boss!Are you recruiting?Do not pay for the salary and the money!

Author:Caney Captain Time:2022.09.07

Hello everyone, this is a crow.

For many people, most of the problems encountered on weekdays are often related to work. For example, how to find a good job, how to be promoted to salary, how to get the appreciation of the leaders, and so on.

However, these are just problems at the operating level. Some wizards who are all overwhelmed are more concerned about the core issue of work: the boss gave me a job, why should I pay me? What is he picture?

You have problems with political science in middle school!

Pushing down in this way, I am afraid that the company is not paying employees, but that employees should pay for the company.

Of course, this statement is just a funny paragraph on the Internet, but the situation of "paying work" really exists. At least before becoming a formal employee, many people have to pay for internships.


Every year, the graduation season is always the peak of college graduates to find a job, but this kind of scene that looks lively and abnormal is very easy to make people have an illusion -at the moment when they step out of the school, the competition begins.

In fact, in order to find a good place as soon as possible, many people have started to act when they have not walked out of the school gate. This kind of action is not just desperately brushing the grade test certificate at school, or enriching your personal experience and ability, but also to find a way to find a beautiful internship to decorate the facade.

And in order to make the internship experience look better, it is not a problem to spend some money.

In May, some bloggers broke the news that an interns at a well -known brokerage research institute, pretending to be an official employee recruiting intern, helping them complete the internship work, or under the banner of formal employees to engage in "paid internal promotion".

In other words, these interns not only let others work for themselves, but also collect these people's money. It can be said that it is a "baby internship".

In internships, there is such a mind. To some extent, these people are indeed suitable for this line.

However, the broker, who was "wool" by his interns, was obviously unwilling to be a biggest head, and issued a statement saying that during the recruitment process, "no registration fee, counseling fee, intermediary fee, handling fee, etc. Appeal any form of paid internships. "

However, the reason why these interns can think of such a point -of -the -way empty glove white wolf is because of paying for internships. There are indeed many people doing it, and almost a whole industrial chain has formed.

In fact, if you open a lot of trading platforms now and enter the word "internal push", you can find a lot of content. In the description of the product, there are all kinds of commitments such as "one -to -one service", "insured", "not in the refund", including finance, brokerage, the Internet, the law, and the application for studying abroad, etc. Essence

Whenever the holiday internship season comes, many intermediary agencies specializing in paid internships and internal push will push all kinds of internship opportunities for college students. In these promotion, they will show the achievements and counterattack stories of various students, to publicize how powerful their "industry mentor" resume is, and tells students who are looking for internships to "plan ahead and take less detours."

In order to maximize the promotional effect and attract as much potential consumers as much as possible, these institutions often give away various materials, establish internship groups, help modify their resumes, or provide consulting services. It is costly with time. When you encounter problems in the early days, the cost you pay is the smallest. "

According to statistics, more than 200,000 domestic companies provide paid internship services, 75%of which were established in the past five years.

Those intern who faked formal employees just use this fast -blowing Dongfeng.

Prior to this, paid internships were just a very niche market, and the main army was international students.

Faced with these students who are preparing to apply for studying abroad, many studying abroad institutions will give their suggestions very "intimately": "If you want to rush forward, apply for the top 30, or even the top 20 schools, your resume will definitely It's better to look good. "

As for how to make your resume look good, the easiest way is to spend money to buy one or several internship experiences. If you still feel dissatisfied, you can even buy scientific research experience.

The temptation of the intermediary is of course no effect for the great god, but for most ordinary students, the attractiveness is indeed not small. Some people will say that since the internship experience is so important, can I find one myself? Faced with such a refutation, these intermediaries have been prepared for a long time. The internship you are looking for "Most of the month before entering is the most of the legs to copy things. Students recruiting normal channels "do more easily and more core work."

Such answers simply bring some threats: if you don't spend money here, you have to fall behind to others who spend money here.

If someone is asking what kind of "core work" is, these intermediaries will hide, and vaguely say that "most of them are remotely let you deal with something, and then write a report."

Not all studying abroad agents recommend students to spend money to buy internships, and some people can't stand it. They think that "this (paid) method finds internships may not be more helpful than what you are looking for. ) Lark, but the work content is very simple, and it does not show your professionalism well. "

But in this case, few international students will believe that when almost all overseas institutions are promoting and recommended these paid projects, people who do not pay will inevitably mutter. In the end, "8 of 10 students bought internship opportunities for internship opportunities. "".

In the eyes of some international students, paid internships are "make up for educational resources through hard work." If spending money is a kind of effort, this sentence is really fine.

Even the paid internships in the study abroad industry were consumed by many people around 2015 and 2016. At that time, the intermediary at the time mainly relied on personal resources to help students find internships. It was basically in the "handmade workshop stage".

As mentioned earlier, most companies that provide paid internships were actually established in the last five or six years. This is not because many people suddenly have this need, but because the intermediary agencies have suddenly discovered that there is still a big big here. There is still a big place here. The block business was not developed, so he rushed up. In the words of knowing the Lord "Daxin V", "just like Alipay's Yu'ebao, before launching in 2013, ordinary Chinese people also have financial needs, but there is no such small financial channel."

Therefore, the group of buying paid internship services gradually spread from overseas students to domestic college students, and developed from sporadic "hand workshops" to "industrialized assembly lines".

Moreover, there are more than one assembly line.


Those paid internships that advertise on trading platforms provide the most "remote internships".

These remote internships are generally one or two months, and only 5 to 6 hours a week. There is no need to go to the company to work in the company, and most of the time will not pass the personnel department of the internship company. The price of these remote internships is the cheapest. "Different companies, departments, and position prices are different. At the same time, it is necessary to combine your development direction and want to use it. The price ranges from thousands of yuan to 20,000 yuan."

Of course, according to the intermediary, these remote internships will not only provide a certificate of resignation and recommendation, but also support the background investigation. The word is optimized for you. "

This kind of remote internship is about the same thing as the brokerage interns who are impersonating the official employees before, but it is indeed the company's official employees doing these things.

These employees who can bring intern in the enterprise are the "internal resources" that the agency said during publicity. The intermediary contacts these employees. Some of them are through personal relationships, while others find their contact information through recruitment websites and take the initiative to carry.

In the intermediary agency, these employees have another name -mentor.

Employees in the company will tell the information about the information that the agency will spread these post information through their own channels, and a mentor can bring 10 remote interns at the same time.

During the publicity, many intermediaries vowed to say that they would be able to go in. "All the internships on my side are kept. If you do n’t enter or collect money, you can pay for your cost." It is just that most of the time, these intermediaries are widely spreading. On the one hand, they attract students in large quantities. On the other hand, they will be delivered in large quantities. Even if it was not successful in the end, there was no extra loss to return the money.

Of course, this is a relatively primary gameplay, which mainly depends on the probability. After all, sometimes candidates hand in their own resumes but are faster, so the charges are not particularly high.

The other is that the intermediary agency cooperates with entrepreneurs to "open the back door" to pay for them to make them easier to enter business internships.

Such operations are more difficult, and they will also have certain requirements for candidates' degree, etc. According to the intermediary, the two academic qualifications must not enter the investment bank or the financial industry. This is basically a fake at a glance.

Some investment bank recruiters said that the internal push itself is a relatively reliable recruitment method for a company. If the institution actively conveys resumes to the company, HR represents the selection and judgment of the employment. As long as you do not borrow the company in the name of the company for publicity, whether the institution will use this form to charge students, it will rarely explore itself.

Such paid internship costs are much higher. According to "Daxin V", "in the internal push circle I know, the market price of the official offer is generally ranging from 200,000 to 400,000, or even higher."

Such a fee in turn also gives the agent to attract the confidence of the employees within the enterprise. In an email that seeks cooperation, the intermediary agency issues seductive conditions to the recruiters willing to cooperate: "If students are successfully arranged to enter the job and study, they can The recommendation cost of 6,000 yuan per person/time. In addition, there are a lot of online practical training, and the needs of job search counseling can cooperate. It is expected to increase annual income by 40W to 50W. "

Of course, these institutions that are relatively credit. After all, they are indeed looking for internship opportunities for people who spend money. If they are not found, they will be refunded.

But another industrial chain is basically based on deception.

Some fresh graduates purchased job search information and one -to -one consulting services in the training institution, including professional planning, interview guidance and simulation interviews, which cost $ 14,000, and then spent 3,000 US dollars in direct push for internship projects. Two services added up. It took more than 110,000 yuan. As a result, on the day of the employment, he was directly arranged in a small room next to the elevator door. It was not allowed to enter the office area. "I just stayed with the small room outside the door for a month with the other three interns. Their company. After paying tens of thousands of dollars, some people thought that they would enter the investment bank internship that they would enter the high top, and became the investment elite of the suit and leather shoes in the TV series. As a result, the work content of their daily work was to pour water and print things. This kind of work does not need to spend tens of thousands of dollars to find someone to push in -line, and it is not difficult to directly cast a resume.

There are also some intermediary agencies, and they will find a so -called large factory employee to be a mentor like a decent look. As for whether this mentor is a genuine employee, the intern does not have the ability to distinguish it. Sometimes from the mentor to the entire project, the entire project is all the projects It is fake, and the students are equivalent to spending money to buy an internship that does not exist at all.

The simplest and rude one is simply cheating money. They will neither really cooperate with the company employees, nor do they think about finding someone to pretend to be a mentor. After you pay the money, you will find it. With various reasons, the cost of deduction, either he just rolled the money.

In general, paid internships include two different routes. Those institutions that can really provide paid internships are mainly the type of gas type and collusion internal and external, and those institutions that cannot provide paid internships are mainly to cheat money through various routines.

However, the problem of this kind of behavior is far more than the true and false of internship opportunities.


For paid internships, as early as 2020, a number of well -known enterprise units such as Tencent, Meituan, PwC, and CITIC Securities publicly issued a statement in a well -known enterprise unit listed in the paid internship list, pointing out that they have never had any third -party institutions and individuals. Any form of recruitment and cooperation, saying that internal pushes will not incur any costs.

As a result, these declarations and resistance have almost no effect, but more institutions and individuals start this muddy water. This can be seen from the number of more and more registered companies.

In addition to the statement that did not conduct paid internships, many securities firms also publicly stated that if any applicant was found in the back tone, any applicant reached a similar "guarantee" agreement or the so -called "test material" such as transactions As measures such as cancellation of their qualifications, cancellation notifications, etc., they will be held in accordance with the legal responsibilities of the relevant personnel.

In fact, such a risk is not just to pay for people who go to the company for internships. Those students who spend money to buy internships to apply for studying abroad also have to face, just like a relatively rational intermediary saying, "the name of the buyers bought The experience of enterprises and famous schools can not only add points to resumes because of the general content, but may even drag my legs. My undergraduate teacher of my student said that if you want to take the academic route in the future, one day is famous. This is your academic stains. "".

For those employees who cooperate with intermediaries, their problems may be more serious.

Lei Jiamao, a lawyer and well -known legal blogger, said that this operation is actually "walking the back door." If the company's internal personnel use the convenience of their positions to collect the property of the job seekers with the intermediary agency "collusion internally and outside the outside and outside, and go through the job procedures for the job seekers in violation of the rules, they may be suspected of taking bribery. If the company's internal personnel use the purpose of illegal possession, the intermediary company "colludes inside and outside" to collect the property of the job seeker, and promises to apply for the job seeker, but if it is not fulfilled afterwards, it may be suspected of fraud.

In fact, in January of this year, the eight departments jointly issued the newly revised "Regulations on the Management of Occupational School Student Internships", of which 20 clearly stipulates:

Vocational schools and internship units shall not collect internship deposits, training fees, internship compensation, management fees, internship materials fees, employment service fees, or other forms of internship fees. Students must not be required to provide guarantees or collect students' property in other names.

On May 13th, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Notice on Further Doing a Better Employment and Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurs such as graduates such as college graduates", which mentioned that "resolutely prevent and correct employment discrimination such as gender, age, education, etc. Illegal activities such as Jie', false recruitment, sale resumes and other illegal activities, resolutely manage illegal behaviors such as paid internships, abuse of trial periods, and arrears of trial period salary. "

According to the intermediary, paid internships are completely a win -win approach. University professors or corporate employees get an additional additional remuneration. Although the students spend money, they can have a "very good experience".

And those students who spend money to buy internship do not feel that they have any mistakes. "You have to take a dialectical look at the experience of spending money. Without so much money, you spend thousands of dollars to buy documents. The U.S. undergraduate application costs 200,000 yuan, including many awards and patents.

Is no one who was injured except the wallet?

In the description of a paid intern tutor, many student resumes reflect some common characteristics:

I may know in college, without any internship experience;

I used to learn finance and law before, but the degree of education was not passing, and I could not enter the industry's good companies. , I want to transfer the product without the corresponding ability to proof


He called these students who spent money as "RMB players", and some "people who have no ability, they are anxious when they are about to graduate." But to say, these students are not capable, and they have money to use.

Some students who bought internships said that the payment internship "the final role is worth a dollar or priceless, and it depends on whether you work hard." But this kind of behavior is fair for those who can't afford internships, and those who learn to find internships and jobs based on their true talents? Or do they not work hard?

This is not a sale of a hammer that your love between the two parties, but in the public competition conditions, an invisible wealth requirement is added, which affects the fairness of the entire society.

Some intermediary consultants said, "If you want to take shortcuts, you always have to pay the price."

But why do those who have worked hard to learn from the book have to be forced to pay the price?

Reference materials:

Eleven Caijing: "Exclusive survey | Who is weaving college students paid the internship dark network? "

Tech Planet: "Push on the Internet Factory: 400,000 for OFFER intermediary"

Southern Character Weekly: "Study abroad intermediary" paid internship and scientific research, I can't stand it anymore ""

Red Star Capital Bureau: "Open the" Boarding Intern "truth: bypassing HR, 15,000 packages, Pushing in the Famous Hall in the Paid"

Zhongxin Jingwei: "Pay in the bottom of the paid: spend 110,000, sit in the visiting room for a month"

Rare observation: "I have been a paid intern in the five years, witnessed the prestigious school students who spend money on 996"

- END -

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