This place is added to the gathering epidemic in middle schools and advocates local holidays!

Author:Voice of Hangzhou Time:2022.09.07

On September 7, Beijing held the 394th press conference of the prevention and control of new coronary virus pneumonia.

Bai Lin, deputy head of Changping District: From 00:00 on September 7 to 15:00, three new cases of diagnostic cases in Changping District, two asymptoms of infected infections are students from Changping Campus of Beijing University of Chemical Technology. Isolation.

Wang Feng, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of Beijing University of Chemical Engineering: The school dynamically adjusts education and teaching arrangements, restores online teaching smoothly and orderly, formulates the delay of freshmen to the school reporting plan, and conducts the average of new students' courses and enrollment education.

Up to now, 18 cases of infected infected from the clustering epidemic of Changping Campus of the Changping Campus of Beijing University of Chemical Engineering.

Changping District Development of Beijing Chemical Technology University Changping Campus Building 1, Building 3, Building 4, Building No. 4, and No.1 No.1 is a high -risk area. 100 medical staff are allocated to assist the school to conduct nucleic acid testing. The transfer of the isolated personnel is efficient and smooth.

According to the Health Times, the press conference on September 6 mentioned that at the peak of returning to the school, nearly 230,000 colleges and students and students need to return to Beijing one after another.

On the 7th, spokesman Xu Hejian introduced that universities are important parts of the prevention and control of the capital epidemic. The Changping Campus of Beijing University of Chemical Technology detected multiple positive infections, and there were still weak links in the prevention and control of the university epidemic.

The urgency of the service should be fast, accelerate the emergency response disposal of flow traceability, investigation and control, and confidential transfer, strengthen the management and service guarantee of campus, quickly cut off the virus transmission chain, resolutely prevent risk overflow, ensure that teachers and students are healthy and campus on campus Safety.

Beijing newly added middle school clustering epidemic situation

From 0:00 on September 6th to 15:00 on September 7, three new cases of new noodles new crown pneumonia virus infections were added. Among them, 1 case was a social screening. Two cases were quarantine observer. Hospital treatment.

Infected people from 1 to 3, the place of residence is a collective dormitory of the Haidian Campus of the Central University of the Central University for Nationalities University. It is a classmate in the same class. Two of them are those who have returned to Beijing in foreign provinces in the near future. Since the start of school on September 1st, closed management has been conducted in the school, and it has not been led by school during the period. The results of nucleic acid tests from August 30-September 5 are negative, and the results of nucleic acid testing on September 6 are positive.

It is understood that the out -of -school risk points are from 20:30 from August 30th to 9:30 on September 1st, Beijing Youth Holiday Hotel (Minda Store). For persons who meet with the above -mentioned risk points, the person who meets or receives the prompts of health treasure pop -ups will immediately take the initiative to report to the community (village), work units, and residential hotels where they are located to cooperate with the implementation of various epidemic prevention measures.

Beijing Disease Control advocates the Mid -Autumn Festival and National Day

"Two sections" are approaching, and the conference reminds that citizens should insist on traveling or traveling or traveling on counties (cities, districts, flags), which will not occur within 7 days, advocate local holidays, reduce cross -city activities, enter parks and scenic spots Traveling in the wrong peak, do a good job of personal protection. There are intersections with case activities in case of case activities. In the risk areas, they will return to Beijing to receive telephone, SMS, health treasure pop -up window, health treasure yellow code or red code prompt risk personnel, and immediately take the initiative to report to the community, units, hotels and other reports to cooperate with the cooperation. Do a good job of prevention and control measures such as centralized isolation, home isolation, health monitoring, and nucleic acid detection.

Source: Comprehensive Beijing Daily, Beijing Evening News, Health Times

Copyright belongs to the original author

Edit: Zhang Jie

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