Children are connected, what is the connection?What are the special things to connect the course?

Author:Henan Daily Client Time:2022.09.07

With the arrival of the new semester, children in the kindergarten class have entered the gate of the elementary school and became elementary school students. From kindergarten to elementary school, how to help children adapt to the new environment, new changes, and learn new courses and new knowledge? In March last year, the Ministry of Education issued the "Guiding Opinions on Evoking the Connection of Kindergarten and Primary Schools", pointing out that it is necessary to slow down the degree of connection and help children to achieve the transition from kindergarten to elementary school. City) Comprehensive implementation of admission preparation and adaptation education, and set the first semester of the first grade as the adaptation period.

So, what is the connection? What are the special things to connect the course? What is the development of young junior connectivity in various places?

Behavioral habits need to be developed in the first grade of the first grade and set as adaptive adaptation period

Yu Weijia, director of the Education Department of Yajuyuan Elementary School in Jinan High -tech Zone: Welcome everyone to start a happy elementary school life in our school. This is our enrollment ceremony. This is a reading pitch. This is a storytelling. I hope that after the school starts, every student can develop a good habit of reading every day.

This is the first day of the school of Yajuyuan Elementary School in Jinan, Shandong. The design of the school gate and the design of admission ceremony are full of "reading" elements. The school reminds children to make friends with books and develop a good habit of reading reading Essence Earth stickers are also set up on the campus to help children learn to recognize the way and quickly find their class.

Kong Yuhan, first grade student of Yajuyuan Elementary School, Jinan High -tech Zone: I entered the beautiful classroom on the green little foot. I like my school very much.

"My reading me is the master", "My class, I look for", these are the schools carefully prepared by the school for the first grade. In order to help children "first steps for enrollment", the school also set the first week of school as "adaptation week".

Compared with learning knowledge, in the first week, children are more important to learn daily behavior specifications such as sitting posture, raising their hands, and standing queues, and gradually develop good learning and behavior habits.

Yao Jing, principal of Yajuyuan Elementary School, Jinan High -tech Zone, Shandong: We can quickly integrate into the collective through a series of courses of life and gaming, and prefer teachers, and are more willing to study and live in this school, improve enrollment adaptability.

Qian Zhiliang, a teacher of the Ministry of Education of Beijing Normal University: The most fundamental thing to connect is the connection of ability. We especially emphasize in two aspects. One is the preparation of learning quality. Power, the ability of independent thinking, persistence, flexibility and creativity of thinking, and a more important thing is social adaptability, how to get along with companions, how to adapt to teachers, and how to adapt to learning life as soon as possible.

Slowly connect the "pair" of the kindergarten and primary school

How can young connection connecting can be scientific and effective? In this regard, localities actively integrate regional resources, explore new models such as kindergartens and primary schools, and co -teaching and research, and set up transitional bridges for kindergartens and primary schools.

Zhengzhou Zhengdong New District is the first batch of young connection experimental zones in Henan. The theme of the first lesson in the first grade of Longzi Lake Elementary School in the district is "Knowing you, it's good", letting children know new friends in the game by looking for their names. In the classroom, the kindergarten teacher who paired with Longzi Lake Elementary School also experienced the follow -up experience.

Wei Lei, a teacher in Longzi Lake Kindergarten, Zhengdong New District, Zhengzhou: Experience the teaching characteristics and points of the primary school. In the (kindergarten) class, the class is more targeted in the next semester, so that children are prepared for enrollment in the game.

According to reports, in the past, the junior connection work was mainly kindergarten. In order to let primary schools really participate, Zhengdong New District innovated the model of "connection collaboration group, primary school as the group leader", which greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of elementary schools.

After nearly a year of exploration, the pilot park (school) of the Zhengdong New District increased from 10 to 30, and the output of the gardens (schools) produced 180 research results of young connection, effectively ensuring high -quality development of young science connection.

Jiao Kexin, the head of the Longzi Lake Kindergarten in Zhengdong New District, Zhengzhou: In the practice of the "dual -teacher system", the collaboration (child) park follows the principle of "three fixed together", that is, regular, fixed division, class, and theme. We tracked and investigated the graduates of the big class, and focused on solving various problems such as weaker childhood concepts and lack of task awareness.

Zhang Ligang, director of the Education, Culture and Sports Bureau of Zhengdong New District, Zhengzhou City: In the next step, we will improve the work mechanism of young young connection, adhere to the pilot demonstration, layered promotion, and promote the deepening development of the junior connection work.

In April of this year, Guangdong established 21 provincial -level young and small interview experiments, and 104 pilot parks and 104 pilot schools were established. As a pilot kindergarten, the Yuecai Kindergarten No. 1 Hospital and the Pilot School Yuexiu District and the Wende Road Primary School and Xiaobei Road Primary School formed a primary connection pair. Starting in May, the three parties set up a community of learning communities to start joint teaching and research, forming three years. Planning of young connection curriculum.

Pan Hong, Dean of the First Hospital of Yucai Kindergarten, Guangdong: We have a big theme is "Hello Elementary School", which has been divided into three dimensions. The first dimension is what is the future elementary school, we can try imagination; the second dimension, how the schoolbags in elementary school are cleaned up, what is the day of life in elementary school? To understand this knowledge with my brother and sister; in the third aspect, we solve real problems, walk into elementary school, listen to the elementary school teachers to give lectures to the children, and infiltrate the primary school life. Through the joint teaching and research, the three parties of the pairs have gradually reached consensus. "Young connection" is not limited to children's knowledge preparation, but also more importantly, self -care, psychological and environmental preparation. Kindergartens and primary schools designed these different levels of needs into their respective curriculum systems, and regularly summarized the corresponding practical exploration.

In the next step, Guangdong will continue to reform the first -year education and teaching methods through the means of teaching and research of young children.

Zhao Qi, Director of the Council of the Education Department of Guangdong Province: Science, comprehensive practice, labor education, and local comprehensive courses of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education. We are preparing to present them in the form of activities to allow students to play in activities and transition smoothly.

It is especially important to enhance the role of parental role to accompany children

Entering elementary schools from kindergartens, not only children need to adapt to the new role of elementary school students, but parents must also learn to adapt to the new role of "parents of elementary school students". Therefore, it is also necessary to give parents a good child to connect this lesson.

In the public account of Yajuyuan Primary School in Jinan High -tech Zone, the course of "I am studying" for parents of students to enhance the role cognition of the children's parents' "parents of elementary school students", so as to do a good job in the connection of young children. All are fully prepared.

Parents of the students of Yajuyuan Primary School in Jinan High -tech Zone are unintentional: For example, help children perform a schedule according to the habits of elementary school students, develop good living habits, and prepare to learn stationery and daily necessities in accordance with the requirements of elementary school students. At the same time, it has launched related mini -games with children to help enhance keenness and concentration, enter the state of "elementary school students" as soon as possible, and at the same time, our parents also enter the state of "parents of primary school students".

Yao Jing, principal of Yajuyuan Primary School, Jinan High -tech Zone: We have pushed a lot of courses to let parents understand what preparations for their children. In this way, we have designed this connection and adaptation course from the three dimensions of students, parents, and teachers. , Build a "growth circle".

For a long time, parents are worried that their children will lose their mentality on the starting line. Let their children learn primary school courses in advance, bringing stress on their children, and even letting children anxious and fearful, affecting the child's physical and mental health.

Qian Zhiliang, Teacher of the Education Department of Beijing Normal University: Is knowledge important? It is important, but it is not important in the kindergarten stage. After going to elementary school, the teacher will teach little by little, so don't rush to achieve success. Many children arrived in elementary school. Many teachers think (knowledge) he has already met, and the progress will be opened faster, so many children cannot keep up. So we strongly recommend that the state stipulated in the compulsory education course, you can promote it step by step according to progress.

In order to change the concept of parents and eliminate anxiety, the Education and Culture Bureau of Zhengdong New District, Henan has set up a young school teaching lecture group to provide parents with gradient, layered, targeted curriculum training.

Student parent Xu Yunxi: In the past, he did not report to the child to class. He always felt that the child would lose to the starting line. Through the wonderful teaching of the lecture group and some typical cases and data, it made our parents feel that the investment is really valuable. I personally feel that I personally feel that It really benefits a lot.

How can parents help their children adapt to the learning life of elementary school after adapting to the new role of "parent of elementary school students"? Relevant persons believe that parents are "companion" for their children.

Qian Zhiliang, teacher of the Ministry of Education of Beijing Normal University: The child is going to school. Parents and children do not play with their mobile phones and accompany him to write homework. Every day, the whole family eats dinner together. After dinner, everyone will talk about 5 to 20 minutes together. In this way, parents have a handsome life on their children's campus, and they also make the child feel that I am not fighting alone. There are parents behind me who have a bachelor and face this title with me.

(CCTV reporter Li Jingjing, Zhang Lijuan, Henan Taiwan, Yu Jiamin Li Yang, Yuan Yan, Zhang Qi Qin Yiqing, Zhang Lei, Zhang Lei, Zhang Jianqin, Fu Jinhui)

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