"Free mobile phone"?The school eliminates students to steal their mobile phones: they are smashed with a hammer, and the principal responds

Author:Chinese youth said Time:2022.09.06

Recently, when a middle school in Qinhuangdao was reported by the student report, a hammer and paper were placed on the table at the school gate. The paper was printed on the paper with a "free broken mobile phone", indicating that if the student entered the school with a mobile phone, the teacher would smash the mobile phone on the spot. It's right.

According to media reports, this is a trick that teachers and parents have thought of. Mr. Li, the principal of the school, introduced that this move has a role, and there is no situation of smashing mobile phones.

A student of a student of the school told the media that the school was a boarding school. Her son secretly took the mobile phone to the school to play in the school and influenced the learning. She also said that the child did not listen. Before the start of the school, the school opened a parent meeting, and the teachers and parents discussed it. The teacher discovered that the students stole their mobile phones and smashed them on the spot. The parents also agreed. "He usually likes to play mobile phones. We say that he is used to too much." The parent said that after the school introduced a new regulation, his son did not bring his mobile phone at the beginning of the school.

President Li of the school said that according to previous regulations, the mobile phones that students brought into the school were usually kept by the teacher. There were urgent things to use, and they could be taken back during the holidays. But before, some students stole their mobile phones and did not handle them to the teacher. After the teacher found out, they only received their mobile phones and returned to the students when they were on vacation. This semester, in order to eliminate students' stealing and play mobile phones, this decision made decisions: Once the students were found to have a mobile phone, they smashed them on the spot. In order to let students see the attitude of the school's new rules and deterred the students, they set a hammer at the door.

As of 7 pm on the 3rd, the teachers did not find that some students stole their mobile phones, nor did they break the students' mobile phones.

"I believe that as long as the children insist on not playing mobile phones, they will improve significantly in all aspects." President Li said that if the teacher really shows that the student sneaks the mobile phone, the school will also properly handle it and will not destroy the student's property at will.

This news immediately appeared on Weibo hot search,

Treating hot discussions on the entire network.

Some people think that smashing mobile phones belong to destroying other people's property,

And this behavior disrespects students.

But there are also many netizens who support the school.

It is believed that the school's explicit regulations are not allowed to bring mobile phones,

And negotiate with parents to make this decision,

It is a manifestation of responsible management.

The lawyer interviewed by the media said,

If the students bring their mobile phones to school in violation of regulations,

The school can keep it for a while.

If the school obtains the consent of the parents of the student,

Then destroying the phone does not belong to the destruction of others.

What do you think of it?

Source: Qianjiang Evening News, Jimu News, Jingchu.com, Shengxuebao

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