Parents were forced to retreat, because ...

Author:Straits Herald Time:2022.09.07

Near Teacher's Day, a parent group in a school in Liuzhou, Guangxi was exposed to ask parents to make money to buy gifts for teachers. One of the parents said that after not participating, they were asked to withdraw from the parent group. Related chat records caused heated discussions after spreading on the Internet.

One of the parents clearly stated that they would not participate and were asked to retire by some other parents.

The parents of the parties sent a circle of friends that her daughter class bought a water cup last year, and she bought several more than 300 yuan of water cups. Because she did not participate in the class teacher's festival every year, she was regarded as a rebellious parent in the class.

A parent in the class introduced that at present it is only a stage of discussion. The parents' money has not been paid and the gifts are not bought. For the parents who asked not to participate, the parent explained: "Every time she organizes activities, she does not agree with it. This group is formed by our parents and used it to discuss things. We did not kick her out of the group. Since there is no agreement, some of our parents quit the group by themselves. "

This incident caused heated discussions after spreading on the Internet. Some netizens said:

On September 6, the Liuzhou Education Bureau issued an open letter, calling on the family committee to take the initiative to resist the invitation to give gifts to the evil spirits. The bureau reported. The content of the public letter is as follows:

An open letter on creating a clean and refreshing home and school relationship

Parents and friends in the city:

As the main position of teaching and educating people, the school should become a model of cleanliness and integrity and two -sleeved breeze. As the extension of school education, families should jointly create a good -looking, clean and refreshing home -school relationship with the school, and help students form a positive, healthy and harmonious world view, outlook on life, and values.

At the moment when the construction of a clean and honest school was in full swing, faculty and staff violated the rules of integrity, fake various names, and cleverly established various names to accept gifts and gifts, and destroying the relationship between cleanliness and refreshing home and school.

Here, the following appeals to parents in the city are also issued:

I. Consciously establish the image of integrity and two -sleeved breeze, do not use any name, no way, at any time to give teachers a gift to teachers, and be a good example for children to be honest and self -disciplined.

2. Promote the "blessing text message, a cordial greetings, and a home -school interaction" to express their respect for teachers, creating a teaching atmosphere of civilization, harmony, and integrity.

3. Actively participate in the integrity construction of the parent committee, take the initiative to resist the invitation to send the gift crooked and evil, and the righteousness of the righteousness refuses to "disguise bribery" violations, so that the parent committee will truly become a bridge for home schools, the link between the collaborative education, and the self -disciplined airmark.

If the majority of parents encounter a gift to teachers, giving gifts to teachers in various names, destroying cleanliness and refreshing family and school relations, and violations of the requirements of teachers' morality, welcome to report to the Municipal Education Bureau. Supervision and reporting phone: 0772-2870186, Acceptance Report Mail: [email protected], Come and visit address: Personnel Education and External Exchange Department, 3rd Floor, Education Bureau, 87 Municipal Education Bureau of Wenhui Road, Liuzhou.

Source: South China News, Liuzhou Education Bureau, News Morning News

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