Welcome new classmates!Newborn big data, let's reveal the secret together!

Author:Renmin University of China Time:2022.09.06

New Media Center of the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee

Welcome to the new product

Happy school

This morning, freshmen began to report to school

The early morning sun is bright and splendid

It is just a good time to start a new journey!

Follow Guan Wei's lens to the scene!

Feel the joy of entering the campus

Draw the power of forge

At the same time, freshman big data

Together together!


wx_fmt = png "data-nickname =" Renmin University of China "data-alias =" "data-signature =" The spiritual home of the person "data-from =" 2 "data-is_biz_ban =" 0 " />

Produced: Propaganda Department of the Party Committee

Data source: Admissions and Employment Department

Visualization: Yi Xin Xingping Yi Ran Qiu Tong

Photography: Weikang Aiqing Shijia Jingwen Ma Rui

Cover: Xiaojing

Edit: Shihan

- END -

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