A student dormitory of a student in Henan, an official response

Author:Global Times Time:2022.09.07

Officially responded to 80 students in the student dormitory of Henan Pu Experimental School: The accountability mechanism has been started

According to CCTV News, on September 7, the reporter learned from the Education Bureau of the Economic and Technological Development Zone of Puyang City, Henan Province that in response to parents' accommodation of the experimental school, the local party and government comprehensive office, the education bureau, the petition bureau, On the afternoon of September 6, the work classes composed of the Xuantong Office and other departments have properly settled students from the eighth and ninth grades to the school's 8 -person dormitory. On the evening of September 6, the Economic Development Zone conducted a special research on the accommodation and resettlement of new enrollment students in the seventh grade. At the same time, the parents 'opinions are extensively solicited by holding a parent meeting and other methods, and the following measures are taken as soon as possible to solve the problem of new students' entrance accommodation as soon as possible.

I. The existing campus starts the construction of dormitory buildings as soon as possible. After the inspection of environmental protection and fire protection, and the satisfaction of parents, students will be arranged to move in.

2. Students' accommodation transition and resettlement, students who do not agree with transition resettlement can go to the school to refund their own fees and choose to learn independently.

3. Starting the accountability mechanism, the Party Committee of the District Education Bureau quickly reported to the District Discipline Inspection Commission to conduct serious accountability for those responsible for the adverse impact of students' accommodation.

Source: CCTV News

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