Xu Hongping, Dean of Hangzhou Xiaoshan Technician College: Employment teaching is a development teaching and can not talk about professional changes

Author:Daily Economic News Time:2022.09.06

Photo source: organizer confession

When students walk out of the campus, the first choice is to employment, which is about life events.

In the process of growth, students must think about how to better survive in employment, but also build their own good minds and complete personality construction. But how to carry out the sustainable development of talents still has some contradictions between people and enterprises.

On September 3rd, the 6th Taihe Civilization Forum was held in Beijing. At the Education and Culture Sub -Forum of "Vocational Education and Rural Revitalization", Xu Hongping, Dean of Hangzhou Xiaoshan Technician College, Professor Gao Yang, Professor of Tianjin City Vocational College, Sichuan International Liu Yipei, chairman and dean of the Vocational College, Liu Jianxin, Chief Operating Officer of Perfect World Education, expresses his opinions from different perspectives and exchanged in -depth exchanges.

"Evaluation of talents should be a systematic and systematic standard."

Vocational education is an important part of the national education system and human resources development, but how vocational education can better promote employment reform. This topic is often negotiated.

Focusing on the revitalization and employment of teaching rural areas, Xu Hongping believes that all teaching is vocational teaching. Whether it is tutor, social teaching, or school teaching, the revitalization of all areas of the country must rely on teaching.

However, teaching currently lacks production and life labor from college from childhood to college, which has led many people's growth experience to have not obtained the cultivation of professional experience, professional habits and professional interests. "The integration of production and education should be all teaching, and of course, it also includes the core issues of professional teaching." Xu Hongping said.

Furthermore, the starting point of teaching in teaching should be the realistic needs of industrial development, not to be promoted and academic orientation. "Can you evaluate whether you are a talent, the only authority is the employer, it is definitely not the Ministry of Education or the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Affairs." Xu Hongping said, but the current embarrassing situation is Not matching, not adaptive, not accurate -that is, college students can't do business, and the industry is not available.

In the process of social development, it is inseparable from professional skills and labor, but now the professional "color changes" are more low -related. The integration of production and education has caused many university graduates to enter the workshop. When they see equipment and machines, they do not know it at all, and they will not operate. Xu Hongping concluded: "Employment teaching must be development teaching, because it must deal with science and technology and high -end software and hardware in the future."

Gao Yang believes that during the development of students, on the one hand, it is necessary to consider how to better employment and survive, and on the other hand, they must better establish their own minds and better complete the demands of other personality construction. Essence "Our evaluation of talents should not only be constrained by the personalized needs of a certain enterprise and a employer, but it should be a systematic and systematic standard. The establishment of this standard is not just a momentary employment for students. The satisfaction of demand, while the development of the entire career path for his entire life is very beneficial. "

"Why can't college students do business, and companies can't recruit people?"

The annual single move is one of the most lively nodes in the school. However, Liu Yipei observed this year that many students brought their parents to find a job. From the perspective and position of the school, he was confused.

During the study period, students have not realized their real positions to a large extent. In this state, letting students exercise the ability to truly adapt to society and employment, which is a problem that practitioners are thinking.

The integration of production and education promotes the high -quality development of vocational education. In Liu Yipei, it can solve the problem that we think vocational education is impossible. "The current investment in our country in vocational education is relatively better, but only public schools have investment. The investment in vocational vocational school is relatively low. Most areas are thousands of dollars a small amount The level. Under such investment, we want to pursue quality, and at the same time, we also want everyone to enjoy education, which is a contradiction. "How to resolve this contradiction, Liu Yipei believes that it is necessary to introduce enterprises to provide enterprises with resources, participate in teaching, participate in participation, and participate in participation. educate.

Specifically, Liu Yipei made three proposals: first, the design of talent training models that break through the disciplinary education thinking; second, I hope to make some systematic or eventually achieve sustainable or replicated breakthroughs in school -enterprise cooperation; The third is the identification of dual -teacher teachers with classified classification.

Students are confused, and companies also feel "unable to recruit people." Liu Jianxin, who has worked in the enterprise for more than 20 years, is distributed in companies such as games, film and television, animation and other companies. After knowing that she was engaged in the education industry, she was asked the most is "Do you have a recommendation?"

Demand is flying like snowflakes, and the asymmetry of the supply information has led to the inability to recruit talents in the industry, and students are not sensitive to the type of talent in urgent need.

Liu Jianxin bluntly stated that the needs of enterprises are very urgent. "Some data from graduate students last year, 60%of our students came from undergraduate institutions and 40%from vocational colleges. The first job salary after their employment was the same as the graduate level returning from studying in the UK. High. In recent years, the highest ones have given more than 20,000 students after employment. It can be seen that the industry's needs are very urgent. "

Enterprises do vocational education and vocational education in colleges and universities should be complementary: colleges and universities pay attention to the cultivation of students' comprehensive quality, and corporate vocational education is to cultivate talents that can be used to use."The digital economy has arrived, and the technical update iteration is very fast. This requires our training to be closely linked to the employment needs of the enterprise. What kind of courses do we provide in the shortcomings of the enterprise?" Liu Jianxin said.To deepen the integration of production and education and cultivate more talents that meet the requirements of the industry, it is necessary to work together for enterprises and colleges.In addition, Liu Jianxin also revealed that more industrial projects will continue to enter the school, so that students have more actual industrial projects to practice.At the school, Liu Jianxin suggested that when the integration of production and education, he jumped out of the original thinking mode and changed the concept of "heavy hardware construction and light curriculum resources".

Daily Economic News

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