Starting Season: A National Defense Education Theme Course Time:2022.09.07

Welcome to the new journey of the 20th and Forge for Ending

At 6 pm on September 6th, after a day of tension training, the Zhuji City Brand Middle School in Zhejiang Province walked into the gymnasium neatly and orderly, and welcomed them a lecture on the theme of national defense education. This is an important part of the annual student military training of the Tougou Middle School and the Town Town Town. This year, the Ministry of Town Town's Ministry of Town invited Wei Xiaofeng, a member of the New Fourth Army Research Society, to teach. After the Armed Police 8691, in October 2012 to the Zhuji Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, he actively participated in national defense education. At the same time, combined with the personal experience of the three generations of his army, he affectionately told the iron blood and bones of the revolutionary soldiers in the various periods since the War of Resistance Against Japan. The students at the scene followed the vivid narration of Teacher Wei, as if they were in a passionate revolutionary years, and also moved by the spirit of the martyrs' indomitable struggle.

"On the occasion of the 22nd National Defense Education Day, combined with the theme of the national defense education themes of the student military training organization, it focused on the theme of" telling heroic stories, studying the revolutionary martyrs, and being a red heir ". The ups and downs of Yong Pan's peak to face the study and life. "Zhou Chanjiong, a member of the Party Committee and Minister of Hunan and Wu, said," The 20th National Congress of the Party in October is about to victory. The theme of the new journey ', make full use of the red resources of the brand's own, continue to carry out mass defense education activities with diverse forms and rich content, and continuously strengthen the concepts of cadres and masses to care about national defense, love national defense, build national defense, and defend national defense. Mengqiangjun's Dream contribution "(Xuan Guoxiang Xu Mingfeng Photography Report)

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