According to the seventy years of salary, Tao Li Fangfang is full of the world -cracking the "educating password" of Qingdao 58 Middle School

Author:Youth Education Time:2022.09.09

A few days ago, the annual Qingdao 58 Middle School "embrace the ocean" walking activities was held as scheduled. All the freshmen of high school are along the coast and coastline, becoming a beautiful landscape on the coastline. This 30 -kilometer training can be called the hardest core project in Qingdao High School's military training, which has been carried out for 12 consecutive years. Different from previous years, this year, more than 1700 high -school students from the 58th School of the 58th Middle School of Qingdao 58th Middle School, the 58th High -tech School and the 58th Middle School Dewey Experimental School all participated in it. More, the team is longer. This is also the direct manifestation of the continuous expansion of the scale of Qingdao No. 58 Middle School.

The pointer of time returned to 1952. The Qingdao Fifty -eight Middle School, which was just established in the 2nd, was still an ordinary suburban remote school. The conditions for running schools were simple, but the quality of schooling was always extraordinary. Under the hard work of the generation of 58th middle school, the Qingdao 58th Middle School has grown into a leader in Qingdao high -quality high schools. New pattern of running a school. In October this year, the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Qingdao Middle School will usher in the birthday of the school. At that time, alumni from all over the country will gather together to celebrate the event and talk together.

What makes the level of school running and the quality of education in Qingdao's 58th Middle School rising, becoming the most longing high school for Shimcheng students? On the eve of Teacher's Day, the reporter walked into the 58th middle school, approaching the dedication of the five eight -eight teachers, and cracked the "educational password" of the school.

Qingdao Fifty -eight Middle School High School New Year's Eve for 30 kilometers of military training.

Qingdao 58 Middle School was awarded the only national civilized unit in primary and secondary schools in Shandong Province.

The opening ceremony of the Qingdao Fifty -eight Middle School Games.

Eugenics cultivation must be done

In this year's college entrance examination, the students of Qingdao 58 Middle School once again handed over a satisfactory answer. Among them, a large number of students who are determined to serve major strategic projects of the country and excellent comprehensive quality are admitted to Tsinghua, Peking University, Fudan and other famous domestic schools through a strong base plan. Behind this eye -catching achievement is inseparable from the five eight teachers' teams in the training of eugenics.

The five eight students are an excellent student group, and the cultivation of the top students has become the inconceivable responsibility of May 8th teachers. To this end, the school has formulated a series of measures to cultivate the eugenics groups. Starting from entering the school, the teachers have touched the students' college entrance examination intentions and personality characteristics. The comprehensive students have repeated test results, and a group of strong -based students are key training targets. On this basis, the school establishes a team of strong base plan teachers to study the enrollment policy of the strong base plan of colleges and universities in Shandong Province, and to formulate measures for students to participate in the strong base plan; with a coaching team, sorting mathematics, physics, etc. The key points of the discipline, use the weekend time to expand the tutoring of the top students to improve the comprehensive quality.

Sun Shuai, director of the senior department, introduced that the school will carefully understand the study, personality characteristics and family conditions of each top student, formulate personalized guidance plans for student characteristics, and achieve "one policy of a lifetime." At the same time, the school implements a dual mentor system. End with psychological and academic instructor for each student. The psychological mentor is served by the class teacher or a good relationship teacher. He always understands the students' ideological dynamics, so that students can maintain a good study state. The academic mentor is served as a teacher of the student weak department. For the formal assistance measures for the student weak department, the department regularly conducts evaluation of the assistance effect of the department.

The most important issue facing the development of top students is to make up for the weak department. On this issue, teachers of the 58th Middle School give full play to the fine traditions of group strategies, unity and cooperation, and help students make up for the shortcomings of the discipline in the form of "expert consultation". "There will also be some relatively weak subjects with top students. For example, some students have 'difficulty in physics' in physics. At this time, we will adopt the method of" expert consultation "to meet in the group to meet and find ways together." Sun Dengzhao, the leader of the physics collection team, introduced that after each big exam, the teacher will conduct a detailed analysis of the scores of the top students, find out problems and countermeasures, and help the sharp student to eliminate the weak department.

Class construction needs a sense of ceremony

"The school motto of the pursuit of excellence and rewarding the motherland has been imprinted in my heart from the moment I entered the school ..." "Our cute class teacher will always be a ghost, occupying strange favorable terrain 'secret observation'." "Here, here, here, here, here, here, here, I met the most dedicated teacher. When military training, when I complained early, I found that the class teacher got up earlier and slept late; when I came to the test site, the teachers were already at school earlier at school. Gelly us at the door and cheer for us. It is from the beginning to the end of the time when they were at the beginning to the end. " The students in the words showed their gratitude to their alma mater and class collective nostalgia and gratitude to the class teacher and the teacher.

In April of this year, the third class of 2019 was rated as "the collective high school provincial excellent class collective" in Shandong Province. Asked about the management and operation of the class, Liu Jiabao, the class teacher who has more than ten years of class management experience, said that the most important thing is to make students feel the warmth of the class like a home and make students satisfied, moved, and unexpected.

Don't look at Liu Jiabao as a male teacher, but there is a delicate heart under the rough appearance. He pays great attention to injecting a sense of ritual in class management to create happiness and movement for students. In addition to the awards ceremony once a month, the issuance ceremony of the municipal and provincial provincial certificates, the summary ceremony of major activities, and the instructor's pairing ceremony, Liu Jiabao led students to carry out corn experiments and held a corn harvesting ceremony to remind students to cherish food; The countdown of the college entrance examination was 300 days, and he prayed for the students on the top of Taishan; before the college entrance examination, he and other teachers held the meaning of "good cultivation," mang "," Mang "was revealed. The mango distribution ceremony that harvested the fruit of "mang", which means red and red fire, the dragon fruit and large orange distribution ceremony of the "orange" merit, which relieves the pressure of students' examinations. "Through these rituals, the excellent classmates have praised the excellent classmates. It is also an incentive for other students to further enhance the students' awareness of their best. The ritual is actually a culture. It is a culture of growth and infiltration of the growth of class members. Through the small ritual of class activities, the ceremony became the part of the students expecting, externalization, internalization. "Liu Jiabao said.

Campus activities adhere to high quality

In the long -term school running process, Qingdao 58 Middle School not only focused on the improvement of students' performance, but also paid attention to the comprehensive quality and comprehensive development of students, and shaped the five eight students who "can learn to play".

Over the years, the school has adhered to each campus activities at high levels and high -quality products, and has set up a broad stage for students to grow up. During 30 kilometers of training, the students measured the most beautiful coastline with their steps; at the opening ceremony of the evening in the evening, the students appeared on the stage to release vitality; on the sports conference, the students struggled and sprinkled with blood; at the chorus festival, the students stimulated the youth and sang to sing. In the future; at the drama festival, students are devoted to the life of the drama; in the debate, the students are beaded and the ground is loud; during the study trip, the students enjoyed the motherland and the family members of the country. We practice core values ​​and promote positive energy ...

In addition, the school has also created more than 30 student clubs including campus television stations, symphony orchestra, civil orchestra, chorus, Tianlai Literature Society, Animation Society, and Hang Model Club. ability. Among them, the "Golden Key" symphony orchestra created by the school has won the first prize in the fifth national elementary and middle school student art performance. A large number of students in the orchestra are admitted by the Central Conservatory of Music, Nankai University, Sun Yat -sen University and other famous universities. Essence Art communities such as the choir and the running orchestra participated in the provincial and city competitions, and all won the first prize.

"The 58th Middle School is not only a decent transcript, but the growth and shaping of all aspects." It will affect my life. "... In the confession letter written to my alma mater, the colorful campus activities became the best clip in their memory. The excellent will of the excellent will of high -level and high -quality activities in high -level and high -quality activities are inspiring them to not forget their original intentions on their lives and move forward.

Youth Education Online Xuyang

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