to meet, but they will be able to meet, but they will be able to meet, but they will be able to meet, but they will be able to meet, but they will be able to meet, but they will be able to meet, but they will be able to meet, but they will be able to meet. Send each other acacia for each other, and look forward to everyone together after the epidemic. 18 generations 18 people devoted to education

"Teacher, I wish you a happy holiday!" "Teacher, you have worked hard!" ... The blessings and thanks came from the autumn wind. Recently, the family of three from the Zhou Huazhang family received more than 200 greetings from students, parents and colleagues. strip.

Zhou Huazhang is the deputy director of the Teacher Development Center of Pengjiang District and a middle school Chinese teaching and researcher. His wife Zhou Wangju and his daughter Zhou Zhenyi are also teachers, and taught in Yifu Middle School and Purple Tea Primary School.

"In these years, under the influence of our teaching, cousin, cousin, nephew, niece, daughter, etc. have chosen educational careers." Zhou Huazhang introduced that the first batch of members who taught at home were three of them, wives and cousins. As everyone continues to cultivate in the teaching world, more and more recognition is obtained. For more than 30 years, 18 generations in the family have performed the story of the teacher's home story of "preaching" in Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Hubei, and Guangdong.

"Father often says that" snake bite people on the road ", encourages me to meet the difficulties, and don't choose the easier way to choose because of fear." In the past 8 years, Zhou Zhenyi grew up with the encouragement of Zhou Huazhang to one. Teachers who are becoming more and more popular.

Persist in sowing tiny and goodwill in the crew

"As an educator, the small goodwill we inadvertently sowing may bring a lifetime change to others." Zhou Huazhang was very emotional.

Zhou Zhenyi has the same feelings as his father. "When I taught in middle school, a boy in the class was shy and insufficient, but he was responsible for doing things. I gave him a lot of opportunities. When he graduated, he was successfully sent to Jiangmen No. 1 Middle School." Zhou Zhenyi said that when a student was a student When her mother told her the change of her child and family and thanked her, she was deeply responsible, and at the same time, her confidence increased greatly.

"He is a very diligent person who loves education and is very diligent. Whether he is teaching and research, instructors, or children of relatives and friends, he is very responsible." In the eyes of Zhou Wangju, the husband poured time and thoughts in education he loved deeply in education he loved. Career.

In the Mid -Autumn Festival, under the epidemic, Zhou Huazhang's family of three plans to send gifts with relatives and friends to express their hearts, and the "home house" spent. "During the holidays, an online training activity of the provincial teacher studio students will be held to prepare for lectures and students who will conduct this month." Zhou Huazhang said. Zhou Wangju and Zhou Zhenyi intend to prepare the next week's teaching tasks on the basis of completing the school -based epidemic prevention task.

Zhou Jiamin, a teacher in Shuangqiao Primary School in Guwu Town, Heshan City

The three generations of grandchildren adhere to the essay Yu Tao Li

In order to ensure the safety of teachers and students' lives and physical health, recently, Zhou Jiamin, a teacher of Shuangqiao Primary School in Guwu Town (now the Six Primary School Exchange Study of Shaping), participated in the prevention and control flow of the epidemic organized by the school. This year's Teacher's Day "hit" the Mid -Autumn Festival, which looks a little special for Zhou Jiamin, who is in the "teacher's home".

Education is the main topic of Zhou Jiamin's party.

Zhou Jiamin and her husband Li Peitao are both teachers, and Li Pengtao's grandmother Li Yinkui, father Li Jianrong, mother Huang Shaoling, aunt Huang Huiling, and cousin Huang Yingyi are also people's teachers.

"Family makes me more firmly teaching"

In a family, the three generations of grandchildren have played light and heat in teachers' positions. Among them, Zhou Jiamin's husband Li Peitao was a young teacher of the Professional and Technical School of Taishan City; Li Pengtao's grandmother Li Yinkui was hired by Xinwu Primary School in Guwu Town, Heshan City in 1959. He started serving as a Chinese and calligraphy teacher at the Guowan Town Rural School; his mother -in -law Huang Shaoling has taken root in the Guwan Town Rural School since 1989; the aunt Huang Huiling has been engaged in rural education since 1981. Li Jianrong, Huang Shaoling, and Huang Huiling have all received honorary certificates of "30 years in rural education."

"Being a teacher is my dream since I was a child. The encouragement and support of my husband and father -in -law has made me take a lot of detours and strengthened my confidence in the teacher's profession." Zhou Jiamin said. In 2016, she was about to graduate from college and came to Gu Lao Town Shuangqiao Primary School as a teacher. She was responsible for mathematics teaching and started her career. Here, she met her husband Li Peitao.

Talking about the teachings of the three generations, the family's eyes flashed. "Family people are engaged in the teacher industry, and many things will be printed with heart. As a young teacher, my husband and I often participate in teaching competitions. Parents often share their experiences with us, accompany us to rehearse at home, and put forward many opinions and guidance." Zhou Jiamin Say.

"Efforts to be an excellent teacher"

Nowadays, the family is together and often explores some educational topics. "I remind children the most is that as a teacher, putting the heart in work is very important, and there must be love for every student." Li Jianrong said.

In the eyes of Zhou Jiamin and her husband, parents often use behavior to guide and educate them silently. I remember late at night, she saw that her mother was still working in the desk and approached. It turned out that her family was cutting paper and making various cartoon patterns to prepare for the classroom the next day. "Mom is very good at learning. It turns out that she is cutting some animal patterns. Now children like Pig Page and Princess Windsor, and she goes online to study." Zhou Jiamin said, "Elders teach them to educate people with heart and love students sincerely. Behavior inspired me deeply. "Looking back at the years of teaching, Zhou Jiamin's family members felt that being a teacher is a particularly happy and satisfied thing. Speaking of the desire of the Mid -Autumn Festival and Teacher's Day, Zhou Jiamin said: "I hope I can improve their business, work hard to be an excellent teacher, set up their own people, and live up to the expectations of the elders."

Teacher Liang Xiaohui, the third primary school teacher in Shuikou Town, Kaiping City

Lives of people's sentiments

Three -foot podium three generations are the true portrayal of Liang Xiaohui's family. Yesterday, when the reporter came to the third primary school of Shuikou Town, Kaiping City, Liang Xiaohui was going online for the children due to the epidemic. Near Teacher's Day, there are festivals on the table, representing the blessings of festivals.

Liang Xiaohui and his wife.

Five people in three generations are teachers

Speaking of his family, Liang Xiaohui feels a lot. "My grandfather is the principal of a rural middle school. Grandma is the employee of this school. My parents are also educators." Liang Xiaohui introduced that he and his wife are teachers and are also "teachers' home."

Liang Xiaohui's grandfather Liang Qiayan was the principal of Kai Pinglong Shengjiu Junior High School. Liang Yanyan, who graduated from Changsha Normal School in Guangdong, returned to his hometown Longsheng to teach. Since then, he has been adhering to the three -foot podium for more than 30 years. Under the influence of Liang Qiangyan, his father Liang Zhongxian and his mother Liang Xianjuan have always adhered to the education position.

When Liang Xiaohui went to elementary school, the school had no smart devices such as computers. The test papers and homework needed the teacher to draw and copy themselves. "I often see my mother busy until late at night, but she has no complaints." Liang Xiaohui said that in order to do a good job of home visits, she always stepped on the bicycle to the student's house after 7 pm. "At that time, there were no cement roads and no lights. Riding a bicycle was actually very dangerous, but the mother still insisted on visiting home at night." Liang Xiaohui recalled that every time the mother brought her own small copy, she carefully recorded the students' family situation and feedback from parents to feedback from parents. Student learning. I didn't understand it when I was a child. After growing up, Liang Xiaohui began to understand her mother's mind when she became a mother. This is the responsibility and mission of being a teacher as a teacher.

Treat education as your own cause

Today, grandpa, grandma and mother in the family have retired one after another, and the relay stick of the "teacher's home" passed on to Liang Xiaohui. "They all served as my teacher, preaching on the podium to teach and confused, and the selfless love for the children impressed me." Liang Xiaohui said.

In 2018, Liang Xiaohui, who graduated from the Art Department of Guangdong University of Finance and Economics, resolutely returned to his hometown and taught to the Third Primary School of Shuikou Town, Kaiping City. Although the education objects, education environment, and education methods are very different, there are things that have been inherited in their families. That is the love for education and love for children. "I think that when a teacher has feelings, I will really feel sad for him because of the student's movement." After taking over the relay stick from his mother, Liang Xiaohui has always used his mother as an example to inherit the educational salary of teaching to educate the living salaries. fire.

After 5 years of work, Liang Xiaohui has achieved fruitful results in personal professional growth -obtained the professional ethics of teachers of Shuikou Town, Outstanding Teacher Teachers; Won the prize ... walk all the way, harvest all the way, and also strengthened his love for education.

"Now, the country attaches great importance to education, and we are also confident in education." Liang Xiaohui said, "Teaching students is a common wish of the three generations of grandchildren. Grandpa passed the teachings to parents, and they passed it to me again , I will also take education as my own career, and go firmly along the path of my ancestors. "

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