Ballet, seal engraving, baking ... New school expects city campus characteristic courses "new"

Author:Wangcheng District Rong Media Time:2022.09.08

Farewell to the summer vacation, the weather is cool, and the "God Beast Return" ushered in a beautiful new semester.

In addition to the daily curriculum arrangements, students who study in various schools in Wangcheng have also been arranged properly after class. From art, sports to humanities and science courses are rich and exciting, fun and interesting. Today, I will take you to see which courses are available!

Hunan Normal University Affiliated Middle School Xingcheng Experiment First Primary School


It is the manifestation of the value of ballet dance in shape, strengthening the body, strengthening the body, and improving the flexibility of the body. The basic training of ballet dance has a direct promotion of the above value. Through the basic training of ballet, children of the first primary school of Xingcheng Experiment of Hunan Normal University not only shaped the body and exercised their physique, but also enhanced their aesthetic and cultivated sentiments.

Peking opera

Hunan Normal University Affiliated Middle School Xingcheng Experiment First Primary School has established the Peking Opera School Team since 2021. Under the guidance of the correct method of the teacher, students began to contact and learn traditional Peking Opera. Through step -by -step and targeted training 1-2 classic singing sections in Beijing drama.

Yali Dingjiang School, Wangcheng District, Changsha City

Seal carving (4-6 grades)

The seal and seal method must be completed through the knife method. If you are not familiar with the knife method, you ca n’t engrave success works. In the engraving class, the teacher will lead the students to learn the "good sword method", while feeling the texture of the stone and the gradual emergence of the stones while falling into the knife. The sword, feel and mind communicate, and give this inch world a unique artistic life.

Ceramics (grade 2)

Through the fingertips, the children talk to the dirt, feel dry and wet, and leave their love for life and the longing for the future to leave the surface of the utensils and leave a unique mark on the body.

After waiting for glazed burning, feel the unique pottery. In the world of art, know the beauty of the world, enjoy the fun of being comfortable and casual.

Wangcheng No. 1 Chinese Foreign Language School

Delicious baking

It is hoped that the delicious baking class of a foreign language school in 2019 is the best carrier of Aesthetic, moral education, and labor courses. In the warm baking classroom, students operate independently and have their own finished products, which greatly improves their hands -on interests and abilities. Focusing on baking, the touch of flour and the sweetness of the sweetness when the chocolate melted.

Double Teacher Class

In the two -teacher classroom of Wangcheng No. 1 Chinese and Foreign Language School, the Chinese and foreign dual -teachers will jointly build an English classroom. Online English foreign teachers and offline English teachers will be co -taught. Domestic on -site teaching and international video teaching are combined.

The aim is to integrate global teachers' resources and allow students to improve their spoken English and comprehensive use ability in the background of pure English communication.

Nanya Wangcheng School

Creative 3D printing

Creative 3D printing special courses, through hands -on design and in -depth experience, stimulate students 'enthusiasm for learning and creative creation across disciplines, so as to cultivate students' space imagination, innovative thinking ability, and creative design ability, and promote the comprehensive development of students. Let children learn to use computer modeling software to create models, display creativity through the work model, and then print the printing machine through the printing machine, so that students can get their own physical works.

Orientation off -road

The directional exercise can cultivate children's sense of direction, map recognition, response ability, and space thinking. At the same time, it is based on the school's textbooks to master geographical knowledge, valleys, mountain tops and other geographical knowledge.

As an international event, the directional movement can also exercise children's communication skills, team cooperation, psychological tolerance ability, and pressure resistance in the competition.

Of course, the special courses in the school after school are far more than the above. What special courses do you have? Which course do you like best? Come and talk about the comment area.

Looking forward to every child who can find his love in the interest course, give full play to personality, and meet the best self.

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