President Shan Zhongde's message 2022 Graduate Graduate: self -reliance and self -improving the big beam to continue the struggle responsibility

Author:Nanjing Aerospace University Time:2022.09.06

Self -reliance and self -reliance to continue the struggle for the heavy responsibility

——The speech at the starting ceremony of Graduate Graduate Graduate Graduate

Principal Shan Zhongde

Dear guests, dear teachers, classmates:

Hello everyone!

When the 20th victory of the party in the country was held, we held a grand opening ceremony of the 2022 graduate students with great joy and excitement to witness 5,147 new students, including 774 doctors, 4373 master's degree 4373 Starting the new journey of academics, the number of new students in our school exceeded 5,000 for the first time. First of all, on behalf of Zheng Yongan, Secretary Zheng Yongan and the teachers and students of the school, to join the Southern Airlines family to express the hottest welcome and congratulate you to become a graduate student in China Southern Airlines! Explain the most heartfelt thanks to your parents and teachers!

Graduate students are a new starting point for academic career and a new start of life journey. From the time everyone enrolled in the school to wear the graduate school badge, it means that everyone has chosen a different journey of life, embarked on the breadth of science and technology and the journey to march, and shoulders the heavy responsibility of high -level technology independence and self -reliance. At present, we are closer to the goal of achieving a strong science and technology country than ever, and we are more urgent to improve scientific and technological innovation capabilities than ever. We deeply realized that the party and the country's strategic layout of scientific and technological innovation were unprecedented. General Secretary Xi Jinping personally painted the blueprint for the construction of an important talent center of the world and the innovation highland, and issued a mobilization order to support the self -reliance of science and technology as the support of national development. New The profound change of scientific and technological innovation in a round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change is unprecedented. The rapid development of emerging technology represented by information technology and artificial intelligence, human beings are entering an era of all -things intellectual interconnection of "human -machine and objects". The help of the talent team and scientific and technological innovation are unprecedented. As an important national strategic technological force and talent forces, high -level research universities have become an important part of the country's independent innovation chain. The time of the times.

When we were born in the new era, we are moving towards a new journey of building a socialist modern country. During the 70 -year school running course, China Southern Airlines always regards graduate education as an important support for training high -level innovative talents and enhanced the ability of scientific and technological innovation. High -level graduate mentor team. Since recruiting graduate students 60 years ago, China Southern Airlines has always aimed at the country's urgent needs, and has trained more than 44,000 master doctoral graduates. Xiu, Chen Zhonggui, Deng Jinghui, Sun Zezhou and other large -scale major national heavy weapons are represented by academic elites and leaders of the industry, providing solid talent support for the development of national defense science and technology. Looking back at the 70 -year history of China Southern Airlines, each of the first primary engineering history of aviation science and technology we created, each of which participated in major space projects, and each iconic and important innovation achievement produced by the output is inseparable The pursuit of the value of the country is inseparable from the forgiving gesture of China Southern Airlines's graduate students, and it is inseparable from the innovative and innovative.

In May this year, when General Secretary Xi Jinping built a letter to the Space Station of the Aerospace Science and Technology Group, he highly affirmed the aerospace youth to pick the beams and take charge, showing the spiritual style of Chinese youths in the new era. He has also encouraged young scientific and technological talents to pick the beams and the protagonist. I was pleased to see that some of our classmates presided over the national college students' innovation practice project in the undergraduate, and participated in the task of major scientific and technological research such as the "two machines" project. The achievements have published a number of high -level papers, declared a number of high -quality patents, and some students actively enthusiastically enthusiastic about social public welfare undertakings, conveying true, good and beautiful in the CEIDS of Simply, and promoted the main theme. Based on a new starting point, everyone must keep in mind the heavy entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping, consciously inherit and promote the university motto of the "Smart Zhou, Taoist World" and the excellent school style of "unity, frugality, truthfulness, and innovation". Quality and spiritual style, strive to pick the beams, take the lead, and be the protagonist in the new journey of high -level technology self -reliance. Everyone must cherish the opportunity to learn from graduate students. When everyone is about to start the study and scientific research at the graduate stage, I want to share three points and encourage everyone.

The first is to set sail research on the intersection of serving the country with the original intention of serving the country, and pick up the beams in the airline and aerospace power.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at a scientist symposium that scientific research topics are the problems that need to be solved first. The selection of research directions must adhere to demand -oriented, start from the needs of the country's urgency and long -term needs, and truly solve practical problems. The history of China Southern Airlines is a history of serving the country and dedicating the national defense to the country. From the "Changkong No. 1" series of drones deserted swords, wearing clouds, to "cloud geese" and other drone systems such as the National Day gifts and patrols of the guards, and to the 20th era of the aviation industry, help Shenzhou Flying and Chang'e ascend the moon When a major aerospace project, generations of Southern Airlines have resonated with the country with the country, and they are traveling with the times. They have independently developed more than 40 models of aircraft, providing solid talents and scientific and technological support for the development of the national aerospace industry. For the graduate students of China Southern Airlines, the red gene and the blue dream of the air reporting to the country are born with the spiritual blood of our salary. The first doctoral degree winner of our school and the team led by Academician Zhu Xi of our old president, for the "stuck neck" problem manufactured by the overall leaf plates such as advanced aerospace engines, creatively carried out precision electrolytic processing technology Studies solved the manufacturing difficulties of several key components of aerospace engines, and provided strong support for the development and production of complex surface components of advanced aerospace engines. The need for the country is the innovation of our graduate students. I hope that everyone will learn from the inexhaustible motivation of serving the country and dedicating the national defense from the history of 70 years. The spirit of scientists, adhere to the "four aspects", actively summarize the major basic scientific issues and key core technical problems from the major national strategic needs. Academic research is integrated into the task of major scientific and technological research on the country's organization, and effectively shoulders the historical mission of aviation reporting to the country and the aerospace power, and make real contributions in the practical work of the real knife and real gun. The second is to stand up to the trend of research, with the determination of the courage to innovate breakthroughs, and take the heavy responsibility in daring to be the first and dare to challenge.

Based on the world's centuries -old change, innovation has become the theme of the development of the times, and it is also the core of the development strategy of countries around the world. At the Central Talent Working Conference held last year, the Party Central Committee also sounded the struggle horn to speed up the construction of an important talent center of the world and the innovation highland. As the name suggests, graduate students are to engage in scientific research, to learn independent research, analyze, and solve problems, and summarize the universal laws and conclusions in refining, realize innovation of ideas, innovation in principle, method innovation of method, mechanism innovation, application innovation, etc. , Better shoulder the mission of national innovation -driven development of the main force and vital army. Graduate students should be brave to become "hard core" researchers, innovators, and explorers. On July 24, the first scientific experimental cabin in my country was successfully launched. Multiple research teams in our school, including dozens of graduate participation in the development of scientific experimental compartment. For a new environment for space -oriented, innovative research and development of spacecraft intelligent grid control and protection technology, multi -type carrier rocket storage box structure welding technology, aerospace -grade lightweight nanowwagen insulation technology, orientation device oil supplementary mechanism technology and other key technologies, for The launch and operation of the scientific experimental cabin contributes Southern Southern Airlines and the power of China Southern Airlines. For graduate students, the most core, most important, and basic master of responsibility is innovation. Innovation is to dare to jump out of the inherent thinking and dare to break the routine. Not only should we learn knowledge, but also to cultivate learning ability, innovation ability, and imagination, so that learning and innovation will become interesting and hobbies that everyone is good at, and they will feel that their joy is endless. Students are full of years, agile thinking, and energetic. I hope that everyone will cherish Shaohua, diligent in thinking, dare to challenge, and be happy to practice, make innovation a habit, a hobby More breakthroughs from 0 to 1 contribute youthful wisdom for the continuous improvement of original innovation capabilities and self -reliance on high -level technology.

The third is to anchor the goal of research on the journey, to persist in the perseverance of long -lasting merit, and take the initiative to be the protagonist.

Revolutionary mentor Marx pointed out, "There is no flat avenue in science. Only those who do not fear hardships along the steep mountain roads can have the apex of glory." Scientific and technological innovation has never been achieved overnight. The process of continuously verified spiral rises requires persistence, the tenaciousness and consistent persistence of long -term power. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "innovation has always been a life of nine deaths, but we must have the pride of‘ the goodness of the heart, although the nine deaths are still regretted ’.” Only when we are diligent in thinking, active innovation, constantly trying and exploring, can we break through the customs, split waves, and find a correct path in line with the laws of science. This year's Jiangsu Youth "May 4th" medal collective and our school's drone youth innovation team is such a youth innovation group that has been passed down and persistently persistent. Behind each of the drones they developed, they condensed them in the Gobi desert, the sea of ​​the sea, the South Asian rainforest, and the West African wasteland. The maximum number of days of external trials in the team has accumulated 313 days throughout the year. It is precisely because they continue to keep ties and perseverance in the desert wilderness day and night that have achieved the glittering flash of the medium -range high -speed drone system of our school on the 70th anniversary of the 70th anniversary. In our graduate team, Yu Tianyang, the School of Electronic Information Engineering, was proficient in using left -handed writing through two months of repeated training because of inconvenience in the right hand. Finally, the highest performance point of the semester during the undergraduate period reached 4.9, published 3 SCI papers, and led the team to lead the team Won the gold medal of the 8th National "Internet+" National Tournament. With difficulty and hard work, strong will can be more firm and powerful. Scientific research innovation is to be able to resist loneliness, that is, there must be a bench to sit and sit for ten years of cold and perseverance. I hope that everyone must have the dedication to "bite Qingshan without relaxation", and there must be the spirit of "the more difficult the more difficult and the more dangerous, the more forward", don't be afraid of the failure of innovation, don't be afraid of encountering difficulties, stick to persistence and persistence He heart, sink down, lean down, constantly take the initiative to study, think deeply, continue to take the initiative to act, overcome difficulties, continue to take the initiative to practice, improve the innovation ability, and will definitely gain unexpected success. Classmates, Feng Zhengzheng rises, and builds a new era. If you want to cross the peak and peak, there is no good prospect for knowledge, skills and quality. The new graduate career has begun. I hope that students will strengthen their body to strengthen their body and enhance their quality and improve their ability. Southern Airlines graduate students will have the appearance of China Southern Airlines graduate students, pursue excellent and excellence, and be the best, and no regrets. With the original intention of serving the country, picking up the beams in the airline and aerospace power; the determination to be courageous to innovate breakthroughs, and take the responsibility of daring to be the first and dare to challenge; When the protagonist, he has the courage to support the glorious mission of service to support high -level technology and self -reliance, and strives to build a good achievement and new achievements for the construction of a socialist modern country for comprehensive construction of socialist modern countries.

Finally, please do everyone must do the prevention and control of the epidemic, security and confidentiality. Please rest assured that in the path of your classmates, your mentor will guide you carefully. Your graduate classmates will accompany you, and the school will go all out and do your best to solve your trouble and escort you! May you get the best research memory in your life in the beautiful and happy China Southern Airlines!

thank you all!

Produced 丨 Xiaonan Xiaowang Studio

Material Source 丨 Party and Government Office

Picture 丨 Rong Media Center Image Library, Shijingshan

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