Many provinces announced the college entrance examination for time, and 18 new occupations have been here ...

Author:Hunan Provincial Department of Time:2022.06.20


@, These provinces to check points and fill in volunteers have been announced

As of now, except Shanghai, the remaining provinces and cities have come to an end. After the exam, Beijing, Tianjin, Shandong and other places announced the time for the college entrance examination and volunteer filling time.

&&read carefully:

Summary! Some provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) announced the college entrance examination, volunteer filling time | 2022 college entrance examination


The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security announced 18 new career information to the society

Recently, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security will publicize related new career information to the society, of which "Robot Engineering and Technical Personnel", "Carbon Exchange Preparation Evaluation", "Family Education Instructor", "Research Travel Instructor", "B & B Manager" Occupational information is the first batch of publicity to the society and extensively solicit opinions. After the publicity is soliciting opinions and amending and improving, these new occupations will be included in the new edition of the classification ceremony. The deadline for the publicity is June 20, 2022.

&&read carefully:

18 new career information, such as robot engineering and technical personnel, publicize to the society

Anti -fraud reminder

You must know these fraud routines!

Some criminals scattered false information through college entrance examinations and implemented fraud, such as sending "early check" false advertising links to implement fraud; lied to say that there are "re -record places, internal indicators"; For the qualifications of the "College Entrance Examination Subsidies", to deceive the deposit or handling fee; use intermediaries, websites, APPs, etc. to volunteer to fill in guidance and guidance to cheat money; forge "admission notice" and so on.

&&read carefully:

"Check the score in advance" scam, "make up the quota" scam, and ...

Review in the past

27 military academies recruit 925 people in Xiang | Tuition free monthly subsidies

2022 Hunan college entrance examination ended successfully, and the results were announced around June 25

- END -

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