[Follow] Many universities in Hubei: These earthquake students can receive subsidies

Author:Published by Hubei Time:2022.09.07


The disaster of the Luding earthquake in Sichuan affects people's hearts

Wuhan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Central South University University University

Wuhan University of Technology, Hubei University, etc.

Many colleges and universities issue notices

Use action to help the earthquake disaster students cross difficulties together

Wuhan University

1. Fundant object

In 2022, the undergraduate students were severely affected by the earthquake in Luding County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province in 2022.

2. Funding standards

According to the specific disaster situation of students and their families, the subsidy standard is 1,000--5000 yuan/person.

3. Application process

1. Student application. The student himself submits an application or counselor's recommendation. After the college's preliminary trial, the "Application Form for Temporary Difficulties in Wuhan University" (two copies in the two copies of the Wuhan University) provides relevant certification materials to explain the affected situation of the family where the family is located, and report to the student funding management center.

2. School review. The student funding management center reviews the status of students and publicizes it in a certain scope. After the publicity has no objection, the corresponding funding is issued according to the student's situation.

Huazhong University of Science and Technology

At 12:52 on September 5th, a magnitude 6.8 earthquake occurred near Moxi Town, Luding County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province. In order to help undergraduate students who have developed economic difficulties due to the influence of the disaster, according to the "Administrative Measures for the Interim Subsidy Subsidy Subsidy Subsidy for Undergraduate Students of Huazhong University of Science and Technology", the school decided to start the special difficulties of the disaster students. The specific matters are as follows:

1. Fundant object

In 2022, the severe full -time undergraduate students who were severely affected during the earthquake in Luding County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province

2. Funding standards

According to the specific disaster situation of students and their families, the subsidy standard is 2000-5000 yuan/person, which can be adjusted according to the actual situation.

3. Application process

1. The student himself submits an application. According to the needs, the students themselves should apply for special difficulties in the "Temporary Difficulty Subsidy Application" module application in the interface of Wisdom of China University of Science and Technology.

2. College review. Based on the application submitted by the student, the counselor verified the specific disaster situation.

3. School approval. The undergraduate work office funding center of the Student Work Department reviews and approves the difficulties of students, and gives corresponding special subsidies according to the serious disaster situation.

Fourth, other precautions

1. Each department conscientiously implements the investigation, understand the disaster situation of students' families, and do a good job of caring for the disaster -sufficient students.

2. Each college organizes students to complete the personal application and department review process before September 20, 2022.

Wuhan University of Technology

Dear classmates, at 12:52 on September 5, 2022, a magnitude 6.8 earthquake occurred in Luding County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province, causing major losses to local people's property. In order to carry out assistance to the affected students in a timely manner, the school decided to start a special difficulty subsidy for the disaster students (including the 2022 freshmen).

If the students' homes cause personnel damage or property loss due to earthquake disasters, and the family economy is temporary difficulty, they can explain the situation to the college counselor and teacher in time, or apply in the temporary difficulty subsidy module of the smart academic system. Provide help to ensure the study life of students.

If you have special difficulties, please call the school to fund the hotline: 027-87658189. Let us go together and work together!

Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

At 12:52 on September 5, 2022, a magnitude 6.8 earthquake occurred in Luding County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province, which suffered huge losses in the local people's property. In order to help our school's affected students in a timely manner, the school decided to carry out a special funding for temporary difficulties in undergraduate students in Sichuan.

If the student's family causes damage or property loss due to earthquake disasters, leading to temporary economic difficulties and affecting the basic life of the school. Students can apply through the student subsidy module of temporary difficulties through the online transaction hall. The paper application form is delivered to Room 402, Wentan Tower. We will provide help to everyone in time to solve difficulties.

If you have special difficulties, you can call the school to fund the hotline: 027-88387810.

Central South National University

1. Fundant object

Influenced by the Luding earthquake, our school caused a common life of a common life to be killed (or lost contact), damage (such as disability, loss of life, labor ability, etc.), damage to houses, collapse or suffering from other major losses, resulting in the appearance of the family economy occurred Difficult students (including level 2022 freshmen).

2. Funding measures

1. Fund special funding for earthquakes. For students who have caused difficulties in learning and life due to a disaster, refer to the special subsidy for the temporary difficulties of the Central and South National University. Apply for students to enter the "Information Portal -Difficulty Subsidies -20122 Sichuan Luding Earthquake Special Difficult Difficult Difficulty Subsidy Subsidy Special Difficulties" to make an application. Fill in the application reasons and upload the certification materials.

2. Priority arrangement of funding projects. New students who have affected earthquakes are prioritized in the aid of new students such as caring gift packages and quilts.

3. Carry out special consultation policies. Open the funding hotline, provide funding and answering services for students and parents of the affected families throughout the weather, guide students to apply for relevant funding in a timely manner, and consult the phone: 027-67842722.

Hubei University

Dear classmates:

At 12:52 on September 5, 2022, a magnitude 6.8 earthquake occurred in Luding County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan, causing major losses to the safety of the lives and property of the local people. If there is a classmate's damage or economic loss due to earthquake disasters, and temporary difficulties in the family economy, they can contact the counselor of the college in time to explain the situation and provide proof materials. Application. Hubei University will provide help to each student in a timely manner to ensure the study and life of students, and help the difficulties. The school is always the strongest backing of students!

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go Sichuan!

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Source: Hubei Release, Changjiang Yun, Youth Hubei, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Hubei University

Edit: Guo Jinhua Zhou Mi

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