On the first day of the start of the undergraduate of the University of Science and Technology, more than 14,000 teachers and students met the "cloud" side

Author:University of Electronic Scien Time:2022.09.08

At 2:30 pm on September 6th, undergraduates of the school began to teach online according to the established schedule. 142 courses, 297 teaching classes, more than 14,000 teachers and students met the "clouds" through various platforms such as flying books, Tencent Conferences, ZOOM and other platforms. The teaching order is well. The 2856 secondary undergraduate courses set up by 1638 teachers in the autumn semester have also been fully prepared for online teaching.

Wang Yafei, the party secretary of the school, Zeng Yong, the principal, Shen Xiaorong, deputy secretary of the school party committee, and Kong Ling, the vice president, said in depth in the classroom through online or offline ways to understand the effect of online lectures, and conducted online exchanges with some teachers to learn about lessons. Preparation, thanks to the solid preparations for online teaching. The person in charge of each college, teaching supervision experts and teaching managers attended the tour.

"What kind of person do students want to be?" In the "Thoughts and Ethics and the Rule of Law" course, Associate Professor Fengsha of Marxist Academy taught the first lesson of the course. She first threw such a problem to her classmates, and then introduced the team of Huangda Nian -style teachers in the second batch of national colleges and universities, and introduced the team of electromagnetic radiation and scattered teachers in the University of Electronic Science and Technology, telling the main connotation of "Huang Danian spirit".

"I hope that the classmates to deduct the first buttons of life and control the 'general switch of life'." She encouraged the students to work hard to improve her pattern and realm through this course, to be honest, the atmosphere, and the ambition. , Ming Dade, Chengda Talent, and Dragon, will contribute to the country and the people in the future.

"The aerospace industry -the backbone of the great power!" Professor Li Hui, the dean of the Academy of Aerospace in the first page of the "New Student Study Course" "Entering the Aerial Aerospace Engineering in the Information Age" The important position has stimulated the strong interest of students.

From the significance of the status of large powers, technology leadership and people's livelihood, to the fierce competition in the field of aerospace in the world, to the "J-20", "J-15", "Yun-20" and other China The "big country's heavy weapon" and the progress and outlook of my country's aerospace industry since the "15th Fifteenth" ... Professor Li Hui used vivid cases to integrate the "aviation reporting to the country" and "aerospace spirit" and other courses. Students worked unremittingly to build our country into an aviation power.

It is understood that in order to cope with the impact of the new crown pneumonia's epidemic, the school promptly issued a notice to adjust the teaching method on the basis of strictly implementing the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control, and transforming all undergraduate teaching into online development. The teachers responded quickly, acting as soon as possible, carefully planned, repeatedly discussed, carefully prepared and simulated testing, and made full preparations for online teaching.

"Online teaching is smooth!" Professor Liao Yong of the Software Academy said after speaking the first lesson of "Comprehensive Training of Embedded Systems (Challenge Study Course)". This kind of teaching method. Before starting the class today, we have done several simulation tests, which are relatively smooth. "

A few days before the class, the heads and counselors of each college and counselor have in -depth understanding of the situation of students, especially the 2022 freshmen of all grades. , Carry out online learning for students to solve various practical difficulties.

Some students of the School of Materials have no computers, and the students open the audio in the bedroom, and the dormitory classmates shared them together. In order to solve the problems of some students' bedrooms without networks and equipment, the School of Economics and Management has opened some classrooms of the Economic Management Building for online learning on the premise of strictly abide by the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control. Glasgow College helps students allocate time to reasonably allocate time and strengthen teacher -student communication to adapt to the teaching of Britain's network lessons.

In the afternoon of the same day, after the online lectures began, the relevant persons in charge, counselor, and class teacher of each college went into -deeper dormitories, cared about the situation and status of the students' online classes, and helped everyone solve the problems they encountered.

The students also adjusted their status in time to participate in online learning with high enthusiasm and positive learning attitude. Huang Lin, a level 2022 undergraduate student at the School of Computer School, said that after finishing the "Procedure Design Basic" taught by Professor Chen Wenyu, he said that he has been in contact with programming and has a strong interest since junior high school. Today he listened to Mr. Chen's explanation. He was designed by the program design. The development of language and its framework structure have a clearer understanding.

It is understood that in order to ensure the smooth development of online teaching, the information center and various teaching units conducted dozens of special training for teachers who have no online teaching experience; each course combination teaching class has formulated personalized teaching solutions to clarify the teaching platform Determine the links of the class, establish a class group, form a new online teaching table, and all courses have established connection between teachers and students in advance.

Before the start of the class, the units organized the test line at the same time, and improved the teaching plan according to the test situation. At the same time, the school's two -level teaching quality team strengthened supervision and inspection to ensure the order of online teaching and teaching quality. The library has also continuously enriched and improved online teaching resources, and provided textbooks to read online.

"The online course of this semester will start the course as scheduled. I am especially grateful to all teachers and functional departments and teaching units for careful organization and hard work." Professor Huang Tingzhu, director of the Education Office, said that the school will continue to provide the normal and orderly development of undergraduate teachingStrong protection, at the same time, I hope that teachers will make full use of high -quality online curriculum resources, actively promote the in -depth integration of information technology and education and teaching, and improve the "emergency action" into "conscious consciousness", and keep the experience of reform and innovation in teaching methods and methods.The flexible use of teaching, promoting the undergraduate teaching work such as project -type curriculum system, challenging and research teaching system construction, and effectively improve the quality of undergraduate talents in our school.Source: Electronic Science and Technology University official WeChat

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