[Get up your sleeves and fill in the transcript by yourself] The "1+20" policy is at the grassroots level

Author:Hebei Radio and Television Sta Time:2022.09.07

Hebei: Play "Combining Boxing" and steadily employment

The "1+20" policy is at the grassroots level

In June of this year, the "19 Policies and Measures on Further Promoting Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship, etc." issued by our province is one of the "1+20" policy system supporting documents. The document proposes a number of pragmatic measures such as employment and excavation of grass -roots employment positions. What are the current implementation of these policies and measures? Looking at today's series of reports, "1+20" policy is at the grassroots level, Hebei: Play "combination boxing" and stabilize employment.

At the time, the client reported to release policy dividends and expand employment space. Our province's "Nineteen Policies and Measures on Further Promoting Youth Employment and Entrepreneurs such as graduates such as college graduates" proposes that small and medium -sized enterprises that absorb the employment of college graduates, in addition to giving social insurance subsidies for the longest 3 years in accordance with regulations, It is necessary to implement policies such as entrepreneurial guarantee loans and discounted discounts, tax reduction and exemption.

Hebei Radio and Television reporter Li Xiyu:

During the interview, we learned that in the province, the funds for social insurance alone, our province took more than 50 million yuan. At the same time, more and more policy dividends were constantly increasing. The investment of "True Gold and Silver" has opened up more employment space for college graduates.

Issuing employment apprentices subsidies of more than 250 million yuan, one -time expansion subsidy funds of 6.362 million yuan, and distributed subsidies of 25.418 million yuan to 123,300 difficult graduates ... Implementing the "Nineteen of Nineteenth Employment and Entrepreneurship of Young Graduates and other young college graduates In the Article of Policies and Measures, our province has made a set of "combination boxing", and has issued a succession operation of graduates from unobstructed universities, university graduates, urban and rural grassroots employment positions, strengthening zero -industrial market construction, vocational skills training, and enterprise absorption Employment social insurance subsidies "Direct Supplement Quick Office" and other policy documents form a 1+7 policy system.

Ma Yongfei, Director of the Office of the Leading Group of the Provincial Human Resources and Social Affairs Department:

We have established and improved the five working mechanisms including the employment meeting of college graduates, data sharing, and service linkage with the Provincial Department of Education. We are connected in an orderly manner before leaving and after leaving school to jointly promote the employment and entrepreneurship of college graduates.

Hebei Radio and Television reporter Li Xiyu:

While expanding the position, our province also provides further employment services. In the interview, we found that this year, relying on the province's integrated public service platform, the employment services in our province have been supported by big data. Through this platform, we can clearly see the data of the employment of colleges and universities in our province. For those graduates who have not employed in time, the Human Resources Department will provide one -on -one targeted assistance to help them get employment as soon as possible. This is Among them, Xiao Zhang from Cangzhou.

Xiao Zhang just graduated and wanted to find a job locally. Soon, the information on her registered public service platform in the province's integrated public service platform was pushed to Cangzhou Human Resources and Social Security Department, and the staff provided her with the help of "one -to -one" in time.

Zhang Xinyi, graduates of Cangzhou University:

I called me as soon as possible, and then learned about my personal details. I invited me to join the service group for job recommendation. It also provided a lot of help to find a job. pressure.

According to Xiao Zhang's employment needs, the staff of the Cangzhou Human Resources and Social Security Bureau recommended her three suitable jobs for her to choose. After a detailed understanding of the characteristics of the post, salary income, and working environment, Zhang Xinyi chose CITIC Bank that is consistent with his professionalism.

Zhang Xinyi, graduates of Cangzhou University:

At present, my monthly salary is also around 5,000 yuan, which is also very suitable for my personal career planning. At this stage, I am also very satisfied with.

In order to help more college graduates employment and entrepreneurship, Cangzhou City has detailed policies such as "19 Policies and Measures on Further Promoting Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship of College Graduates" and breaks down into 85 specific tasks to continue to do well. Graduate employment and entrepreneurship services, vocational skills training, and employment assistance of various difficult graduates.

Xu Huifang, Comprehensive Department of Cangzhou Employment and Entrepreneurship Service Center:

For college graduates with willingness to employment, at least one career guidance, 3 job promotion, 1 skill training and employment trainees are provided. For college graduates with willingness to start a business, provide entrepreneurial training, entrepreneurial services and policy support to help college graduates employment and entrepreneurship.

Play "combination boxing" and work hard to employment. This year, our province has focused on carrying out six public employment services for policy promotion, recruitment services, employment guidance, entrepreneurial services, vocational training, and difficulties in the campus. As of the end of August, the province carried out 173 online and offline preaching activities and 1,109 recruitment activities, providing 427,300 jobs, and 369,600 graduates from universities. At the same time, the launch of cloud employment service activities such as "live -broadcast posts" and "new professional experience", and set up job docking platforms. From January to August this year, 702,800 newly added employment in the province, and the employment situation remained overall stability.

Wang Licai, director of the Human Resources and Social Affairs Department Group Employment Service Center:

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