Extraordinary ten years · Thank you for your achievement of me

Author:Nanjing Morning Post Time:2022.09.08

"There are many colors of youth, white is my firm choice!" - This is the voice of students from Nanjing Higher Vocational Schools.

In the past ten years, Nanjing Higher Vocational and Technical Schools, which have a century -old inheritance, have quickly transformed and upgraded in the background of healthy China, and have cultivated a number of higher quality talents that meet the needs of the new era.

On the occasion of the 38th Teacher's Day, the Nanjing Morning Post and Nanjing Higher Vocational and Technical School launched a series of "extraordinary ten years · Thank you for your achievement of me". Interpret the Nanyuan Education Password, guide the new era of the majority of teachers and students to forge a new journey and build a new era, and welcome the 20th National Congress of the Party with practical actions.

Today, let's know Dongrui, an outstanding graduate of the 2022 Class 1708 Class of Nursing of Nanjing Health School. The middle school entrance examination entered Nanyuan. With the help and guidance of the teachers, Dongrui approached the ideal step by step. This year, at the age of 21, he had just received a graduate admission notice. master.

Teachers give professional help, and get national patents in school

"Many relatives and elders in our family are in the medical industry. Since I was a child, I have a strong interest in medicine. I hope to get more opportunities in the scarcity of male nursing industry." Dongrui English score is excellent. The project was deeply attracted. "The first time I walked into this school, I liked it. The teachers were patient and professional. The seniors were excellent and kind, and answered a lot of my doubts." Therefore, Dongrui officially became a student of English nursing. Go to study overseas and learn the cutting -edge knowledge of nursing major.

From the first day of entering the school, the professional class teachers have pointed out the detailed development path for everyone.

"Our teachers are very experienced. For the selection requirements of overseas projects, we have continuously improved our ability to learn from professional theory and English language." During the school, Dongrui published a total of 3 academic papers with the first author, of which the core of Peking University, the core of Peking University, and the core of Peking University, and the core of Peking University, and the core of Peking University, and the core of Peking University, and the core of Peking University, and the core of Peking University. A core of science and technology, 1 WJCI journal, 1 provincial journal, 1 national new practical patent, and two national patents are in the application process.

In academic research, Dongrui is good at discovering topics through practice, such as rinse the bladder work in the senior department of the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, so that he can think about whether he can use the pseudo -arm blood vessels used in the urethra. Nursing teaching model. After being inspired, Dongrui contacted the school teacher Chen Xiaomin. With the help of the theoretical knowledge and experimental equipment provided by the teacher, he finally cooperated to publish a patent of the blood vein puncture model.

In terms of language, he worked hard to learn a good score of 6.5, and also passed the self -study exam from Nanjing Normal University in English. At the same time, he used OSMOSIS penetration medicine at station B to strengthen professional English learning in English. "My experience in learning English is to be down -to -earth, memorize words, and read more articles. Diligence is the best teacher."

The sudden new crown pneumonia epidemic allows Dongrui to adjust his school plan. He made up his mind to take the postgraduate entrance examination of domestic universities to expand the selection of employment in the future and increase development potential.

The head teacher becomes a strong backing, and the internship examination is hard

After re -adjusting the plan, under the advice of the teachers, Dongrui moved early in 2017 to "specialize in", laying the foundation for the subsequent "promotion". In mid -2018, he took the Jiangsu Higher Education Self -study Examination while taking the course of the school. He passed all the theoretical and practical subjects of the undergraduate undergraduate undergraduate within two years. He successfully obtained a undergraduate certificate and degree certificate in 20 years.

The following year, Dongrui began to prepare for the graduate exam at the end of the year while internship at the Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital. The work of provincial medical medicine is very busy. As a relatively scarce male nurse, he is often assigned to the emergency severe guardian or operating room with heavy tasks. The nursing work has a large load. "Sometimes I receive ten surgery a day, and it has to hang more than 300 bags of water." It coincided with the epidemic situation in Nanjing Jiangning at that time. After completing the daily surgery requirements, Dongrui also needed to support the sampling of nucleic acids with teachers.

"I have only one thing in my mind every time I get off work, that is, sleeping." In addition to busy nursing work, heavy postgraduate tasks should not be slacked. Dongrui can only fully consider the schedule and make reasonable use of each other to make every use every time. Prepare the exam of a fragmented time. "When I go home in white class, go to bed first, go to sleep until around 12pm and read the book, and go to work directly at 6 am."

During this period, Dongrui's class teacher Chen Meng became his most powerful backing. "It is a very complicated thing to take into account internships and further studies, including time arrangement, registration process, information submission, and other details. Teacher Chen is more careful than me, remember every node, and remind me to pay attention in advance." With such a warm one. Support, Dongrui is more interested in studying, successfully re -test first, and comprehensively ranked second with the second grade, and obtained academic graduate students in Nanjing Medical University.

Handle hand -to -hand skills, connecting the world to develop vision

In the five -year campus life, the experience of participating in the professional skills competition is his best memory.

"Nanyu's teacher is definitely the best professional teacher in the country. The teaching skills of hand -made hands have made us finally stand on the field and are confident."

The provincial competition in 2020 is extremely fierce, and the participating units attach great importance to it. In order to get medals in the Jiangsu Provincial Nursing Skills Competition of Master Ruyun, not only the skillful operating skills and strong theoretical foundations are needed, but also a stable psychological quality. During the nervous preparations, Dongrui's performance was not very prominent at first. Due to anxiety during the simulation, sterile gloves sweated as soon as they were worn, and the syringe would shake as soon as it was held. Especially when the game was approaching, Dongrui appeared in fear. The instructor Zhang Ying picked up the operation and decomposed the operation, and the heavy difficult point was intensified. No matter what the emotional state of Dongrui had, the teacher would let him take each operation one by one step by step. Put it in the first item, let the skillful memory of the skill be overwhelmed by emotional tension. With the help of Teacher Zhang Ying, Dongrui performed well after fierce selection and performed well, and finally won the second prize of the second prize of the Jiangsu Provincial Nursing Skills Competition in 2020.

With the recommendation and support of the school, Dongrui participated in the Shanghai "Starlight Plan" Skills Competition. However, this time he faced a brand -new event -health and social care skills. Drawing on the concept of the World Vocational Skills Competition, this competition is no longer a traditional single assessment, but includes four scenarios: including long -term care institutions, day care institutions, family care, and hospital care. Clinical and rehabilitation knowledge outside of nursing, and requires English communication throughout the process.

It was only two weeks since the invitation to the interval between the competition. Dong Rui was immediately transferred from the internship position, and he immediately put into a tense preparation. The instructor Zhou Lirong and Li Ting used the time to take a break to guide and improve, helping Dongrui in the four modules of Dongrui in "COPD Acute Seizure Patients", "Intestinal Patriotic Home Care", "Patients with Patients with Lung Cancer", "Patients with Chronic Nephritis" Repeat the simulation in China. In the end, the early accumulation and effective assault allowed Dongrui to win the second prize (fourth in the fourth). At the same time, he also came into contact with many players of many world professional competitions. Essence

Without the expectation of the teacher, break the stereotype

Knowing that he had admitted to the graduate student of the South Medical University, Dongrui re -entered the intense study work just a few days. For the future graduate life, he has very simple and simple expectations: "Read more about literature, you can achieve a core or SCI, which can achieve a core or SCI, so that you can make some innovation or improvement for the industry."

"Teachers have paid a lot for me and have high hopes for me. I hope to develop to academic talents." Dongrui said that the domestic public has a stereotype of nursing major. Large technical content. "But nursing majors are also divided into professional and academic types, science and medicine. Academic directions have certain requirements for thesis and scientific research, and specialized nurses, like clinicians, must have their own professional scope ..."

What excites Dongrui is that some domestic places have been opened for nursing clinics. Recently, Shenzhen has given nurses for the first time in legislation. Specialty nurses who have reached a certain standard can open an inspection form and prescription for patients, and obtain more autonomous autonomy clinically clinically. Sex uses its own knowledge and skills, all of which indicate the prospects of domestic nursing majors.

"The academic talent does not think about how to complete the task, or how to enter a better hospital, but what can be improved in the current method and mechanism." Dongrui hopes to continue to develop his professional skills and academic level , Thereby increasing their sense of career belonging and recognition, so that more patients can get high -quality professional care, and gain more happiness.

Intern Wang Sing

Correspondent Chen Rui

Nanjing Morning Post/Love Nanjing Reporter Liu Ying

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