People's Daily praised Jilin University professor Xu Run: Exploring the breakthrough of molecular sieve research

Author:Jilin Daily Time:2022.09.09

Professor Xu Ruren at the School of Chemistry, Jilin University--

Explore the breakthrough of molecular sieve research (about the spirit of promoting scientists)

Reporter Liu Yiqing "People's Daily" (September 09, 2022, 06th edition))

Xu Ruman is making an academic report. Picture of Jilin University

Character business card

Xu Ren: Born in 1932, Shangyu, Zhejiang, a professor at the School of Chemistry of Jilin University, founder of Chinese inorganic synthetic chemistry. He was elected academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1991, and was elected academician of the Third World Academy of Sciences in 2003. For decades, he used molecular screening into chemistry as a breakthrough, and proposed the scientific system of inorganic synthetic chemistry, and took the lead in conducting targeted design synthesis of molecular screening internationally. He has won the National Natural Science Award of Nature, and in 2017, he won the first "Chinese Molecular Siege Achievement Award".

The study room is not large. The height of the bookshelf on the left and right sides almost reaches the ceiling, extending from the door to the window, and it is full of chemical books. In front of the desk, a spiritual old man worked in a desk. "Now, he basically works for seven or eight hours a day." The aunt who took care of Xu Run told reporters.

The 90 -year -old Xu Ruman had clear thinking. He talked about scientific research, analogy, storytelling ... He was meticulous to the science of science for reporters. During the interview, in order to find a material, the old man took a cane upstairs and walked upstairs.

The academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a well -known scholar in the field of international molecular screening has been working hard for 70 years. Today, he is still paying attention to the cutting -edge development of the field of chemical research.

From the bank of the Huangpu River to the Northeast Plain, gradually find the direction of scientific research

"Taste the bayberry in my hometown, which is particularly sweet." Xu Ren was interviewed in the living room. On the coffee table, there was a dark red, full bayberry ...

Growing up in Shangyu, Zhejiang, Xu Ruma spent college time at Jiaotong University (now Shanghai Jiaotong University). During college, Xu Ruman came into contact with the knowledge of organic chemistry, biochemistry, and also entered the chemistry laboratory for the first time. "Everyone is very hard. I have a classmate who has started to study chloramphenicol synthesis when studying." In the process of learning, in the process of learning, Xu Ruren gradually produced The love of chemistry, "Chemistry is a science that can explore the creation of new substances."

In 1952, Xu Ren graduated from Jiaotong University. He took the initiative to leave his hometown to teach at the Northeast Renmin University (now Jilin University). Xu Ruman said: "The country wants to build the northeast, we need us here, we will come." At the age of 20, he wore single -clothes and single pants and set off with a thin quilt with a bed. "At that time, there was a train with more than 1,000 college students. Everyone came from Shanghai to the northeast together." Xu Run people recalled.

At the Renmin University of Northeast China, Xu Ruman found a research direction -molecular sieve.

"Cut this bayberry horizontally, and the section is equipped with many dots with different sizes and shapes, which can imagine the tunnel of the component sieve structure. There are more than 200 types of tunnels currently known. The molecules, then the diffusion, adsorption, and inter -molecular response activities, "Xu Raone said. Molecular sieve plays an important role in oil processing, fine chemicals and other fields.

In the 1970s, my country vigorously developed the oil industry. At that time, a molecular sieve catalyst preparation process commonly used in domestic oil refining was very complicated. Is simplifying the preface theoretically feasible? With the support of the Sinopec of Petrochemical Sciences of Petrochemical Petrochemical, Xu Ruman began research.

Xu Ren learned related literature while experimented. After a few months, he remembered 5 thick notes. In the end, Xu Ruman and colleagues boldly tried to change the reaction conditions and achieved the catalyst for further preparation. Since then, Xu Ruman has developed another long -term high -temperature -oriented agent, which solves the problem of patented patents that are often interrupted by oil -oriented in the summer production of oil and often interrupted in production.

From the Huangpu River to the northeast land, where he needed him, he moved the "laboratory".

Explore synthetic new molecular sieves and reach the world's leading level

my country ’s research in the field of molecular screens is late, less information, and poor equipment. In order to understand the cutting -edge dynamics of academic academic, Xu Run has always insisted on learning English, and also actively asked teachers and students from Jilin University to learn Russian and French.

"There are many ways to scientific research, and often need to take a different approach." Xu Ruma said that not only did they study the structure of molecular sieves, they also explored synthetic new molecular sieves. To this end, Xu Ruman put forward a new idea of ​​"functional orientation". He led the team to carry out targeted synthesis research, that is, "molecular sieves that produce specific functions and structures through specific reactions."

The molecular sieve structure is not visible. In order to connect the massive experimental data with the reaction results, Xu Run can only lead the team to use the "stupid method". What temperature is needed to generate this hole? How much pressure does synthetic need? ... everyone recorded the experimental data one by one with paper and pen, and spent 3 years, and read the academic data for nearly 50 years.

During this period, there were constantly publishing related papers, but Xu Run people always sat on the "cold bench" and sorted out and studied these seemingly disorderly massive amounts of data until the synthetic reaction and structural database were initially completed. Xu Ruman also discussed with computer experts from Jilin University to carry out data mining and research. On this basis, Xu Run and the team opened a new path for molecular sieve towards synthesis, so that this study reached the world's leading level. Today, Xu Rau's students continue to cultivate in this field.

Related to the targeted synthesis, there are also new molecular sieve multi -functional materials research work. In the 1980s, Xu Ruman guided the research group to synthesize 4 new types of microporous crystals internationally internationally; in 1990, his team successfully synthesized the aluminum phosphate JDF -20 with a 20 yuan ring hole structure, becoming a large micro -hole crystal field A classic result. "Research work must be down -to -earth, but also aiming at the heights." Xu Ruma said.

Participating in the international molecular sieve is an important opportunity to promote academic exchanges and promote cooperation in industry, university, and research. In 1980, at the Fifth International Molecular Screen Conference held in Italy, Xu Ruman read the paper as a representative of Chinese scientists. Later, with the joint efforts of Xu Ruma and colleagues, Beijing won the host right in the fierce competition, and the 15th International Molecular Screen Conference was held in Beijing in 2007. "This also shows that our research has gradually been recognized internationally." Said He Mingyuan, an academician and petrochemical expert of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and petrochemicals who co -organized the conference with Xu Run.

Donate a lifelong savings to set up an education fund to help students who are in trouble in life

Entering Jilin University's inorganic synthesis and preparing chemistry national key laboratories, X -ray powder diffraction instruments, high -voltage reaction devices and other high -tech equipment display. Several college students are busy doing experiments ...

This is a laboratory created by Xu Ruman and his colleagues. In the 1980s, Xu Run and his colleagues began raising funds and purchasing scientific research equipment one after another. At that time, in order to save funds, the cold winter month, everyone wrapped a military coat in the laboratory to install and debug large -scale synthetic equipment in the laboratory. This state of work has become the norm of work.

Since the college entrance examination was resumed in 1977, a total of 10 academicians have been trained at Jilin University, three of which are Xu Ren's students. From 2004 to 2010, the laboratory introduced more than 10 outstanding talents and opened 4 new research directions ... "Doing the cultivation of young people and giving them sufficient development space, our research career can succeed someone." Xu Runren said.

In 2007, a student of Xu Ruman proposed a new concept of a molecular screen, excitedly to discuss with him. Xu Ren appreciated his innovative spirit, but asked the student to "persuade people with experiments." Later, under the guidance of Xu Runren, the student published a series of papers and became the first batch of winners of the National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2012.

In September 2017, on the occasion of the 71st anniversary of Jilin University, Xu Ren donated his lifelong savings of himself and his wife Professor Pang Wenqin, totaling 5 million yuan, and set up Pang Wenqin and Xu Ruman Education Fund. "We just want to help those students who have difficulties in life and let them continue on the road of scientific research." Xu Ruman said.

■ Reporter Notes

Scientific research should dare to meet the difficulties

People who are familiar with Xu Lao say that he is "warm and wide" in his life. However, looking back at his scientific research, Xu Lao has the spirit of "hard touch".

"Hard" is reflected in the face of difficulties. Whether it is the theoretical research of molecular screening or the construction laboratory. When facing difficulties, Xu Lao will never retreat or complain, and to find a solution to find a solution. In the case of academic foundation and equipment conditions, we will use the "stupid method" to summarize the laws, open up molecular sieving towards a new path of synthetic synthesis, and bring this study to the world's leading level.

"Hard" is also reflected in the research of scientific research. From learning foreign languages, studying literature, repeated trials ... Behind the fruitful results is countless days and nights that have tried to seek but have no fruitful. For seventy years of scientific research, Xu Lao always chased his dreams with focus and diligence.

Source: People's Daily Client Jilin Channel

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