She is forced to retreat when she does not participate in the parent group teachers' Day gifts every year ... Netizens: inferior currency expels good currency

Author:Look at the news Time:2022.09.06

Near Teacher's Day, a parent group of a school in Liuzhou was exposed to ask the parents to make money to buy a cosmetics gift box for the teacher. One of the parents said that after they did not participate, they were asked to withdraw from the parent group.

The parents of the parties sent a circle of friends that her daughter class bought a water cup last year, and she bought several more than 300 yuan of water cups. Because she did not participate in the class teacher's festival every year, she was regarded as a rebellious parent in the class.

A parent in the class introduced that because Teacher's Day is coming, in order to respect the teachers and teach, the family committee will discuss with the parents to send some gifts to the teachers to express gratitude and gratitude. At present, it is only during the discussion stage. Parents' money has not been paid, and gifts are not bought.

For the parents who asked not to participate, the parent explained: "Every time she organizes activities, she does not agree with it. This group is formed by our parents and used it to discuss things. We did not kick her out of the group. Since there is no agreement, some of our parents quit the group by themselves. "

Netizen: Inferior coins are expelled from good coins

What do you think of it?

This article is integrated from the New Yellow River, the South State News, Sina Weibo

WeChat editor: nano

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