Shenzhen Baoan District: Strengthen the professional training of new teachers to insert "take off" wings for young teachers

Author:China Education News Time:2022.09.07

After less than two years of work, chemical teacher Zhu Qing won the first prize of the junior high school chemistry group in the junior high school chemistry group in Guangdong Province in 2021. When I first graduated from the new school, the new school -Shenzhen Xin'an Middle School (Group) Foreign Language School, he was just an ordinary teaching "Xiaobai". The training activities benefited me a lot. "

During the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" plan, Shenzhen Baoan District plans to add 187,000 public compulsory education degrees, and it is planned to double the new schools, recruit 500 to 1,000 teachers each year. In the past 5 years, Baoan introduced a total of 3,198 college graduates. A large number of young education forces were injected. How can we quickly improve the professional ability of new teachers in a short time?

Before joining the work in September 2020, Zhu Qing participated in the "Flower Plan" new teacher literacy improvement project organized by Baoan District. "The district arranged an excellent teacher to give us a lecture. The school also carried out the" New Teacher's Pre -Post Training "project. This allowed me to have a preliminary understanding of Baoan Education. Concept and career ideal, "he said.

Baoan District faces the newly -entered -enrolled teachers with a school age of 0 to 2 years for public primary and secondary schools in the region, and has opened a new teacher literacy improvement project. The project cycle is 3 years, including theoretical training, post practice and other models. Baoan District selected experienced teachers as the mentor of the students from the continuing education teachers and experts and provincial and municipal teachers in the region.

In the expectations of the future, Zhu Qing started his teacher's career. But how the theory learned was transformed into practice, and the first difficulty in his career was in front of him. Lack of teaching experience.

"In the first academic year, part -time teaching and researchers every week will come over to prepare lessons with us. The school's" Green Bud Program "Master and apprentice pair also allows me to grow quickly." During the collective class preparation, Zhu Qing needs to conduct new lectures in the unit. Speaking of lessons, part -time teaching and research staff will review and guide on -site. Under the guidance of part -time teaching and researchers and masters, he gradually clarified the difficulties of teaching and began to go to the right track. "The opinions given by the experts make me understand that the classroom must be centered on the student. Experience creation and organizational learning activities. "

In addition to centralized training and short -term training, Baoan District gives full play to the role of districts and part -time education and research staff. Part -time faculty and researchers participated in the collective preparation of subject teachers, and continued to help for a long time to guide the growth of young teachers in their hands.

"In the second academic year, I participated in the collective teaching and research activities organized by the district teaching and researchers every week." Under the guidance of the district teaching and researcher Tang Yunbo and Master Luo Liushan, Zhu Qing and the chemical teacher in the district came from a large unit perspective to conduct large units overall lessons. "This not only promoted me to grasp the difficulty of teaching, but also made me deepen my understanding of curriculum standards and textbooks, and started teaching research." He said.

In order to further enhance the teaching and research ability of new teachers, teachers and researchers in Baoan held collective teaching and research activities once a week. During the weekly teaching and research activities, Baoan also arranged excellent teachers to perform lectures, and experts such as district teachers conducted on -site comments. In addition, district professional teaching and research officers will go to schools to listen and diagnose each semester to help new teachers improve the quality of classroom teaching.

"There are many competitions in the school and the district. Team teachers and teaching and researchers will help us grind the lessons." Under the guidance of teaching and researchers, Zhu Qing began to participate in the competition to improve teaching ability in actual combat. "Teachers and researchers give opinions, so that I have prepared lessons based on the perspective of large units and large units. There must be a certain degree of learning, and the integration of teaching evaluation in the entire teaching process." Zhu Qing also integrates discipline teaching and information technology. , Incorporate digital experimental instruments into teaching.

Baoan District encourages school districts and schools to regularly organize new teachers' skills training and competitions, build a platform for young teachers to grow, and promote education and promote teaching. Baoan District also implements information technology capacity improvement projects to promote teachers to improve cross -disciplinary teaching capabilities.

Under a variety of training groups, not only Zhu Qing frequently emerged in various competitions, but also the three new teachers in the same group grew rapidly. Teacher Li Xinhong won the first prize of the proposition competition of Baoan District Junior High School Chemistry High School Entrance Examination Simulation Examination. Teacher Wu Quan was awarded the top ten most beautiful classroom lecturers in Xin'an Middle School (Group) Foreign Language School.

China Education News Correspondent Lian Yanchun reporter Liu Dun

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