Tianjin strives to write a new chapter of modern education in the new chapter of the regional education capabilities of the regional education capabilities in the forefront of the country

Author:Internet information Tianjin Time:2022.09.09

Education is prosperous, and education is strong. On the 8th, the Municipal Government News Office held the "Tianjin Ten Years · Education" theme press conference to introduce the Tianjin education system since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The spirit of the important instructions of Tianjin inspection and attending the event four times, especially General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the spirit of the important speech of Nankai University. Under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, adhere to the original mission of being a party for education and national education. Promote new achievements in the city's education.

In the past ten years, there have been 21,000 new preschool education degrees in our city. All primary and secondary schools have initially reached the standard of modernization construction. Birth, the level of modernization of education has been significantly improved, regional education capabilities have maintained the forefront of the country, which enhances the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the people.

In the past ten years, the city has always adhered to the development of education and comprehensively strengthened the party's leadership of education. Comprehensively implement the party's education policy, adhere to the direction of socialist schools, set up the leading group of the municipal party committee's education work, and propose the general responsibility of the party committee of the college party committee to perform the responsibilities of the first responsible person; The party building work of private universities and independent colleges, in -depth implementation of party building and leading projects. The "double leaders" of the teachers' party branches achieve full coverage, the party building system and mechanism are more sound and complete, and the party flag has always fluttered on the front line of education.

Over the past ten years, our city has resolutely implemented the fundamental task of Lindu people to cultivate students' healthy growth. Construction of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideological courses with Chinese characteristics, and writing "Xi Jinping's" Three Entry "Teaching Guidance Plan" in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Establish a ideological and political work system for leading cadres into the campus, and implement the "New Era Marxist Political Talent Training Project". Formulate standards for teachers of ideological and political courses in primary and secondary schools to build ideological and political training bases and theme classrooms. Students' "Politics and Politics Class" and "Social Classroom" are organically combined. Carry out the evaluation of the quality of teaching and politics teachers, and have been approved by 2 national key Marxist colleges and 6 national ideological and political classmates studios. The nation's first batch of "three comparatus education" pilot provinces and cities and the first batch of " In the comprehensive reform pilot zone of Da Si Political Class, students have gradually increased their "satisfaction rates" of ideological and political teaching.

Over the past ten years, the city has promoted the high -quality and balanced development of basic education, and has strived to solve the problem of "urgency and sorrow" of the people. Persist in incorporating preschool education into the Tianjin Police Project each year. The supply of preschool education resources has increased rapidly. Essence The modernization standards of compulsory education schools are implemented in three rounds, especially the three -year operation of high -quality and balanced development of compulsory education since 2020, 138,000 new degrees, high -quality resource radiation of basic education, driving the development of education development in the central urban area and Yuancheng District, urban and rural areas, urban and rural areas, urban and rural areas, urban and rural areas The pace of compulsory education has accelerated, and the coverage of high -quality education resources has continued to expand. Promote the diversified characteristics of ordinary high schools, and the gross enrollment rate at high school stages exceeded 98%. Children and teenagers who care for school -age disabled in school to ensure that each child can enjoy the same education right and create everything for children's growth.

In the past ten years, the city has continued to promote the construction of a modern vocational education system and establish a new benchmark for vocational education. In August of this year, the first World Vocational and Technical Education Development Conference with the Ministry of Education was jointly organized to create a new mechanism for international exchanges and cooperation between vocational education and cooperation and leading the world. Successfully created the "National Vocational Education Reform and Innovation Demonstration Zone", and won 1 and six first prizes and first prizes for the National Teaching Achievement Award. Take the lead in running the vocational education and training system of the Sino -High School Ben University, and set up the University of Sino -German Applied Technology. 7 higher vocational colleges and 10 professional groups are selected into the national "double high plan". width. Deepen the integration of production and education, serve the "manufacturing industry" strategy, connect more than 660 professional points in the city's leading industries, set up 31 vocational education groups, build a number of industry technical engineering centers, and form a new model of diversified school running.

In the past ten years, our city has focused on improving the original innovation and service capabilities of universities and providing talent support for the city's economic and social development. 14 disciplines in five universities ranked among the "double first -class" construction. Implementing the "Top Disciplinary Cultivation Plan" and "Special Disciplinary Group Program for Service Industry", the National New Engineering Education Innovation Center settled in Tianjin University, 319 undergraduate majors, 111 undergraduate courses were selected as national first -class undergraduate majors and first -class courses. More than 470 science and technology enterprises settled in 8 university science and technology parks. Universities lead the construction of the first national large -scale seismic engineering simulation research infrastructure, and build a major platform for supporting major platforms such as the National Clinical Medicine Research Center. The Zhang Boli team of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine won the first prize of national science and technology progress, and the Zhou Qilin team of Nankai University won the first prize of the only national natural science in the year.

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Review: Wang Shaoyun

Editor: Li Pei

Material arrangement: Hu Yanzhu, Li Pei

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