[Theoretical observation] The construction of the construction of the "Da Si Political Course" in colleges and universities is comprehensively promoted

Author:People's Daily Online Time:2022.09.06

We must make good use of "Dasi Political Class", we must combine with reality. How to make good use of the "Dasi Political Course"? How to promote the construction of "Dasi Political Course"? In July 2022, the "Work Plan for Comprehensive Promoting the" Construction of "Da Si Political Class" jointly issued by the Ministry of Education and other ten departments pointed out that it is necessary to adhere to the opening of the door to run ideological and political courses, fully mobilize the power and resources of the whole society, and build a "large classroom classroom. "The establishment of a" big platform ", the establishment of the" great teacher ", etc., pointed out the direction for comprehensively promoting the construction of the" Da Si Political Course "and provided actions to guide them.

Construction of the "big classroom" to expand the position of the "Da Si Political Class" construction resources. The "big classroom" is an important carrier for the construction of "Dasi Political Class". The ideological and political lessons should not only be in the classroom, but also in social life. To build a "big classroom", we must combine the ideological and political class and social classrooms. The ideological and political courses should actively use social practice resources, combine the vivid practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, to fully tap the ideological and political education elements of social classrooms, Unicom's history and reality, contact theory and practice, based on domestic and international, guide college students to establish establishment The correct outlook on life, values, and world outlook, firm "four self -confidence". Society is also a school, and we must make good use of the social classroom. To let college students go to social life, closely connect with real life, open the ideological and political lessons in the field, open at the scene of volunteer services and social research, and open at the "Da Si Political Class" practical teaching base such as museums and memorials. Promote the ideological value of college students in the process of practical education and education.

The author believes that colleges and universities should coordinate and external school resources, the theory and practice are closely integrated, and the effectiveness of the "Dasian Political Course" is improved. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of the Marxist Academy, promote the construction of Marxist theoretical disciplines, and strengthen the distinctive background of the "Da Si Political Course". It is necessary to promote the reform of the education and teaching of ideological and political courses, build a strong ideological and political curriculum group, expand the content of classroom teaching, innovate the form of ideological and political courses, and enhance the ideological, theoretical and affinity, and targetedness of ideological and political lessons. Channels, talk about ideological and political lessons that college students like, and make ideological and political education into mind. It is necessary to actively promote school -land cooperation, build a teaching base for ideological and political courses, offer school -land cooperation ideological and political practice courses, actively connect with the "Da Si Political Class" practice teaching base, allow students to get out of the classroom, go out of school, and go to the great rivers and mountains of the motherland. In -depth social life, understand the people's livelihood in the social classroom, respond to the call of the times, and practice young people.

Establish a "big platform" to enrich the educated elements that comprehensively promote the construction of "Da Si Political Course". "Big Platform" is an important starting point for the construction of the "Da Si Political Class". By building a national ideological and political teaching and research system for colleges and universities, promote the construction and use of the national smart education platform, build a large resource platform such as online education propaganda cloud platforms, and provide strong support for the construction of "Da Si Political Course". Vigorously promote the digital construction of ideological and political courses, use digital technology to aggregate resources, create a comprehensive and three -dimensional ideological and political teaching resource bank, and provide teachers with massive resources such as teaching materials. Give full play to the role of information technology, develop online demonstration curriculum, establish a media propaganda matrix, create a "Da Sisi Political Course" platform, and build a networked, visual and convenient "Dasi Political Class" learning platform for college students.

The author believes that colleges and universities should actively integrate into the construction of the "Da Si Political Class" platform, not only the builders, participants of the platform, but also the promoters and beneficiaries of the construction of a large platform. Universities should vigorously develop the "Digital Horse Academy" to achieve the integration and development of modern information technology and ideological and political education. Universities should formulate policies to encourage teachers to make good use of the "National Collective Class Preparation Platform of the Teachers and Politics Teachers in the National College", encourage teachers to develop a "Da Si Political Class" demonstration case, carry out teaching design competition activities, and build a "Da Si Political Class" demonstration course for the construction of the "Da Si Political Course". The construction of large platforms contributes college cases and wisdom of colleges and universities. Universities should introduce measures to encourage students to use their own learning platforms, encourage students to create their own works around learning content, carry out activities such as micro -video, micro -film contests such as ideological and political courses, and provide students with display platforms to enhance students' sense of gain and participation.

Build a "great teacher" to build the foundation of the development of the "Da Si Political Course". "Great Teachers" is an important guarantee for the construction of "Dasi Political Course". The key to running ideological and political theory is teachers. The key is to give full play to the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of teachers. It is necessary to build a "Dasi Political Class" teacher with a special and combined "Da Si Political Class" by internal reference. It is necessary to build a strong team of teachers in ideological and political courses, strengthen the ability of professional courses for ideological and political ability, and give full play to the course of ideological and political functions of teachers in professional courses. Part -time teacher team. It is necessary to build a "great teacher" team research platform to strengthen the study of Marxist theory and ideological and political courses. To improve the comprehensive ability of the "great teacher" team, do a good job of training in the "Da Si Political Course" teachers, the excavation and integration of ideological politics elements cannot be simply and stubbornly inserted. The silent way of moisturizing is organically incorporated. In the new era, the "Da Si Political Class" teachers should be the unity of the "class teacher" and "human teacher" to be the unity of the "scripture teacher" and "human teacher".

The author believes that universities should strengthen the system construction and create a high -quality teacher -politics teacher team. Establish and improve the system of ideological and political courses and the system of part -time teachers, and "please come in" to join the ideological and political courses for outstanding local party and government leading cadres, advanced models of various industries, heroes, and big country craftsmen; Thought teachers in ideological and political lessons "go global" to deeply penetrate the grassroots level and enrich the social experience of teachers of ideological and political lessons on the spot, and improve the teaching ability of teachers' practice. The party committee secretary and principal of the university must take the lead in entering the classroom to teach thoughts, and use important occasions such as the opening ceremony and graduation ceremony for the ceremony. Universities should introduce measures to encourage ideological and political teachers to strengthen the study and practice of ideological and political courses, strengthen the training of teachers in ideological and political courses, and promote the high -quality development of teachers of ideological and political courses. Comprehensively promoting the construction of the "Dasi Political Course" is an important measure to implement the fundamental tasks of Lide people in the new era. Under the guidance of the "Working Plan for Comprehensive Promoting the Construction of the" Da Si Political Class "", universities should take effectiveness Measures to build a "big classroom", "big platform" and "great teacher", create a "big thought class" gold class, and cultivate newcomers in the era of the recovery of the national rejuvenation.

(Author: Yang Fang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch of the Academic Affairs Office of Beijing United University; Yao Zhimin, teacher of Marxist College of Beijing United University)

【Edit: Jiang Yuwei】

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