Today in the history of the school 丨 From this day, the school reported to China Southern Airlines teachers and students

Author:Nanjing Aerospace University Time:2022.09.07

today in History

September 7, 1956

On September 7, 1956, our school's "China Southern Airlines" was launched. On March 20, 1981, it was renamed "Nanjing Aviation Academy", and on March 20, 1988, it was renamed "Nanjing Aviation Academy". During the Nanjing Aerospace University, it was renamed the "China Southern Airlines". In 2002, it was renamed the "Nanjing Aeronautics and Astronautics University" according to the requirements of the Press and Publication Department.

Southern 7, 1956 "China Southern Airlines" was born

Written in the creation words

"In the future of the experience of exchanging teaching work, in the torrent of science," China Southern Airlines "will fight with teachers and classmates."

In the years later

The school newspaper has always been

Loyal Recorders of China Southern Airlines Development

Southern Airlines Teachers and Students' Interests

Let's take a look with Xiaonan

Over the years, the footprint of the school newspaper, right?

September 7, 1956

"China Southern Airlines" was founded, four opened and four editions. At first, it was a weekly magazine, printed on the lead, and then for a period of time.

September 1960

Discontinued due to tight paper.

July 1, 1980

Re -publication, the registration is still "China Southern", the total number of periods is 332.

March 20, 1981

Submit to the Nanjing Aviation Academy.

March 20, 1988

Rename "Nanjing Aviation Academy".

March 20, 1993

When the school was renamed Nanjing Aeronautics and Astronautics University, it was renamed "China Southern Airlines".


"China Southern Airlines" was the first to open the "Southern Airlines" electronic version, one of the earliest colleges and universities that opened the electronic version of the school newspaper in Jiangsu Province. In September 2001 and October 2002, the electronic version was revised one after another.

year 2002

According to the requirements of the Press and Publication Administration, it was renamed the "Nanjing Aerospace University".

May 10, 2007

"China Southern Airlines" has carried out a new round of revision. At the same time, the first and fourth editions of color printing, thus the school report completely bid farewell to the "black and white film" and entered the color era.

The school newspaper is every "Southern Airlines"

Provided a spiritual homeland

They are here to give birth and grow here

Improve your mind here

Start from here and take off

The development of China Southern Airlines

Whether it is an individual or a school record

Both are collected by a small garden

It will also be followed by a pair of keen eyes

This garden, these eyes

Just school newspaper

Follow Xiaonan to see

Those memories about China Southern Airlines

At the beginning of the founding

Learn while drying, make a speaker of the sound of China Southern Airlines

In April 1956, after more than 3 years of hard entrepreneurship and construction of Nanjing Airlines College, it was changed to Nanjing Aviation Academy. In order to strengthen publicity and education, the Party Committee of the Academy decided to publish the "China Southern Airlines" school journal as the Party Committee of the Academy and the Ministry of Academy. Publications.

According to Ms. Mei Jianhua, a member of the editorial department established for the first time, at the beginning of the founding, the editorial department was limited by conditions and it was difficult to start. The members of the editorial department were not from the class. , Every process must be learned while learning. "At that time, there was no recorder, the speech of the leaders and comrades, and the conversation during the interview was a word of word. There was no modern printing method. The workload is very large, so I have to work overtime, even overnight. "Teacher Mei Jianhua said.

When the "China Southern Airlines" report, it is closely relying on both ends: one is the school's attention; the other is the active support of the masses.

The school attaches great importance to the "China Southern Airlines" and promptly instruct the content and focus of the report. The article needs to be controlled by heavily. Such a fine tradition has continued to the present.

"We keep in mind that the masses are the pillar of" China Southern Airlines "." Mei Jianhua said that the editorial department has a communication network. There are correspondent from the department, teaching and research room to the student class. The masses reported that poetry and prose recorded the voice from the masses. In order to launch the masses to support the "China Southern Airlines", the school held a column and special version, and the unit was held by the unit.


Follow the pace of the times and make the newspaper more colorful

In September 1960, according to the instructions of the superior, "China Southern" was suspended to save paper. In 1980, in order to meet the needs of the new situation, the school party committee decided to restore the publication of China Southern Airlines. In May 1980, Zhang Xuehong was transferred to the Propaganda Department of the Southern Airlines Party Committee and was ordered to prepare for the re -publication of China Southern Airlines. Zhang Xuehong, born in 1930, graduated from the Department of Journalism of Renmin University of China. He was the editor and reporter of the Northern Jiangsu Daily and Xinhua Daily.

According to Zhang Xuehong, he did not know much about the history and status quo of the school when he first arrived. Learn about work and learn to do newspaper experience.

After some discussions, Zhang Xuehong designed the concept of the four layouts of the school newspaper: the first version is the main version of the news; the second edition is a school news version based on teaching and scientific research; the third version mainly publishes some speculative articles, such as teaching experience Discussion and summary, new viewpoint discussions, introduction of new knowledge, interviews with advanced figures, etc.; The fourth edition is a comprehensive supplement, which must be lively, literary, but also new, ideological, knowledgeable, and interesting. , Close to campus life. This idea was also affirmed and approved, so Zhang Xuehong devoted himself to manuscript organization, typesetting, and printing. Swipe left and right to view more

The school retaliation was a warm response from everyone. Zhang Xuehong recalled, "Everyone heard that the school newspaper was actively supported and contributed actively. Many people also took the initiative to make such suggestions to me."


Mobilize with the times, record the development footprint of China Southern Airlines

The school newspaper is a witness of China Southern Airlines. In this abundant garden, it records the continuous development and growth trajectory of China Southern Airlines. It tells the story of China Southern Airlines teachers and students and alumni, and records the highlight of China Southern Airlines. Here, there are the ideals and ambitions of the Southern Airlines, the glory and pride of the Southern Airlines, and the glory and pride of the Southern Airlines.

Over the years, China Southern Airlines has always paid forward with the times and took multiple measures to continuously improve the quality of handling reports: always paying attention to the good speech section, so that the school newspaper has more theoretical depth, ideological thickness, and combat strength; pay attention to dealing with the relationship between news and publicity. , To follow the rules of handling the newspaper, but also adhere to the direction of the newspaper. At the same time, focusing on the school's central work, the key points are determined and highlights the highlights.

In the process of running the newspaper, the school newspaper insisted on seizing the "character" to make a full article, the "column" was eye -catching, and strived to play the "brand" demonstration effect. Faculty. Always grasp the content construction of the newspaper, major events, and focus on planning; important content, focusing on the launch, make the school newspaper more influential, strengthen team building, continuously expand the scale of the editing team, improve the business level of the editing team, boldly innovate, continuous Beyond, strive to make the news of the campus "new", "deep", "live", continuously increase the depth and breadth of the report, enhance the ideological, authoritative, novelty, and uniqueness of the report, and strive to be close to the campus, close to the teacher, and the teacher Birth and approximation of reality, continuously improve the guidance, service, and readability of reports.

Look back at the past

The school newspaper carries the past years

The heavy glory and bumper harvest

Everything it records

With the ink unique aroma

Always be fixed in history

Produced 丨 Xiaonan Xiaowang Studio

Material Source 丨 Party Committee Propaganda Department, Archives

Editor -in -chief 丨 Wang Wei and Peng Li

Review 丨 Wang Hui, Xu Jing

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